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October 16, 2008 at 11:35 pm #612134
So here’s Obama tagging up with Ayer’s and pretty much started his career in Ayer’s living room. In case you democrats don’t know who Ayer’s is, he is a home-grown terrorist who bombed Washington in the 60s and is a filthy radical. Now it’s a professor at some university (don’t know what the hell kind of university hires people like that) and supposedly he’s a “changed man”. Although after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Ayer’s says we should have been bombed even worse. A moron like that should have been tried with treason.
Obama claims he has nothing to do with the guy… Then we have Obama tagging along with his radical priest Michael Pfleger,
Obama claims he has nothing to do with this guy. Then you have Obama, Ayers and ACORN trying to cheat with voter fraud.
To me it’s obvious the guy is a radical. He’s connected with so many shady figures but he downplays it constantly with his smooth talk and the democratic media quickly changes the subject. Anyone associated with a terrorist and a priest that says “God damn America” obviously should not have a vote. It’s a pile of horseshit and the democrats are reveling in it.
Anyone who votes for an inexperienced radical who idolizes terrorist gangs of the 60s, cooling it over with smooth talk, rather than a patriotic war hero who has more political and military experience than both VP candidates and Obama combined, is a complete backwards dink.
October 17, 2008 at 12:09 am #782788Anonymous
InactiveWere you even awake during the last 8 years? How about during the last few weeks, when the economy took the biggest shit since the Great Depression?
You want 4 more years of this crap? I don’t, and neither do most Americans. Obama will win the election.
October 17, 2008 at 12:11 am #782789Anonymous
Inactive@Back in 52′ 181291 wrote:
Anyone who votes for an inexperienced radical who idolizes terrorist gangs of the 60s, cooling it over with smooth talk, rather than a patriotic war hero who has more political and military experience than both VP candidates and Obama combined, is a complete backwards dink.
Why is it that when Republican’s can’t win on the issues they revert to personal attacks, distortions & distractions?
October 17, 2008 at 1:13 am #782794Anonymous
Inactive@Back in 52′ 181291 wrote:
So here’s Obama tagging up with Ayer’s and pretty much started his career in Ayer’s living room. In case you democrats don’t know who Ayer’s is, he is a home-grown terrorist who bombed Washington in the 60s and is a filthy radical. Now it’s a professor at some university (don’t know what the hell kind of university hires people like that) and supposedly he’s a “changed man”. Although after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Ayer’s says we should have been bombed even worse. A moron like that should have been tried with treason.
Obama claims he has nothing to do with the guy… Then we have Obama tagging along with his radical priest Michael Pfleger,
Obama claims he has nothing to do with this guy. Then you have Obama, Ayers and ACORN trying to cheat with voter fraud.
To me it’s obvious the guy is a radical. He’s connected with so many shady figures but he downplays it constantly with his smooth talk and the democratic media quickly changes the subject. Anyone associated with a terrorist and a priest that says “God damn America” obviously should not have a vote. It’s a pile of horseshit and the democrats are reveling in it.
Anyone who votes for an inexperienced radical who idolizes terrorist gangs of the 60s, cooling it over with smooth talk, rather than a patriotic war hero who has more political and military experience than both VP candidates and Obama combined, is a complete backwards dink.
I consider my self a fairly astute person as well as politcal junkie. I’ve followed all the elections starting with the primaries two years ago. There has been nothing in Obama’s character that has revealed he is a “radical who idolizes terrorist gangs” not one slip up since the primaries, a socialist yes. Same goes for McCain he is a decent man with a lot of intregrity.
October 17, 2008 at 1:24 am #782796Anonymous
Inactivei think that you should lay off crack. whatever made you say what you said here is priceless. i watched the debate yesterday and have to say that mccain is a prick who is old, cheap, vile, and everything i hate about defeatists.
i can only wonder if the same applies to you. but maybe next time you should check your sources before making statements like that. it could save you the embarrassment.
October 17, 2008 at 1:42 am #782799Anonymous
Inactive@splinterfree 181301 wrote:
i can only wonder if the same applies to you. but maybe next time you should check your sources before making statements like that. it could save you the embarrassment.
You should read the post, the sources are provided right there. But of course, that’s the typical Democratic bullshit response: don’t read the facts, just follow the pack. You could lay off the crack a little, get an education and learn what the definition of facts are, not automatically believe whatever Obama says.
