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October 17, 2008 at 4:46 am #782813
InactiveI love this big lie that Reagan beat the Soviets. US strategy, which was designed by democrats after world war II, was to isolate the soviets and let their empire crumble under it’s own weight and mismanagement. It was George Kennan at the state department that came up with the strategy, which after 40 years finally lead to the Soviets Collapsing on Reagans watch – 7 years either way and it would have been Carter or Clinton who brought them down and you’d be explaining how it was a 40 year policy.
Boy you’re right Clinton ruined everything, the economy, the country, everything, that’s why it’s all so great right now, because George Bush has undone everything Clinton did. It’s really quite nice that Bush made the difference so clear.
October 17, 2008 at 5:38 am #782816Anonymous
InactiveFunny how it took 40 years after world war II for the “democratic plan” to work. That’s just an excuse because Reagan was a solid pure republican and it was all him.
I think we all clearly remember the Iranian Hostage situation, Jimmy Carter and the asshat democrats bumbling around for 444 days and finally sent in a rescue operation that failed with two helicopters crashing and soldiers getting killed.
Minutes after Reagan got sworn in, the Iranians released the hostages. It took a Republican to get the job done and that’s the way it’s always been. AmCan, I don’t know why you look up to Carter so much or actually thought he could take out the Soviets…
Bill Clinton was a good peace time president, but he left a lot of war problems like north korea slide on to Bush. Bush just had to do the dirty work that no one likes doing since we obviously had to go into Iraq and Afghanistan after 9/11, 95% of the country agreed at the time.
Who knows about Obama, he says were probably going to attack Pakistan, which will probably cause a nuclear war between India and Pakistan since those two countries are already at eachother’s throats. Obama might just be stupid enough to attack Russia as well over the Georgia thing or overreact to something… I would feel a lot safer with a far more experienced McCain. Obama is just going to screw things up. Sure he seems like a nice guy and he’s a great speaker but McCain has a point that he has a huge celebrity factor, because Palin and Biden really have more experience than Obama.
October 17, 2008 at 7:03 am #782819voodooman
MemberDon’t you Bush, McSame and Republican pundits get it. Your goverment lied to you about invading Iraq. Lied to you about WMD. They lied to you! They got you thinking “Ooh lets be the global heroes and go and rescue the world from this dictator and WMD.” They lied to you, simple as that. They knew there were no WMD.
Young US men and women, your children, are getting killed on a daily basis in Iraq because of this lie.
More has been said about Bill’s BJ by Republicans than has been said about this travesty of justice.
October 17, 2008 at 7:03 am #782820Anonymous
InactiveThe leader of a country should be the reflection of it’s people
U wanna talk about Clinton, sure, he was a low life scumbag, he was a liar, a cheater, and a traitor, and the biggest reason the Republicans have been in power for the past 8 years, nobody wants to see another worm like that
Now the Democrats, desparate for power, put up a black man hoping that all the black votes that come with that move will put them over the top, it’s typicallly underhanded, and don’t say he’s the best man for the job and it has nothing to do with race, there are no presidential qualifiers to determine the candidates, they’re all hand picked puppets, this was all very carefully orchestrated
The collapse of the Soviet Union ?, lol sure buddy, the Russians have surpassed America in a big way in the world of military technology, they were once almost equal, now every country is buying MIG’s from Russia instead of those outdated American junkers, and America is losing a lot of money as a result, so naturally America would love to see Russia disappear, it would be very profitable, America would hold the monopoly on war toys and charge whatever they want to other countries
Obviously America would get wiped out pretty quick if they entered into conflict with Russia, so they turn to Muslim terrorists for help, it’s the Democratic way i guess, Clinton was proof of that, shortly after he became president u might remember all the attacks on Russia and former Soviet states by Muslim terrorists, the kidnapping of school children in particular and all the hostage takings, these parasites were carrying out these attacks with weapons gifted to them by Clinton, and this is a reoccuring episode, it happened in the 70’s too, which almost led to a major conflict between the USA and Russia.
