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October 17, 2008 at 11:18 pm #782917
Inactive@AmCan 181455 wrote:
Ollie north selling arms to iran, Ronald Reagan arming muslim extremists in Afghanistan.
Since your the military expert nick, name some countries replacing US fighters(besides Castro jr in Venz.) with Russian fighters? Is the market supporting your idea that the MIG is a better machine than what the US is flying?
Sure, u wanna know what countries are replacing the American F-16 with the Russian MIG-29, how about America, that’s right buddy, America is buying MIG-29’s to replace their F-16’s, the only problem is that they have over 1000 F-16’s, and they need to get rid of them
So now the U.S. is peddling off those F-16’s to Turkey, Israel, Egypt, South Korea, China, Pakistan, and a few others at rock bottom prices, even giving out discounts for bulk purchases
Meanwhile, the rest of the world, including Europe’s superpowers are all buying MIG’s because they are better
The problem is that NATO, which is a Turkish/American organization are owned by Rockefeller, who owns Boeing, and they make the F-16’s, and that guy doesn’t like to lose money, so his only option towards maintaining his empire is to send your boys off to die in wars, strictly for that reason
U need to go back in time a bit to fully understand everything, basically u need to know the characters calling the shots where your future is concerned, then everything will fall into place, and u will understand, and probably be pretty angry.
It’s important to keep in mind that those in charge want America and the world divided in 2 as equally as possible, that’s why your elections are so close, it ensures a fair matchup and prolonged battle that will consume more and generate more profit for those in charge, of course it means more death but that means nothing to these characters, trust me on that, the bloodier the better, these people have some serious hate on that goes back a long way, they are some truly disturbed individuals to put it nicely.
October 17, 2008 at 11:30 pm #782918Anonymous
InactiveSure, u wanna know what countries are replacing the American F-16 with the Russian MIG-29, how about America, that’s right buddy, America is buying MIG-29’s to replace their F-16’s, the only problem is that they have over 1000 F-16’s, and they need to get rid of them
So the US air force is purchasing migs to replace F-16s? this in the black budget and being hidden from the american people by GW? Don’t recall hearing about this big US MIG buy, i better go check wikipedia.
October 17, 2008 at 11:32 pm #782920Zlzmbmax
Membernick777;181458 wrote:The problem is that NATO, which is a Turkish/American organizationIt’s official
He’s on crack, or at the very least, he’s talking out of it.
October 17, 2008 at 11:55 pm #782921Anonymous
InactiveI understand the real truth can be quite terrifying to those who were brought up to believe in a different truth, i’m sure you’ll work out your issues in time
Something in question about the validity of my statement Bet365 guy ?
Turkey has over 1 million soldiers committed to NATO, 2nd only to America, they hold more sway than almost everyone where NATO decisions are concerned, i hope u find that disturbing, i know i do
Just like the old days, the old Ottoman Turks with free reign to kill who ever they want without consequence, u may have heard of the Armenian Genocide, i always found it fascinating watching cold war changes, like Turkey, a Muslim country now part of Europe, u would think that would be a big deal, but no, it just kinda happened like it was nothing
Some of u need to get out of your box and see what’s really going on in the world, it is nowhere near what u think
October 18, 2008 at 12:07 am #782924Zlzmbmax
MemberWell for a start Turkey is NOT part of Europe.
I have heard of the Armenian Genocide.
The Ottomans, did this, The Muslims did that. If it wasn’t for the Judean People’s Front (splitters!) we’d all be praying to a different dude. Whatever.
The truth desn’t terrify me. You do.
October 18, 2008 at 12:15 am #782925Anonymous
Inactive@HodgeyBoy 181465 wrote:
Well for a start Turkey is NOT part of Europe.
I have heard of the Armenian Genocide.
The Ottomans, did this, The Muslims did that. If it wasn’t for the Judean People’s Front (splitters!) we’d all be praying to a different dude. Whatever.
The truth desn’t terrify me. You do.
I could of sworn i just recently watched Turkey almost win the Euro 2008 soccer tournament, perhaps i was imagining it, that’s right, it must’ve been a dream, cuz as u say, “Turkey is not a part of Europe”…Go check your sources
Don’t worry, i won’t give away the fact that the English are responsible for Turkey’s ressurection to power, it’ll be our secret.
October 18, 2008 at 12:20 am #782926Zlzmbmax
MemberWhat’s the difference between UEFA and the EU?
UEFA doesn’t have quite as much heavy artillery,
Yes, Turkey compete in UEFA but it doesn’t make them European, Israel take part in the Eurovision Song Contest but they ain’t part of Europe.
Unless, of course, Michel Platini is a member of the Illuminati.
