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August 2, 2004 at 2:26 pm #585969
InactiveThe new Fortune Affiliates system is live!
The new and improved FA system is everything you’ve always wanted in an affiliate system, and more.
We’ve listened to what you need in order to make serious money, and we’ve built the new system with your interests at heart.The new system offers a variety of benefits that should greatly assist your business, including but not limited to the following:
*Bullet-proof tracking
*Advanced reporting and functionality
*Greater transparency on player details and demographics
*More creative material and marketing resourcesWe trust that you’ll enjoy and benefit from working with our new system and look forward to your comments. We KNOW that it will mean more money for you as we work together to take Fortune Affiliates to the next level in Affiliate marketing!
Logging In:
The login process is slightly different for the new system. There is now a 3-part login process using e-mail, password, AND account number. Your e-mail and password remain the same but the account number changes slightly. If your old account number was EHR0000009752 then your new account number is FA9572 (case sensitive). Use all 3 pieces of info to login to the new system. Any problems click on the “Forgot your login details” to have your details sent to you.Click here – http://www.FortuneAffiliates.com
Please use this thread for postings relating to the new system.
Thanks for the patience.
It was worth it!__________________
Operations Manager
Fortune AffiliatesAugust 2, 2004 at 2:34 pm #652920vladcizsol
MemberDo we have to change our existing links to take advantage of the new tracking system?
August 2, 2004 at 2:40 pm #652922Anonymous
InactiveHi Prof
Thanks for the message.
The new system has been designed fully backward compatible.
This means ALL old tags will work!!
We suggest that as you take new media items you migrate to the new tags but the old tags will still work.At some point in the future we may turn these off but you guys will have plenty of warning!
August 2, 2004 at 2:43 pm #652923vladcizsol
MemberAt some point in the future we may turn these off but you guys will have plenty of warning!
😮 😮 😮
Yes, please provide at least 90 days forwarning for this type of change as many of us have literally thousands of pages that may need to be updated.
August 2, 2004 at 2:56 pm #652925Anonymous
InactiveI’m unable to log in to the new system.
I get an “affiliate not found” message.
August 2, 2004 at 3:21 pm #652927Anonymous
InactiveI love it. It’s nice and smooth.
I am not sure of the meaning of all the abbreviations. Is there a legend someplace?
Also, there is text I should be reading – but I can barely see it. For all purposes – to me it is invisible. Could you please make the print dark enough so baby boomers don’t have to run the the doctor for glasses? Darker text would fix the entire problem as I don’t have trouble reading online anyplace else. Thanks.
Also, I agree with the professor – we need lots of notice to change links.
These are minor points though – overall I just love the new setup.
August 2, 2004 at 3:34 pm #652928Anonymous
InactiveHi Dominique
There is a legend just above the table below the Month selection.
I have also included a copy of the legend at the bottom of this post.There will be plenty of notice if we decide to change tags.
I like Prof’s time frame for changing tags.
We therefore guarantee 90 days notice (thanks Prof!) for changing tags if we decide to in the future.Casino Abbreviations
MTD Visits – Month to date Visits
MTD DL – Month to date downloads
NGA – New Guest Accounts
NRA – New Real Accounts
NRPWA – New Real Purchasing and Wagering Accounts
TRPWA – Total LTD Real Purchasing Wagering Accounts
NLA – New Locked Accounts
MPA – MTD Purchase Amount
NGR – Net Gaming RevenuePoker Abbreviations
MTD Visits – Month to date Visits
MTD DL – Month to date Downloads
NRA – New Real Accounts
NRPRA – New Real Purchasing and Raked Accounts
TRPRA – Total LTD Real Purchasing and Raked Accounts
NLA – New Locked Accounts
NGR – Net Gaming Revenue (Net Rake)Thanks.
August 2, 2004 at 3:55 pm #652929Anonymous
InactiveDuh! I didn’t read the directions closely enough–sorry–I’m able to log in now.
August 2, 2004 at 4:14 pm #652930Anonymous
InactiveThe new site looks great and the new system looks great.
Nice job. 😎
August 2, 2004 at 6:54 pm #652942Anonymous
InactiveFanastic new system. Great Job Fortune.
August 2, 2004 at 11:48 pm #652960Anonymous
Inactive*Bullet-proof tracking
Maybe Ill load the old Glock up with my shiny new magazine and take a few shots … lets see how good it is
*Greater transparency on player details and demographics
Say what?
Hmmm I am unable to login – oh well I reckon my account was totally disolved by Jonathon … LOL
August 3, 2004 at 9:45 am #652965Anonymous
InactiveHi Arkyt
Thanks for the response.
It’s always a pleasure to read your posts!The tracking means that we are confident in the system tracking.
Let me know how it goes with the Glock!
Feel free to PM me with anything.The transparency refers to the player reports that we now have.
There are numbers assigned to each player which means that you can keep track of players.
We also have more player info in our “Player Data Report”.
This details players sex, age, and location.
Access to these features means player activity is more transparent and you can learn more about your players!This is what we are referring to.
In terms of logins, there is a mail going out today with your details in it.
Not sure who you are in our prgram so difficult to help but I doubt Jon did that!Thanks for keeping me on my toes!
August 3, 2004 at 12:47 pm #652970vladcizsol
MemberIs the site down this morning? I havent been able to access stats today.
August 3, 2004 at 1:37 pm #652972Anonymous
InactiveYes its down. They are working on it.
August 3, 2004 at 3:38 pm #652978Anonymous
InactiveThe new system has gone live and it looks great!
Some of you may be having a problem viewing the new site today.
This is due to DNS issues at an ISP level that has
caused problems on 2 of the servers in our cluster.
Most people are not having problems in this regard.
The DNS is busy propogating and should be finished globally
in the next 12 hours. Until then certain areas in the world may
experience problems.This occured without our knowledge and is beyond our control.
We have dealt with the parties concerned, but at this stage it
is a waiting game until propogation finishes everywhere.ATTENTION:
We’ve included some info below about the new system.
Please read this as it should answer most of your questions.Logins:
Please use your e-mail address, password and account number to login. Your password is the same and your e-mail and account number have been sent to you.Old tags:
All old tags will work in the new system.
We suggest that you start migrating to new tags but ALL the old tags will still work and be tracked correctly.Stats abbreviations:
On the Stats page there is a legend above the stats table.
Click on “View Legend” to see what the abbreviations mean.Thank you for patience and understanding with this.
Even we are subject to Internet issues beyond our control! -