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OK guys, I am not afraid of ReferBack

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  • #666539

    Wayne, I will email you later today with details for Playeradmin. It’s getting really late and I have work in couple hrs. I’m going to sleep. Nite


    If you wanted this to be between you and Wayne then you would not of posted it all over this forum as you already have done. So when you come down on a respected affiliate program and it’s affiliate manager with some pretty off the wall accusations you should expect other affiliates to weigh in.

    And may I just say one more thing…

    Why would you continue promoting a program month after month if you were not seeing any results, any hits, or any commission? Not every program on every site gets the same results…..Stop accusing everyone else for something you are completly in control of, and that is WHAT YOU PROMOTE.


    Yes, I think I did over react here yesterday with many of my post reading it now but the information was stated because from Jan – March, Playeradmin did not have any type of stats, “When Jan was the time he suppose to be paid”. The funny thing thing is that when he left and quit as admin, it was after this situation and his banners were removed but how can the only person who made a deposit just show up in his stats starting March till now end up with a negative charge back of $500?. (If they have told us that the person was no active, then this should not happen)
    Please understand guys, yes, it might seem I’m 2 much sometimes but I only work with my facts and I had them for an year. The problem with marketing many of the Casinos I claimed that did something wrong was that after the situation with only 4 clicks in a month, I have removed them from my front page but still had them all active from my section of the forum where “All Casino were listed”. I just felt that many of my postings were necessary and have to post because if I don’t then how can we all approve our stats and relations? Even though this situation was for Playeradmin, I had to help him for he did quit due to this and he was a good admin.

    Just curious as to why you decided to pursue this 2 months later?

    Playeradmin told me couple month ago before he quit, that he made $2000 at ReferBack. After that, he did not stop by so much at the board and did not say anything to me what happen to the payments. I thought everything was good to go and he have gotten his commission.
    Last week was when I talked with Playeradmin for a long time, just asking him how his doing and he told me ok, and all the extras,,,,,,,
    After that I asked him why he really decided to quit on me, and he told me because he couldn’t make anything with the banners that he thought he made money on. Then we got to talking and everything he said to me , was becoming suspicious so I took action. When the first time he said that all the stats were left to 0 and from the time when he did not get back anything less of the proofs. Playeradmin was only part time working for me guys, he did not know much better.
    I mean, I would be in shock also if I made $2000 and it disappeared after contacting the casino with an email.

    Oh, perhaps now you can take it up with your affiliate manager and get to the bottom of it from there via email, etc. Also, your friend can view a player audit from the fortune affiliates website to see the action as it happened. FA won’t show you ALL the statistics when you just view your earnings for the month. This could explain why the account went to zero.

    Yes, I emailed Wayne 2 days ago. :smoker:
    I’ll be waiting for your promp reply Wayne.

    p.s: I told Playeradmin to email you also, he should have emailed
    you today Wayne. Good Day.
    Scandle5 wrote:
    For everyone who knows me, I posted many Scandless things going on with Casinos that are not legit. Now, let me talk about referback for I wanted to know why my commission and stats were low when I had their banners up for 8 or 9 month now. This will sound bad but I am taking my risk because I believe that every affiliate should get paid the exact amount that is due to them. last month, I emailed referback why my stats were so low and I only had one depositing player only for 12 bucks.

    after that email, I waited for 2 or 3 weeks and finally a reply back from Wayne. wrote:
    Thank you for e-mailing

    The Belle Rock brands positioning is not optimal and this is probable the reason for the poor visitor numbers. I find that a forum is a difficult tool to use to refer players to casino brands. Most players that use forums are in it to get as many free no deposit offers they can. Another aspect is that most forum users are seasoned gamblers and have probable already sign up with most casinos in the past. I suggest a separate casino site that offers marketing text, such as the security and experience of the casino brand etc.

    I am sure you want to retain your users, however it is probably new users that are of most value to you where profit is concerned.

    We trust that we have been of assistance.

    The other problem:

    3 month ago, my admin Playadmin had Showdown Banner up and he told me that one month he made $1400. He called them and they told him on the phone that congrats, you had one big depositing player and payment will sent soon. After that week, My admin told me that he couldn’t get paid because referback told them that they gave them his money back. Now, I’m not a doctor but does this sound pretty strange? Would the Casino give the player the whole Chargeback worth of $1500?

    Playeradmin was so upset due to this situation, he quit, saying he can’t make anything from this business.

    Now for what ever it’s worth, Wayne might kick me out totally from Referback for posting this but I believe that this will help many other affiliates and if Wayne thinks that I over did it, well, if you had your stats and did not make anything and your place is pretty good with traffic, something must be wrong there. :drunk2:

    Soooo, if your a forum owner, you know why you don’t get any traffic now.

    Now, with this said, I decided to work with only the best and the honest affiliate program that actually pay the 100% to the affiliates.

    Thanks guys, if anybody have any type of opion, please post. I notice that from the big groups that I work with, fortune affiliates are the best but that’s just me, and I know some members get paid at Referback but not at fortune affiliate and that’s them but I’m just letting everyone know what I deal with.

    Thank you. :drunk2:

    p.s: I also think vegas partner has something against me 2, but please understand that I’m just trying to help everyone get paid correctly and for those places to be more honest.

    This will be my last post for awhile, I think I posted enough. Good day. :drunk2:

    I had a similar problem with Integrity. Though I had duplicate chargebacks of $1700 (i think that was the amount)2 months in a row. Never got a clear explanation, other than chargebacks happen (apparently 2 months in a row). Oh and then the player was still allowed to play? Um ok…

    It is well documented in this forum.

    I am not sure what has happened to Integrity but is it possible this kind of practice is now biting them in their sleazy ass?

    Wow, charge back that high? most of the time, they close up the account. I know what your talking about Lagunacat but in Playeradmin’s situation, the Charge back wasn’t even in his stats lol. It showed nothing at all but 0. This was in Jan, closing down to Fed but in march, they had the stats to show one closed account but I see that the same depositing player was also active when they clearly told Playeradmin that the account was closed because he had a negative charge back of -$500 on June. I don’t know what’s gonna happen but Playeradmin and I emailed Wayne. We have to see what he says, were still waiting for him to email us back. :terms: If the Charge back would have shown, I would give it a doubt, but no charge back or anything as if the player never existed at all, soooo I’m guessing this is a big mistake.
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