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July 30, 2006 at 9:11 pm #595906
InactiveFrom 1:st september the 24hPoker network with ALL of their skins , will NOT ALLOW US PLAYERS.
Royal Cardroom is one “skin”
There are MANY others.Is this something they have told you guys?
Here is the list:
24hPoker (http://www.24hpoker.com)
Betbutler (http://www.betbutler.com)
BetUnited (http://www.betunited.com)
Bet and Game (http://www.betandgame.com)
i4Poker (http://www.i4poker.com)
No1Gaming (http://www.no1gaming.com)
Potraiser (http://www.potraiser.com)
Redbet (http://www.redbet.com)
Sunderlands (http://www.sunderlands.eu)
Unibet Group Plc (http://www.unibet.com)
Vadet (http://www.vadet.se)Partners via 24hNetwork:
4Kings (http://www.4kings.com)
66 Poker (http://www.66poker.com)
727 Poker(http://www.727poker.com)
Aha Poker (http://www.ahapoker.com)
AHOY Poker (http://www.ahoypoker.com)
Asteria Poker (http://www.asteriapoker.com)
Backroom Poker(http://www.thebackroompoker.com)
Bamba Poker (http://www.bambapoker.com)
Best Poker (http://www.bestpoker.com)
Bet4E (http://www.bet4e.com)
Betlads (http://www.betlads.com)
Black Card Poker (http://www.blackcardpoker.com)
Caliber Poker (http://www.caliberpoker.com)
Cap Bet Poker (http://www.capbet.com)
Cool Poker (http://www.coolpoker.com)
DLP (http://www.deniselopezpoker.com)
Dreamland Poker (http://www.dreamlandpoker.com)
ePokerKing (http://www.epokerking.com)
HorsesBet (http://www.horsesbet.com)
Equal Chance Poker (http://www.equalchancepoker.com)
Farsi Poker (http://www.farsipoker.com)
Fitzwilliam Poker (http://www.24hcashier.com/fitzwilliam)
Glocal Poker (http://www.glocalpoker.com)
Go Play (http://www.goplay.ru)
Goodguys Poker (http://www.goodguyspoker.com)
Gutshot.com (http://www.gutshot.com)
Heypoker (http://www.heypoker.com)
Irish Eyes Poker (http://www.irisheyespoker.com)
JetBet Poker (http://www.jetbetpoker.com)
Major Poker (http://www.majorpoker.com)
Martins Poker (www2.martinspoker.com)
Metelitsa Poker (http://www.metelistapoker.ru)
Metropokeri (http://www.metropokeri.com)
MetroPokker (http://www.metropokker.com)
Montreal Poker (http://www.24hcashier.com/montreal)
Norpoker (http://www.norpoker.com)
Piraya Poker (http://www.pirayapoker.com)
Point Poker (http://www.pointpoker.com)
PokerAnts (http://www.pokerants.com)
Poker Club Europe (ww.pokerclubeurope.com)
Poker Dandy (http://www.pokerdandy.com)
Pokerdassi (http://www.pokerdassi.com)
Pokerihuone (http://www.pokerihuone.com)
Pokerium (http://www.pokerium.com)
PokerKKK (http://www.pokerkkk.com)
PokernBets (http://www.pokernbets.com)
Poker Plaza (http://www.pokerplaza.com)
Poker Polska (http://www.pokerpolska.com)
Poker Zon (http://www.pokerzon.com)
Rival Poker (http://www.rivalpoker.com)
Royal Card Room (http://www.royalcardroom.com)
Sense Poker (http://www.sensepoker.com)
Skandia Bet (http://www.skandiabet.com)
Staffpoker (http://www.staffpoker.com)
Stingbet (http://www.stingbet.com)
Tip-Ex (http://www.tipexpoker.com)
Tipsnyttpoker (http://www.tipsnyttpoker.com)
Top Ranked Poker (http://www.toprankedpoker.com)
Topstakes (http://www.topstakes.com)
U2Poker (http://www.u2poker.com)
UvsPoker (http://www.uvspoker.com)
Vision Game (http://www.visiongame.com)
VSPoker (http://www.vspoker.com)
Wall Street sport betting (http://www.wallstreetsportsbetting.com)
Wasa Poker (http://www.wasapoker.com)
Wass Poker (http://www.wasspoker.com)
Winning 365 (http://www.winning365.com)July 30, 2006 at 9:21 pm #700461Anonymous
InactiveYou will see everyone who operates from the US do that.
July 30, 2006 at 9:38 pm #700462Anonymous
InactiveDominique, I posted this for you guys.
BTW. This has NOTHING to do if they operate from the US.
Everyone who is a US citizen will be BANNED as from the first of SEPTEMBER.
If you already signed up with any of the 24hPoker sites and you are a US citizen, you will be BANNED!!!!!!!!Thats a fact.
July 30, 2006 at 10:36 pm #700468Anonymous
InactiveNot like to add on this?
September 2, 2006 at 2:50 am #704309Anonymous
InactiveIf they dont allow usa players surely they dont allow usa affiliates or do they?
Anyone from 24h in the house?
September 2, 2006 at 2:12 pm #704340Anonymous
Inactiveaxl wrote:If they dont allow usa players surely they dont allow usa affiliates or do they?Anyone from 24h in the house?
Humm that’s a very good question and has come up in the past.
I don’t think any program ever banned U.S. affiliates … but I may be wrong.
September 2, 2006 at 4:22 pm #704353Anonymous
InactiveNever heard of US affs being banned either.
July 17, 2007 at 7:34 pm #742764Anonymous
InactiveDo they allow US afilliates?