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New Member – Looking for Tips

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  • #593993

    Greetings Everyone,

    I am new to the casino world, and would love to learn tips from anyone willing to share. I have built my first website, (it’s kinda shabby – don’t have the greatest host or templates) Take a look at it…..I would love suggestions on making it look better.

    Also, I am looking for anyone who would like to trade links with me, I have been getting close to 50 unique visitors a day and I have only been up for close to a week.


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    Hi Jessica welcome to the You will find several areas on CAP that offer you all the resources you need and there is even an area where you can get others to review your site.


    I dint read the other replys yet, so forgive me if I repeat something.

    Here are my tips:

    1. Stick with it no matter how much or little business you get in the begining.

    2. Be prepared to work day and night.

    3. Don’t get offended if someone suggests something to you.

    4. Ask you’r affiliate managers questions and let them know you expect their help and advise and that you will take and use that advise.

    5. Stay away from gimmicks, both on your site and beware of them visiting you through email.

    6. Learn about SEO.

    7. AND most important, try to spend about 20-30 minutes each day for at least the next 90 days reading the posts and replys in this fourm that relate to your goal. There is a ton of good gaming info in here and while you might not always agree with the non gaming issues, most of the ppl in here are experts on gaming websites, so I would take this fourm seriously ( the gaming / website part at least)…Hey , good luck.


    niche, niche, niche, niche, niche, niche, niche, niche, niche, niche, niche, niche, niche


    niche – yes.

    Be unique. There are a zillion gambling sites online – and you don’t want to be one of the big mass that all looks alike and has the same content.

    Don’t be afraid to make your site appeal to a certain group of people. You really can’t please everyone, so just make sure you please the group you know somthing about and understand. Who do you want to like this page? Young males? Older males? Young females? Older females? People who are new to gambling? Experienced players? You can adjust the look and feel and content accordingly.

    Build the site for the visitor, and then optimize it for the engines, not the other way around.

    Your front page – it has so many fat print casino terms I can’t get myself to read it. It’s irritating.

    You don’t have to do this fat print thing, it’s an outdated seo technique. And you way overdid it. And make the Phoenecian banner smaller – 250×250 is plenty big. I almost stopped scrolling when I hit the banner because I could see nothing below it.

    I like the personal approach of the writing. It’s a good start, you haven’t made 80% of the mistakes most newbies make. :)


    Make sure your content if of a high level and unique and not the usual blah blah. A visitor will be able to tell the difference between slap job content and high quality stuff. I found that it is worth investing that bit more in quality content.


    Wow 50 unique visitors per day after just 1 week, I’d say you are already well on the way to good things!
    The key thing for me is links, the more the better, if you can afford it go and buy a load of links from an seo company. I also agree with the point that the site has to useful for visitors and this includes cutting down on the page sizes etc. Also don’t give up if it takes a while for you to get your first players, they will come and when you first get one then they will start trickling in steadily and before you knwo it you’re making good money, going to the conferences and all the other good stuff. :)


    My understanding is that “ads by Google” on gambling related websites is against Googles “terms of service”.


    From what I know you cannot buy ads on google, yahoo etc for gambling that was in the settlement they made with the doj.


    :hattip:I have made a few changes, and want to thank everyone for their comments and advice.

    I still have alot of learning to do, but I am getting there.

    Does anyone have a suggestion for a quailty program to build a website with pre-made templates? I have better ideas, just unable to do it with the web program I have.

    I am getting ready to start web programming classes, so I would like something easy to start please. I own 7 domain names that I would like to start building.

    Thanks Everyone Again


    I would love to take programming classes, just finding the time is

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