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Official Statement from CAP on Recent Competitor Attacks & CardSpike

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  • #614577

    A number of posters here and elsewhere have posted that they would like to see a “truce” between GPWA/APCW and CAP, some have even said they are disappointed in us. While we can understand and appreciate everyone wants a peaceful environment to work in this is patently unfair because we have done nothing to instigate or warrant this campaign of defamation that GPWA initiated.

    For weeks we have endured constant slander from that group without doing anything. If you examine the reality of what’s happened you would agree that CAP has behaved professionally and have taken the high road despite constant provocation. We did NOT engage in any “board wars”. War was declared on us and we sat back silently waiting for it to stop.

    Here are the facts, we invite you to verify them:

    There have been absolutely no negative threads at CAP about GPWA/APCW until they published the home address of the Professor and endangered him and his family. This was a cowardly and sick thing to do to anyone. At some point you can no longer be silent when you are under constant harassment and attack and we made our one and only post on the matter.
    GPWA has been actively trying to damage both CAP and its employees for weeks. It started with polls at GPWA about who’s been banned at CAP and has been non-stop ever since. During that time we did not have one negative thread or poll about GPWA, APCW, Michael or J Todd or anyone in their organization here at CAP. If there is any doubt of that check the archives. GPWA, on the other hand had numerous slanderous and insulting threads and posts about CAP and their senior staff were seen actively fanning the flames and encouraging more posts by a small segment of their members who gravitate towards hostility and negativity. If they were a professional organization they would have stepped in and stopped that vile behavior. That’s what we at CAP do. We don’t allow slander or sniper attacks here and that’s been stated and proven over the years. The few people that we actually have banned were shown the door for this sort of hostile behavior.
    APCW has run a series of slanderous attacks in their videos on both CAP and The Professor and Warren. On CAPTV we have aired nothing negative or hostile about the GPWA or APCW. Again they have been the sole aggressor and appear to be doing their best to damage our business and community.
    We have written nothing negative or hostile in our newsletters about GPWA or APCW or their staff.
    A truce implies there are two sides actively fighting. If anyone can show where CAP, our staff or the Professor have publically made posts, threads, newsletter articles, videos or ANYTHING hostile towards GPWA or APCW then please do so. The sole post/thread at CAP regarding these constant attacks was made on Friday by the Professor when they posted his home address in their video.

    It’s a commonly used cliché that “there are always two sides to a story”, but in reality that is not always true. When people are victims of an attack very often they have done NOTHING to warrant it. If you take time to examine the facts and read everything and watch all of our videos you will see for yourself we did NOTHING to justify this behavior by GPWA/APCW.

    There was no “board war”. The smear campaign GPWA and Michael Corfman have launched on CAP and its staff is totally one sided so there isn’t much we can do to “stop the war” or “sign a truce”.

    Accusing CAP of poor behavior towards GPWA /APCW is akin to saying the holocaust had two sides and the Nazis must have acted under provocation or misconception. Sometimes what wrong is wrong and there ARENT two sides to the equation.

    There are no misconceptions either. Michael Corfman has attempted to lie his way out of their horrid behavior on Friday by saying he believed he was posting office addresses. Even if this were true, which it isn’t, it wouldn’t excuse the constant harassment and attacks on our community and staff.

    What gives GPWA/APCW the right to focus all their efforts on damaging anyone else? This doesn’t serve affiliates or the industry. It’s not being done to achieve anything positive. Would you welcome this sort of attack on you or your business? Would you tolerate this invasion of privacy?

    One thing posted that is true is this campaign of destruction by GPWA/APCW does need to stop and it needs to stop NOW.

    It’s one thing to compete in a marketplace honorably. We have built CAP with one goal in mind, strengthening the industry, our affiliate members and our certified partners. We constantly pour money into making a better and more productive environment for all members. We strive to make our conferences better and more effective. We work hard to produce a quality magazine for affiliates to learn and grow their businesses and we distribute it freely. We created ASOP to add excitement at our shows and for affiliates to cash in at our events. We have awarded over $100,000 in cash and prizes to the winners of ASOP. We give back to the community weekly via CAP Money. The point here is we give back and do our best each and every day. That’s how we compete. We do it honorably. We DON’T attempt to grow our business by negative and constant attacks on others. That is NOT honorable, it’s not professional and it’s not defendable. Unfortunately that’s the path GPWA has chosen to try to advance their position.

    Hopefully this is the last public statement we will have to issue on this. We honestly want to concentrate on making CAP a better place for you instead of wasting valuable time and energy defending ourselves from lies and rumors.