U can stand by people like that, i choose not to, and u can continue to elect people like that, but in the end u will get what’s coming to u, and u will ultimately pay the price for their decisions
I could really care less who becomes the puppet president, i am not pro-Republican by any means, but i am anti-Democrat for sure, and that’s because of the choices they made, i could care less about financial issues, humanitarian issues come first, and that’s something a lot of u need to learn
And stop pretenting that the Democrats are not allied with Muslim terrorist groups, the whole world knows they are so don’t insult people’s intelligence, i guess in your world u would call that smart business, in my world it’s called disgraceful
While most countries, like Russia for example, would have more common sense than to supply people who are more than happy to blow up themselves and everyone else with weapons of mass destruction, the Americans are more than happy to do it, anything for a buck eh
That’s your connection to terrorism, nobody else will buy your weapons, and the other weapons producers won’t sell to them, and u invested your future in war, and now u come out and say, we don’t want war, war is wrong, well tough beans, too late, u should’ve thought about that before, u are going to war, i guarantee it, all those recently formed NATO bases are not there for decor, they are stacked with outdated US war planes that the American military want gone, i feel sorry for the guys who have to fly them, they are obsolete and contracts for new planes are already in place, but first those need to be destroyed
War is big business these days, personally i can’t stand it, simply because those who deserve to die the most never do, since they only create the conflicts and just sit back and watch their blood money grow
Maybe u should address those issues honestly instead of diddling on about Joe the Plumber, none of this shit is particularly funny to anyone, and if i was an American i’d be outraged by my choices.
U might want to consider consider working together, we can set up a tag team match, the Democrat Party & Republican Party vs the Communist Party & the Ottomans
I would pay money to see that
October 17, 2008 at 7:09 am #782821voodooman
MemberWho’s smoking crack now?
October 17, 2008 at 8:20 am #782826Anonymous
Inactive@ixian 181333 wrote:
Who’s smoking crack now?
What’s up, u run out of crack on Dome 3, Mars ?
I’ll get Obama to swing by, i’m sure he’s got the crackhead vote secured
October 17, 2008 at 8:27 am #782827Zlzmbmax
MemberBack in 52′;181328 wrote:Minutes after Reagan got sworn in, the Iranians released the hostages.The hostages could have been released days earlier but those involved in negotiations for the US wanted to delay the release until after Sheriff Reagan sat down in the hot seat to give him a nice warm glow.
And as for Reagan being responsible for bringing down the Berlin Wall…….?
I am speechless; Seriously, it’s been a long time since I heard anyone say anything as dumb as that,
October 17, 2008 at 8:41 am #782828Anonymous
InactiveDid somebody say Reagan
What a howler that guy was, here is a classic Reagan moment, talking about alien invasions
The French guy’s reaction was funny, if only he knew that the Reagan plan was to impersonate aliens and scare the enemy into joining forces with America
The plan would’ve worked except for one overlooked detail, Reagan didn’t anticipate that the enemy would rather take their chances with the aliens
October 17, 2008 at 9:33 am #782831voodooman
Membernick777;181338 wrote:What’s up, u run out of crack on Dome 3, Mars ?I’ll get Obama to swing by, i’m sure he’s got the crackhead vote secured
Yes I have run out of crack, I was rather hoping you would stop by, seeing that you are in the vicinity. :tongue:
October 17, 2008 at 11:54 am #782848Anonymous
InactiveNick, are you even a US Citizen? :tongue:
You can’t even VOTE in our Elections can you?
Is that why you have your panties in a wad? :roflmao:
October 17, 2008 at 12:24 pm #782851Anonymous
InactiveWell Nick, i find your military analysis amusing, if nothing else.
Added: while i don’t doubt Russian planes can match or beat US these days, i wouldn’t say, India, Ukraine, Khazakastan, who never bought US planes and Cuba, Iran, Syria, Venezuela and other countries who the US won’t sell to has anything to do with it being a better plane. Possibly India determined it was a better price/performance deal than the US planes and is the first of a trend.And stop pretenting that the Democrats are not allied with Muslim terrorist groups, the whole world knows they are so don’t insult people’s intelligence, i guess in your world u would call that smart business, in my world it’s called disgraceful
Well Nick, you’ve left me speechless on that one.
I’ll just keep that one in mind
October 17, 2008 at 12:48 pm #782852Anonymous
InactiveMc Cain has a radical friend that seems far closer than Ayers is to Obama http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/chi-oped0504chapmanmay04,0,6238795.column
Can a presidential candidate justify a long and friendly relationship with someone who, back in the 1970s, extolled violence and committed crimes in the name of a radical ideology — and who has never shown remorse or admitted error? When the candidate in question is Barack Obama, John McCain says no. But when the candidate in question is John McCain, he’s not so sure.
