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  • #628607

    Hello all,

    Firstly, great site CAP and I look forward to learning and contributing to your site. I’ve been reading for a little while to pick up some knowledge, but I still have a few questions if you guys wouldn’t mind helping with.

    Onto my questions: can you please tell me how to protect my referrals so they are properly tagged me when they click through my banners? Is there an aggressive method that unscrupulous others can employ to steal my traffic and if so what can I do to prevent them?

    Is it ‘last cookie wins type’ referral? So if my traffic has already visited days ago or even another affiliate site, but then clicks through my banner, will I be credited with this referral?

    I noticed when I visited one casino operator that a pop up appeared promoting another of their brands. This was quite disconcerting because if I drive my traffic to them and choose not to promote one of their other brands I might then lose them UNLESS my referral is still being tracked – and I’m highly suspicious that it won’t be. I was more shocked because it’s quite a large and well known brand. Is this normal?

    Are the b-tag methods a perfectly safe and reliable method of tracking?

    Any more advice for a newbie such as the most important mistakes not to make etc would be most appreciated.

    Many thanks!


    Hello all,

    Just following up on my post as I’ve started joining affiliate programs but am really not comfortable with a reportedly respectable operator showing a pop up saying ‘want to try one of our partner casinos’ when I go to their home page.

    This is by the way. A very, very big company and I’m surprised that they will participate in these kind of tactics. Unless they are actually tracking any players that are referred when they play on a partner site. How can we be sure of this?

    Any advice appreciated, thanks.


    With that one, or anyone for that matter, contact the program and see what their answer is.

    I asked the same question to a different casino regarding one of my international casino sites that suggested a USA site instead. There answer was yes.

    But check with them for their answer. If the answer looks suspicious, check it out here!



    I try to answer, but of course i’m not talking for every affiliate program in the industry, I just talk about the one I represent:

    can you please tell me how to protect my referrals so they are properly tagged me when they click through my banners? Is there an aggressive method that unscrupulous others can employ to steal my traffic and if so what can I do to prevent them?

    A: To who are you referring when you mention “unscrupulous other”? I think the best way to make sure that your links are working fine, is to make a test: register and account using one of your links, deposit, play a little bit, wait 24h and see what happens to your stats

    Is it ‘last cookie wins type’ referral? So if my traffic has already visited days ago or even another affiliate site, but then clicks through my banner, will I be credited with this referral?

    A: Yes, last cookie wins

    I noticed when I visited one casino operator that a pop up appeared promoting another of their brands. This was quite disconcerting because if I drive my traffic to them and choose not to promote one of their other brands I might then lose them UNLESS my referral is still being tracked – and I’m highly suspicious that it won’t be. I was more shocked because it’s quite a large and well known brand. Is this normal?

    A: Can’t answer this one, as we do not do cross branding via Pop up; if you don’t like the idea (I wouldn’t), promote a program who doesn’t do cross branding via Pop

    Are the b-tag methods a perfectly safe and reliable method of tracking?

    A: they work for us just fine




    Thanks for the info, Roberto.

    A: To who are you referring when you mention “unscrupulous other”? I think the best way to make sure that your links are working fine, is to make a test: register and account using one of your links, deposit, play a little bit, wait 24h and see what happens to your stats

    I mean like if somebody was able to somehow put an aggressive cookie on their site which can overwrite the last cookie that actually converts them. I guess I also mean is there any way somebody can steal the referral that you manage to send through by redirecting etc?

    I have contacted Mansion to ask the question regarding cross promotion with no response yet – I follow up with my progress on here.

    I did actually sign up through our own banners and waited a few days in case it took some time to refresh data. Some programs showed click throughs and registrations successfully and some showed registration but no click through even though I did go through our own banner and some showed nothing at all! It could of course be our own error with the tagging which I’ll have to follow up.

    I guess there’s a lot to learn and I want to make sure I have the basics right first before moving onto the more advanced stuff.

    Thanks for your help.


    @rmeeuwsen 244924 wrote:

    With that one, or anyone for that matter, contact the program and see what their answer is.

    I asked the same question to a different casino regarding one of my international casino sites that suggested a USA site instead. There answer was yes.

    But check with them for their answer. If the answer looks suspicious, check it out here!

    It would be interesting to see if they do remain tagged and I guess the only real way to find out is to sign up and be cross marketed to!


    yup test test test :)


    I don’t think is really possible to make an “aggressive cookie” (funny definition); also if it would be possible with some malicious script, it would be defenitly black hat SEO, so very soon creating problem with Google; regarding clicks tracking, web analytics are not perfect: when I work with my affiliates, I remind them that the most significative data are registrations/deposits rather than impression/clicks: if you tested one of your link, registered and it is not showing, then there is clearly a problem…


    It’s always a good idea before promoting a program to find out exactly what their cookie life is or how they register a sign-up. For instance, Referback, if a player is already registered with another affiliate on say Gaming Club and they click through a link on your site and sign-up to Jackpot City, the first affiliate will be accredited with the signup. Meaning, No soup for you!


    Hmmmm, thanks for that. That’s good to know but also a little disconcerting! In fact, very worrying and not right at all.

    I know some affiliates go for the cast a wide net approach and offer every operator under the sun, but I’m a bit more targeted and try to promote only the quality sites that are suitable for my traffic to avoid the paralysis of choice. That’s a real shame as I’m going to have to reconsider listing Jackpot City. I do like their product, but that just isn’t right.


    @iLoveDaCake 246335 wrote:

    I’m going to have to reconsider listing Jackpot City.

    It’s not a bad thing if your hitting a new market. However the big problem comes if the niche your targeting has been blanketed by other affiliates or even referback themselves (as affiliates we’re also in competition with the casinos) who has done a heap of off-line marketing in the past and continue to do so.

    As an example, way before the UIGEA came into force,when I was hitting the USA, I could never figure out why I had so downloads/visits but less than a 0.1% sign-up/deposit ratio at refereback. When I was told what I’ve shared above, it all started to make sense.

    Why do you think referback and other aff programs are cutting 40% rev share deals now, because they’re top blokes! No, they know the markets have been hit hard and obtaining new players is even harder. High rev share, more exposure for the program, more likely to milk the rest of the crumbs laying around.

    While I still list them, I don’t heavily market them cause it ain’t worth IMHO. I’d rather push another casino or group where I stand a better chance of bagging players and not wasting my time on players who are likely to already be assigned by proxy, to another affiliate ;)



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