October 17, 2008 at 1:55 am #782800Anonymous
InactiveYou want to explain why the Anneberg Foundation, which was started with money from one of the most conservative men in the US would put Bill Ayres on the board of directors if it’s so obvious?
Do you bother to look beyond the McCain press releases? Doesn’t bother you the the Anneberg foundation let a terrorist on their board? why would Walter Annegerg (friend of Nixon and Reagan), who ran the foundation until he died in 2002 put a terrorist on his board? Maybe people, including Republican Millionaires didn’t know who the hell he was.
Walter H. Annenberg enjoyed a distinguished career as a publisher, broadcaster, diplomat, and philanthropist and served as Ambassador to the Court of St. James’s, Great Britain, from 1969 to 1974. Having sold all of his publishing and broadcast enterprises, Ambassador Walter H. Annenberg established the Annenberg Foundation in 1989 as the successor corporation to the Annenberg School at Radnor, Pennsylvania. The Foundation’s Board of Trustees is comprised of Annenberg family members.
Well ’52, any reason you can think of why a former US ambassador, appointed by Nixon, would pal around with terrorists? Does the john McCain press release have any answer to this? The foundation didn’t control the organization but they do audit the programs they fund.
I won’t rail on you supporting McCain, but if you want to get us all scared about how evil obama was, i would think you’d check out this one glaring problem with the story.
here is the page at the Annenberg Foundation addressing this bill ayers story
http://www.annenbergfoundation.org/news/news_show.htm?doc_id=702786more from here: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2008/oct/10/radical-ayers-allegation/
The McCain campaign said the “radical education foundation” to which they were referring is the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a charity endowed by publishing magnate Walter Annenberg that funded public-school programs in Chicago from 1995 to 2001.
We’ll look at whether the foundation was radical. But first we have to grapple with whether Obama and Ayers ran it.
Obama served on the foundation’s volunteer board from its inception in 1995 through its dissolution in 2001, and was chair for the first four years. So an argument can be made that he ran it, though an executive director handled day-to-day operations.
Ayers, who received his doctorate in education from Columbia University in 1987 and is now a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, was active in getting the foundation up and running. He and two other activists led the effort to secure the grant from Annenberg, and he worked without pay in the early months of 1995, prior to the board’s hiring of an executive director, to help the foundation get incorporated and formulate its bylaws, said Ken Rolling, who was the foundation’s only executive director. Ayers went on to become a member of the “collaborative,” an advisory group that advised the board of directors and the staff.
However, Ayers “was never on the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge,” and he “never made a decision programmatically or had a vote,” Rolling said.
“He (Ayers) was at board meetings — which, by the way, were open — as a guest,” Rolling said. “That is not anything near Bill Ayers and Barack Obama running the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.”
October 17, 2008 at 2:16 am #782801Anonymous
InactiveSo why is it that McCain is never under fire for hanging out with the wrong group? Seems to me that McCain is clean while Obama is constantly hanging around with the wrong people. The people you hang out with means you are comfortable being around them and it tells you a little bit about that person.
Even the democratic media can’t find controversy about McCain being with the wrong people. But you hear on and on and on about Obama getting caught sticking his hands in the shit constantly. That’s not someone I’m going to vote for. That’s something you have to think about.
October 17, 2008 at 2:24 am #782802Anonymous
Inactive@Back in 52′ 181308 wrote:
The people you hang out with means you are comfortable being around them and it tells you a little bit about that person.
We hang out with you. What does that say?
October 17, 2008 at 2:26 am #782803Anonymous
Inactive@Back in 52′ 181308 wrote:
So why is it that McCain is never under fire for hanging out with the wrong group? Seems to me that McCain is clean while Obama is constantly hanging around with the wrong people. The people you hang out with means you are comfortable being around them and it tells you a little bit about that person.
Even the democratic media can’t find controversy about McCain being with the wrong people. But you hear on and on and on about Obama getting caught sticking his hands in the shit constantly. That’s not someone I’m going to vote for. That’s something you have to think about.