    We would appreciate your support in this matter. CAP will always be there for its affiliate members and certified partners despite the negative efforts of others. We hope we can we count on everyone to encourage GPWA/APCW to stop this abuse? It’s not a matter of choosing sides it’s a matter of seeing something terrible going on and stepping forward to help put an end to it.


    I stand behind you and always will. I love this board and you are 100% right, there has never been any bad post about anyone else or any place , besides affiliate sites that are treating affiliates badly, and thats what cap is for, to help and achieve! Not abuse and disrespect.

    These other places have alot to learn about class, honesty and respect.

    cheers to you and the staff here, i am a loyal member, and i respect how you run your business.



    fighting in public makes everyone look retarded

    posting anyone’s address in a video / online is beyond “vile” imo

    funny that you say you set up cap for any reason but than to make copious amounts of money tho. hehe. the other reasons are all worthwhile obviously, but money wasn’t mentioned once.. that kinda jumps out a bit imo.

    can someone link me to this cardspike thing? good to know exactly what is happening or has happened here.

    anyway CAP > GPWA and all those other sites imo. don’t let the b*stards grind u down CAP! :hattip:


    The Nazi analogy demeans the whole post IMO.

    Having said that I’ll always be supportive of CAP, having met the guys and being helped out more than a few times.

    In true courtroom style..

    ..however having only been made aware of the shenanigans a couple of days ago any mention of the Cardspike allegations are con****uous by their absence and it would be better to nail this accusation once and for all than to mention the Holocaust.

    With peace and love.


    eh i skim-read this thread on gpwa

    how about you answer these allegations before closing your “official response” please.

    1. CAP owning CardSpike,
    3. CardSpike not paying affiliates

    A simple True / False will suffice..

    Obviously if this is true, I have a big problem with CAP, as both an affiliate and player.


    @alexross 193592 wrote:

    eh i skim-read this thread on gpwa

    how about you answer these allegations before closing your “official response” please.

    A simple True / False will suffice..

    Obviously if this is true, I have a big problem with CAP, as both an affiliate and player.

    Their statement is on, Fridays APCW and was around here somewhere but I can’t find it – It basically says they don’t own it, don’t take any profit share, etc but in a bit more detail and in better words that I just wrote :)



    CAP/Effective Media/Card Spike clarification

    Affiliate Media Inc., a Nevada Corporation with Offices in Irvine CA., and it’s shareholders are the owner /operators of the following web properties and products:

    1. ,, – These are online communities designed to service the affiliate sector of their respective marketing niches. – Retail advertising agency with a primary focus on consumer finance and B to B sales.

    3.Joint Ventures
    A. CAP Magazine with Lyceum media (UK).
    B. CAP Euro Events with iGaming Business (UK].
    C. (ASP) exclusive marketing agent and creative direction consulting.

    Note: Affiliate Media Inc. has no ownership directly or indirectly of Affiliate (ASP) or the EU Licensed bank which maintains the affiliate accounts. We have no direct or indirect access to banking/affiliate data or users. We did help author the product to serve as a stable affiliate payment solution after the Neteller fund seizures which affected many of us in the industry.


    1. Affiliate Media Inc. has no direct or indirect ownership whatsoever in CardSpike management did pay a full certification fee for exposure on (CAP) and a full All In Partner fee for exposure on (PAP). That is the full and total extent of the relationship between the two parties.

    Effective Media Group
    Effective Media Group (EMG) is a Florida Corporation with offices in Orlando, FL. It was established by a separate set of share holders then AMI with the express intent of offering consulting services to online merchants, in ALL sectors. Our initial focus was to assist investors and operators of online gaming properties. We launched this business to satisfy the continuous requests from new and existing gaming operators for our consulting assistance and guidance with their affiliate marketing and general online marketing initiatives. In 2009, EMG will be branching out into other markets such as finance and travel to further satisfy clients without the necessary expertise to execute efficient online strategies. Both Lou and Warren maintain individual shares in EMG along with other shareholders.

    1. Affiliate Media Inc. has no shares or monetary influence in this new company whatsoever. It is wholly separate company with a different set of business goals and clients.

    2. Effective Media Group, its officers, staff and investors have no direct or indirect ownership in EMG operated as performance based consultant ONLY for an offshore investor.

    EMG was established as a consulting service, offering scalable solutions for all online marketing niches. Turnkey fully managed solutions are available or they can provide training and support for new/existing clients. We encourage you to contact the EMG corporate offices for more information on (407) 781-1492.

    Additional Notes:
    CAP and PAP have dropped certification, recommendation and support of the product. It’s our understanding that Effective Media has not been paid in full for their management services either and are pursing that vigorously with

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