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No1 Poker Room – Rake City

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  • #592621

    My sites Muck Happens and Ladies of Holdem held a private tourney @ No 1 Poker Room on 2/12/2006

    The prize pool for this game was $200 to be paid out by Rake City (their aff program). Today is the 15th, and still my players have not been paid. As I keep a very accessible image on all of my sites.. I have dealt with numerous emails and instant messages from miffed players and their friends..

    On the 13th, after the players should have already been paid, I was pretty patient with No1 .. After all, everyone is new and learning sometime.. As time draws on I continue to hear “no worries” from Karl, but my players still have not recieved their prize money!

    I really hate having to write this post, as over the last few months, i have really come to like working with Karl but I am still seeing no action, and something has to be done.

    This is a recent Yahoo IM conversation between Karl and myself
    dukesy68: I was out of country all day yesterday.

    dukesy68: Send me her email addy and I will personally paypal the cash to her

    cathymlr: She is not the only person I heard from all day… and the prize
    money is not the major concern here.. When we promote gambling online, we ask page viewers to trust us, and to use their credit cards online, and to gamble with casinos that we promote.. I was under the understanding that you were taking care of their prizes last night… it isn’t only the reputation of no1 poker room that is involved.. but the reputation of my websites, that I have spent nearly 12 hours per day for months now promoting..

    dukesy68: I understand that. The prob is actually at primas end.

    dukesy68: they havent took the money from my accoutn (bear in mind I set this up personally, ie. through my OWN account, not no1 !)

    dukesy68: I am waiting for a response from operator to ensure that the winners ARE actually no1 members.

    dukesy68: To be fair, the tourney WAS Sunday night, and it IS only tues am …we have only had one working day since !

    cathymlr: I don’t know what to say right now. I am not ignoring you. The longest players have ever waited, is a couple hours, that was our very first game with **casino name edited out**, also held in the private games section of the software.. He was still pretty new, as I’m aware you are as well, I was patient with him, as I’m trying to be with you. Later, he learned how to place the tournaments in the main Multi Tournament section of the software, and there weren’t any further programs. Today, my website has crashed, and I am trying to fix that problem, and it’s almost 3 in the morning, so maybe my patience is wearing thin. Hopefully, all will be fixed tomorrow, and we can see if we will be able to move past this.

    dukesy68: sorry again… I will fix it,..dont worry !

    dukesy68: Get your website sorted and lets chat again tomorrow

    dukesy68: (Once everyone is sorted!)

    cathymlr: Alright, have a good day, and I will talk to you tomorrow :)

    dukesy68: u2..cya


    This is a thread in my forum on the subject


    I am surprised at Prima. Microgaming, regardless of what I think of them regarding affiliate stats, has always been very careful as to who to grant licences. Lately I have to wonder if they are as carfeful with their poker rooms as they are with their casinos.


    I spoke with Karl (mediahut) from Rake City via instant messenger tonight, after which time the owner of No1 Poker Room called and spoke to me on the telephone. He assured me that he HAS AUTHORIZED the payment. He said that he does not know why the payment has not been processed. He promised to find out why. He said that he will pay my players via Neteller if need be..

    No1 Poker Room, and RakeCity, could have both just ignored me if they were avoiding payment.. realizing that, I felt obligated to update this thread…

    Payment may end up being made via Neteller to my players, which is a little odd, but so long as the players have Neteller, it’s acceptable.

    I realize that this is all very new to No1 Poker Room.. I am hoping that this can be resolved very soon! So before I pass judgement, I am allowing the learning curve.. albiet.. relunctantly .. afterall.. we are all new at one point..

    I will post again when the players have been paid, or with any other pertinent info.

    Cathy – LadyHoldem


    All players were paid today :)!

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