McCain Pals Around With A War Profiteer
The Democratic chairman of a House investigative committee presented documents to the Pentagon on Thursday alleging that a top Republican fund-raiser, Harry Sargeant III, has made tens of millions of dollars in profits over the last four years because his contracting company vastly overcharged for deliveries of fuel to American air bases in Iraq.Mr. Sargeant, who is the finance chairman of the Florida Republican Party and a major fund-raiser for Senator John McCain, did not immediately return several messages left for him on Thursday, but in the past he has denied any improprieties on the part of the the company, International Oil Trading Company, known as I.O.T.C. […]
Mr. Sargeant is one of several dozen people who are listed on Senator McCain’s web site as raising $500,000 or more for him. He was the host of a fundraiser for Mr. McCain at his mansion in Delray Beach, Fla., this year.
Sargeant, you may remember, is the McCain bundler who managed to get donations for McCain from some very unlikely sources:
The bundle of $2,300 and $4,600 checks that poured into Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign on March 12 came from an unlikely group of California donors: a mechanic from D&D Auto Repair in Whittier, the manager of Rite Aid Pharmacy No. 5727, the 30-something owners of the Twilight Hookah Lounge in Fullerton….
Some of the most prolific givers in Sargeant’s network live in modest homes in Southern California’s Inland Empire. Most had never given a political contribution before being contacted by Sargeant or his associates. Most said they have never voiced much interest in politics. And in several instances, they had never registered to vote. And yet, records show, some families have ponied up as much as $18,400 for various candidates between December and March…..
Wow. Making millions off the backs of our soldiers serving in Iraq, screwing over the American taxpayer, and collecting money from “regular Joe’s” with the help of a shadowy Jordanian businessman…John McCain certainly pals around with some interesting characters, doesn’t he? And it also raises a question that was asked but never answered in August:
If there were a group of questionable donations all with the name Abdullah
that were funneled through a guy in Jordan
who is a Jordanian national
who is under investigation for war profiteering
and it were Barack Obama
instead of John McCain
would this be a bigger deal?I think we all know the answer to that.
October 17, 2008 at 2:27 am #782804Anonymous
InactiveThe democratic media doesn’t need to come up with lies and innuendo about McCain. McCain is running on more iraq, more tax cuts, more deficits, more crap that hasn’t worked. All the media, democrat, republican or gay vegan whale lovers need to do is look at his plan, see it’s more of the same. Obama offers the same thing all democrats do, respect for personal freedom, belief the the rich and powerful are rich and powerful enough already.
The country when run by FDR, Truman, JFK, LBJ, Bill Clinton, even to some extent Jimmy carter, was better off financially, socially and internationally than the republican presidents precede or succeeding them. Just compare Bill clintons deficits, inflation, GDP and unemployment number, compare to 16 years of Reagan and Bush/Bush he beat all but 2 years of their 16 for GDP growth, every year for deficit, and nearly every year on inflation and unemployment.
October 17, 2008 at 2:29 am #782805Anonymous
InactiveMcCain Transition Chief Aided Saddam In Lobbying Effort
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/14/mccain-transition-chief-a_n_134595.html“William Timmons, the Washington lobbyist who John McCain has named to head his presidential transition team, aided an influence effort on behalf of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein to ease international sanctions against his regime.”
October 17, 2008 at 3:11 am #782807Anonymous
InactiveJimmy Carter? He’s probably the worst president out there. Hell, under him you would be paying 20% interest on loans. Under Bush, you are paying like 2%. Carter screwed up so many things.
Ronald Reagen pretty much defeated the soviet union without firing a shot and certainly preventing a nuclear holocaust. Plus he brought down the Berlin wall, he’s a national and global hero, no matter what the financials say. I’d say your smoking crack if you think otherwise.
I don’t see what I’m missing here, McCain’s plan promises to balance the budget, that’s what McCain has said all along. You must have heard this during the debates and over the past 30 years about McCain being the Reformer.
Clinton just taxed the hell out of everyone and thats originally the reason Bush cut taxes his first term because the government was overtaxing and thats why we had the surpluses and stuff. You have to remember though, in Clinton’s time, we had a dot-com boom (and Janet Reno in Clinton’s admin screwed that up by splitting Microsoft towards the end of the clinton era). Bush had to deal with a 9/11 attack so of course we were going to war and we were going to lose the surpluses.
