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Offshore Gambling Friendly Bank

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    I am moving offshore therefore I wont be relying on secrecy for anything, but I would like to know of an offshore bank that is gambling friendly. Basically a bank that wont close an account for receiving wire transfers from companies that are recognized as being gambling related, or from ewallets that would set off alarms as being gambling related. Bank can be located anywhere but the USA or Canada and will be set up exclusively to receive wires.

    Anyone know of one?


    Malta, UK and Cyprus are not anti-gambling, so I would find a bank I one of these countries

    Malta: Bank of VallettaHSBC Malta

    I don’t have any experience with banks in UK or Cyprus.

    I also found this site on google:

    We offer a full range of offshore banking services, Cayman Bank Account, Swiss Bank Account, Bahamas Bank Account, Liechtenstein Bank Account, Luxembourg Bank Account, Monaco Bank Account, Gibraltar Bank Account, Jersey Bank Account, Guernsey Bank Account, Isle of Man Bank Account, Dubai Bank Account. We also offer for the same tax havens, wealth management, asset protection trust, portfolio management, tax consultations, prenuptual agreement advice. Any individual or business in most countries can open and operate a bank account outside their own country which can have major benefits in terms of asset protection and tax relief.


    @antoine 173514 wrote:

    I am moving offshore therefore I wont be relying on secrecy for anything, but I would like to know of an offshore bank that is gambling friendly. Basically a bank that wont close an account for receiving wire transfers from companies that are recognized as being gambling related, or from ewallets that would set off alarms as being gambling related. Bank can be located anywhere but the USA or Canada and will be set up exclusively to receive wires.

    Anyone know of one?

    Sounds to me like you deal with ScotiaBank hahaha.Maybe I am wrong assuming you are also Canadian but we have a business account at td canada trust and they know we have gambling clients and accept our wires no problem.We are registered as a Advertising Company in Canada.


    You are right I am in Canada now, but the problem is I wont be for long. I just don’t want my bank account flagged due to gambling transactions at my new residence.

    I think maybe something in the UK or Cyprus makes the most sense. I would lean towards UK, as money coming in to my main account from the UK would raise less flags. Will look into it this weekend.


    Try IVO Bank – They are a brand new launch and one of the first banks to be licenced regulated by the FSA in years – Big money behind it and very serious board and CEO with good history.They wil have a massive presence at EIG as they are very agressively targeting the iGaming sector


    My bank doesn’t take care of where the money comes from. I usually receive gambling commission via Moneybookers. Then withdraw the funds from Moneybookers to my bank account without any problem just EUR2.50 fee. No intermediate bank charge included.


    @casinobonusguy 173528 wrote:

    Sounds to me like you deal with ScotiaBank hahaha.Maybe I am wrong assuming you are also Canadian but we have a business account at td canada trust and they know we have gambling clients and accept our wires no problem.We are registered as a Advertising Company in Canada.

    What would be the best place to register in that fashion in CA?



    @Foots27 176177 wrote:

    What would be the best place to register in that fashion in CA?


    when you incorporate a business in canada there are many questions to answer and you have to describe the business activities ,there you put advertising company.after you get your articles of incorporation ,you take these to the bank and when you open the business account and tell the bank same thing that you are advertising company.make the disclosure then to the business maanger that you have casinos as clients.we have never had an issue since we did our banking that way IN CANADA.


    @casinobonusguy 176209 wrote:

    when you incorporate a business in canada there are many questions to answer and you have to describe the business activities ,there you put advertising company.after you get your articles of incorporation ,you take these to the bank and when you open the business account and tell the bank same thing that you are advertising company.make the disclosure then to the business maanger that you have casinos as clients.we have never had an issue since we did our banking that way IN CANADA.

    CBG, you’re aces. Thanks for replying. :hattip: Just like the US has its infamous 11 states, would there be any provinces in Canada to avoid registering in– or any that might be considered more favorable?



    we are in ontario and the business has federal incorporation as well as provincial incorporation done.So i dont think that will matter.I am not at home now but if you want some help ,i can send you the links tomorrow that we used ,you can do it online and then you get a bunch of mail from the government to fill out after .The entire process is easy except you will need to pay a CPA to do the taxes the way the government needs them should allow $3000 a year for the cpa fees to do your books quarterly and set up the company for employees ,gst ,cpp,wsib etc.


    Thanks so much CBG, that would be great :hattip:

    all the best,


    i would recommend places outside US/Can for the time being – myself banking on Jersey (little middle of nowhere island between UK and Ireland. Bank is called Standard Bank Jersey and they provide full online access – they did ask me a few questions however. Nothing i could not answer, but it was not as if they did not give a shit at all…


    I would recommend either Laiki Bank or Bank of Cyprus, PM me for specific details if you wish.

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