Obama has been justly criticized for his ties to former Weather Underground member Bill Ayers, who in 1995 hosted a campaign event for Obama and in 2001 gave him a $200 contribution. The two have also served together on the board of a foundation. When their connection became known, McCain minced no words: “I think not only a repudiation but an apology for ever having anything to do with an unrepentant terrorist is due the American people.”What McCain didn’t mention is that he has his own Bill Ayers — in the form of G. Gordon Liddy. Now a conservative radio talk-show host, Liddy spent more than 4 years in prison for his role in the 1972 Watergate burglary. That was just one element of what Liddy did, and proposed to do, in a secret White House effort to subvert the Constitution. Far from repudiating him, McCain has embraced him.
How close are McCain and Liddy? At least as close as Obama and Ayers appear to be. In 1998, Liddy’s home was the site of a McCain fundraiser. Over the years, he has made at least four contributions totaling $5,000 to the senator’s campaigns — including $1,000 this year.
Last November, McCain went on his radio show. Liddy greeted him as “an old friend,” and McCain sounded like one. “I’m proud of you, I’m proud of your family,” he gushed. “It’s always a pleasure for me to come on your program, Gordon, and congratulations on your continued success and adherence to the principles and philosophies that keep our nation great.”
Which principles would those be? The ones that told Liddy it was fine to break into the office of the Democratic National Committee to plant bugs and photograph documents? The ones that made him propose to kidnap anti-war activists so they couldn’t disrupt the 1972 Republican National Convention? The ones that inspired him to plan the murder (never carried out) of an unfriendly newspaper columnist?
Liddy was in the thick of the biggest political scandal in American history — and one of the greatest threats to the rule of law. He has said he has no regrets about what he did, insisting that he went to jail as “a prisoner of war.”
All this may sound like ancient history. But it’s from the same era as the bombings Ayers helped carry out as a member of the Weather Underground. And Liddy’s penchant for extreme solutions has not abated.
In 1994, after the disastrous federal raid on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, he gave some advice to his listeners: “Now if the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms comes to disarm you and they are bearing arms, resist them with arms. Go for a head shot; they’re going to be wearing bulletproof vests. … Kill the sons of bitches.”
He later backed off, saying he meant merely that people should defend themselves if federal agents came with guns blazing. But his amended guidance was not exactly conciliatory: Liddy also said he should have recommended shots to the groin instead of the head. If that wasn’t enough to inflame any nut cases, he mentioned labeling targets “Bill” and “Hillary” when he practiced shooting.
Given Liddy’s record, it’s hard to see why McCain would touch him with a 10-foot pole. On the contrary, he should be returning his donations and shunning his show. Yet the senator shows no qualms about associating with Liddy — or celebrating his service to their common cause.
How does McCain explain his howling hypocrisy on the subject? He doesn’t. I made repeated inquiries to his campaign aides, which they refused to acknowledge, much less answer. On this topic, the pilot of the Straight Talk Express would rather stay parked in the garage.
That’s an odd policy for someone who is so forthright about his rival’s responsibility. McCain thinks Obama should apologize for associating with a criminal extremist. To which Obama might reply: After you.
October 17, 2008 at 9:55 pm #782908Anonymous
Inactive@ixian 181343 wrote:
Yes I have run out of crack, I was rather hoping you would stop by, seeing that you are in the vicinity. :tongue:
I’m the last guy anyone wants to see in their vicinity
Amcan, i’m glad your military expertise comes from speculation and Wikipedia, that qualifies u to be an expert here i suppose, but in the real world u might want to get yourself some better sources before commenting on things u don’t know too much about, if u want to see pics of Clinton handing over “made in the U.S.A.” weapons to Muslim terrorist groups like the KLA we have them, just put your money where your mouth is on that one.
And to the joker writing in big red crayons, what are u, 10 years old
It’s always a pleasure to step in an correct u
October 17, 2008 at 10:25 pm #782914Anonymous
InactiveOllie north selling arms to iran, Ronald Reagan arming muslim extremists in Afghanistan.
Since your the military expert nick, name some countries replacing US fighters(besides Castro jr in Venz.) with Russian fighters? Is the market supporting your idea that the MIG is a better machine than what the US is flying?
October 17, 2008 at 10:45 pm #782916Anonymous
InactiveDont forget that Obama is also funded by skynet of cyberdyne systems. This group has been linked to creating organisms of metal endoskeletons. I would be very cautious about voting this man in. The extra tax revenue will be funding this research.