Erik, those articles are negligable, they even say McCain had nothing to do with what those other guys were doing. You can pick out 100s of little things that the democrats can think of and it won’t compare to what Obama is associated with. I’ve haven’t heard one thing on all the major news stations like Fox or CNN, CNBC about McCain doing anything like that.
McCain, unlike Obama, doesn’t hang out with people or get associated with people (or murderes) who once bombed the nation’s capital like osama bin laden did on 9/11. If you want to talk finances, Obama never said he would balance the budget like McCain did and Obama’s plans will cost more than what Bush is doing.
McCain is strongly for freezing spending and balancing the budget, which I strongly agree with.
Check out the DOE site regarding nuclear power plants: http://www.ocrwm.doe.gov/info_library/newsroom/photos/photos_natlmap.shtml#
This is important, notice Wisconsin with just 4 nuclear power plants powers 25% of the state, or Minnesota with 3 plants powers 25% of the state. That’s just 3 plants! McCain is planning on building 48 new nuclear plants, which would almost double the number in the US. That may increase the power in Wisconsin to 50%. Imagine how much money we save. McCain also realizes that with nuclear plants, it’s easy to create hydrogen for fuel cells in cars. Imagine the billions we would save just from doubling the nuclear power, that goes back into our economy. Obama is against nuclear plants all together, which is mind blowing to me. McCain has this really though out.
October 17, 2008 at 3:56 am #782808Anonymous
Inactive‘This is important, notice Wisconsin with just 4 nuclear power plants powers 25% of the state, or Minnesota with 3 plants powers 25% of the state. That’s just 3 plants! McCain is planning on building 48 new nuclear plants, which would almost double the number in the US. That may increase the power in Wisconsin to 50%. Imagine how much money we save. McCain also realizes that with nuclear plants, it’s easy to create hydrogen for fuel cells in cars. Imagine the billions we would save just from doubling the nuclear power, that goes back into our economy. Obama is against nuclear plants all together, which is mind blowing to me. McCain has this really though out.’
So where does he plan on storing all this nuclear waste? Or is that question ignored all together on the Republican side of things?
The Yucca Mountain facility will cost more than $90 billion before all is said and done. And that is nothing compared to what would be needed for storage for all those plants. It’s funny when it comes to building Nuclear power plants the actually storing of the waste is never factored into the monetary equation. Don’t forget the cost of guarding all that waste from human error or from terrorist activity. Nuclear waste is simply burdening future generations with problems that we have now.
There are safe and true clean ways of fueling America. You can generate clean power with solar. Cars can be a combination of electric/gas hybrids. Chevrolet is releasing one of these is 2010. ( http://www.chevrolet.com/electriccar/ )The first 40 miles you drive every day will produce no emissions and use no petrol. Now imagine what you could do if private industry and the government actually invested in this technology. Investing in clean energy would not burden future generations and would save the environment . Seems more logical to me than McCains approach. To be honest even Obama is not progressive enough but he does have to satisfy all the voters who want lower gas prices now with offshore drilling promises and short term solutions.
October 17, 2008 at 4:14 am #782809Anonymous
Inactive@Back in 52′ 181317 wrote:
Erik, those articles are negligable, they even say McCain had nothing to do with what those other guys were doing. You can pick out 100s of little things that the democrats can think of and it won’t compare to what Obama is associated with. I’ve haven’t heard one thing on all the major news stations like Fox or CNN, CNBC about McCain doing anything like that.
Those articles are not negligible. They clearly show that McCain has surrounded himself with lobbyists & fundraisers with very shady backgrounds. Almost all of McCain’s advisors are former lobbyists. Who’s going to run McCain’s White House if he’s elected? Those same lobbyists & fundraisers. Also, McCain keeps saying that Obama needs to fully explain his relationship to Ayers besides serving on boards w/ him. Well, don’t you think the McCain team has checked into everything possible searching for something more? Don’t you think the Clintons also searched for anything possible to bring Obama down? If there were more to it we would know. It’s a non story as far as I’m concerned, and most Americans, judging by the latest polls about it (Fox Poll: Nearly Two-Thirds Say Ayers Makes No Difference To Their Vote – http://www.foxnews.com/projects/pdf/101008_foxpoll.pdf). Seems to only resonate to the far-right. It’s just another tactic to avoid talking about the real issues our country faces.