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new websites review needed

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  • #628783

    new here and new to affiliation of casino related sites.
    please give me the bad, the ugly and the good of Great Canadian Online Slots Action

    thank you


    Hey green0, Welcome to CAP! Good to have you here. The first thing that stuck out to me was how fast your page loaded. Kudos to you! :hattip:On a visual level, the background is a bit distracting to me. Nothing wrong with textured, but the choice in color seems a bit drastic compared to the top image.. but this could just be my opinion too! Definitely get some social-media plugins going, as well as a Contact Us form…people may be too lazy to type in your e-mail into theirs when they want to contact you. You have some excellent programs represented and a clean layout, but I would definitely work on the content too. Bolding important words or including links to articles will keep your visitors engaged, and make sure to watch the size of your fonts and spacing between words as well.

    All in all, you are off to a great start. I would definitely focus on making the whole site visually appealing as your next step! Best of luck to you!


    Hi green0,

    No point beating around the bush. Better to be straight up. Least this way you stand the best possible chance of not wasting your time and maxumising you chances of making some dollars.

    Frankly, what you have now is known as a banner farm. These type of sites worked back 10 years ago but they don’t now. If your serious about setting up an affiliate based site, spend some time going around and checking out what others do.

    I’d strongly suggest using a WordPress CMS. The advantaged of this are:

    • All the coding is done for you.
    • CSS driven as apposed to clunky tables etc etc.
    • WYSIWYG content editing.
    • Literally 1000’s of free plugins to improve all aspects of you site functionality.
    • Out of the box WP has great SEO built in, add an SEO plugin and it helps a lot.
    • 1000’s of free theme templates – just install and activate.
    • Automated blog pinging service + Google seems to like WP.

    Honestly, if you put the hard yards in now and establish a site which looks appealing to your site visitors, then your much more likely to start producing income.




    Hi Green0 – welcome aboard , I see you have taken AussieDaves advice and taken off the banners – good shout despite his harsh words he has a good sense of knowledge and also knows how to not dissolution anyone, so well worth taking note IMH. You should try and look into programs like Artiseteer which help you design wordpress/Joomla templates, really easy to use and you can have a great site up in no time at all. Good luck with it, the hardest a part is sticking at it – Good luck!


    IDK but looks like green0 is trying to score link. listed as contact on

    What we do
    Casino SEO
    From link building to on site optimization.
    I really dislike peeps who come here, ask for help only to find their intention is not legit:cuss:


    @AussieDave 246613 wrote:

    What we do
    Casino SEO
    From link building to on site optimization.
    I really dislike peeps who come here, ask for help only to find their intention is not legit:cuss:

    they forgot to add we do banner farming :capmiami:


    And … the “6 of the best casinos dot com” have actually only 5 casinos listed … and on the “banner farm” some of the home banners aren’t working.:dontget:

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