October 18, 2008 at 12:35 am #782928Anonymous
InactiveHmm, i typed “Europe” into Wiki and there was Turkey, with Istanbul even considered the largest city in Europe
What a surprise
The EU, i don’t recognize them as an authority figure, according to them Switzerland is not a part of Europe so i can’t take them too seriously
October 18, 2008 at 12:43 am #782929Zlzmbmax
Membernick777;181469 wrote:Hmm, i typed “Europe” into WikiYeah but I bet that you’re the one that made that wikipedia entry, you seem to have enough free time!
“The EU, i don’t recognize them as an authority figure”
you know what.. I don’t recognise you as an authority figure :wink-wink
c’mon Nick, every where is next to SOMEwhere. Doesn’t mean that they’re ‘in’ though, does it. Isn’t there a bunker that you should be in right now?
October 18, 2008 at 12:46 am #782930Anonymous
Inactive@HodgeyBoy 181470 wrote:
Isn’t there a bunker that you should be in right now?
Can it be big enough for all of the Republican Right Wing Extremists? Just until the election is over.
October 18, 2008 at 12:50 am #782931Anonymous
Inactive@HodgeyBoy 181470 wrote:
Yeah but I bet that you’re the one that made that wikipedia entry, you seem to have enough free time!
“The EU, i don’t recognize them as an authority figure”
you know what.. I don’t recognise you as an authority figure :wink-wink
c’mon Nick, every where is next to SOMEwhere. Doesn’t mean that they’re ‘in’ though, does it. Isn’t there a bunker that you should be in right now?
U just pop up and say something that is 100% untrue, then run back under your rock in Gibralter, what is up with that, are u for real
Do me a favor, go edit that Wiki page and get rid of Turkey, somebody obviously put it up there in error
October 18, 2008 at 1:00 am #782932Zlzmbmax
MemberNick, I just think that I ‘pop up’ and say things that you disagree with. I just don’t share your opinions that’s all.
The Politics arena on CAP may often be a hot potato but i don’t think I should ignore the discussion that goes on here just for fear of offending an affiliate I might one day hope to work with.
Seems that often AM’s don’t want to get involved here but I believe in honesty of opinion in my dealings with Affiliates and I try to do the same here.
Many of your postings seems to be imbued with such a sense of foreboding that I just don’t share. That’s where I’m coming from.
October 18, 2008 at 1:11 am #782933Anonymous
Inactive@HodgeyBoy 181473 wrote:
Nick, I just think that I ‘pop up’ and say things that you disagree with. I just don’t share your opinions that’s all.
The Politics arena on CAP may often be a hot potato but i don’t think I should ignore the discussion that goes on here just for fear of offending an affiliate I might one day hope to work with.
Seems that often AM’s don’t want to get involved here but I believe in honesty of opinion in my dealings with Affiliates and I try to do the same here.
Many of your postings seems to be imbued with such a sense of foreboding that I just don’t share. That’s where I’m coming from.
U disagree with me ?
I’m sorry to be the one to tell u this, but i did not make Turkey a part of Europe, so go disagree with whoever did
October 18, 2008 at 1:25 am #782934Zlzmbmax
MemberIf you want to get semantic on my ass I don’t think anyone made Turkey a member of the EU – not for want of trying on their part.
What’s your criterion of qualification of ‘Europe’? EU, NATO, UEFA, or just pure location? Russia is next to Europe but you wouldn’t say they were European, would you.
Some borders are physical but most are ideological. Turkey may be next to Europe but they haven’t been invited to join the club just yet.
Anyway, to get back to the point.. I still think McCain is an ass. An honourable ass but an ass just the same. Obama may be no saint, but in my eyes he’s less of an ass.
Let’s decide to get back on topic and me and you can duke it out another time :inlove:
October 18, 2008 at 2:07 am #782936Anonymous
Inactive@HodgeyBoy 181475 wrote:
If you want to get semantic on my ass I don’t think anyone made Turkey a member of the EU – not for want of trying on their part.
What’s your criterion of qualification of ‘Europe’? EU, NATO, UEFA, or just pure location? Russia is next to Europe but you wouldn’t say they were European, would you.
Some borders are physical but most are ideological. Turkey may be next to Europe but they haven’t been invited to join the club just yet.
Anyway, to get back to the point.. I still think McCain is an ass. An honourable ass but an ass just the same. Obama may be no saint, but in my eyes he’s less of an ass.
Let’s decide to get back on topic and me and you can duke it out another time :inlove:
There is something seriously wrong with u
Russia is more a part of Europe than England, at least they share the same land, u can walk to Russia from anywhere in Europe, but if u wanna get to England u gotta swim for it
And Turkey has been invited to join the EU, your precious club, it’s only a matter of time, when the same people are in charge the same decisions are made
It’s all politics and goes back to what i said earlier, the powers that be want that division, and pull the wool over your eyes with great ease, Russia can’t be a part of the EU because the EU want to instigate conflict and war, it’s funny how easy former Russian states like Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, etc get into the EU, what’s your logic there, they are only a few minutes walking distance from Russia