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new casino site

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  • #609865


    I am making a new casino site, mostly for B&M casino players from Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia. This are mostly middle age people, I would say around 40 years old.

    I chose domain name or

    I am not sure which one of those to use, since some players don’t speak English and therefore would not understand this “4”. I was also thinking to use both of them at once so the players who are familiar with it could use “4” instead of “for”.

    If you have any thoughts or suggestions on this I would be thankful to hear it.


    I would think players from Europe would understand “4” rather than “for”, but I don’t know for sure.

    I don’t know if it’s just me or not, but when I see domains using 4 instead of for, I seem to think that the site is less reputable. I’m not sure why that is though.



    I don’t think the “4” makes the site seem less reputable … a bit less professional, maybe, but not to any great extent. Interesting that that’s your initial reaction, Focal. I wonder if anyone else has that same reaction?

    If it’s in your budget, guljo, and since it seems that you’re already leaning toward this decision, I’d grab both domain names and have them direct to the same page. That way, if your site becomes successful in the future, you block the attempt to copycat it using the alternate domain.


    Yeah of course, I own both domain already, I was thinking about it mostly becouse of offline advertising I will run.

    But I think I will use both of them so the both “4” and “for” will be visible.

    Interesting thought about less reputable sites that are using “4” only, I will keep this in mind for sure.

    Focal;169771 wrote:
    I don’t know if it’s just me or not, but when I see domains using 4 instead of for, I seem to think that the site is less reputable. I’m not sure why that is though.

    I think the same.


    I think young peoples use more that 4. So for midle age peoples the for would be better.


    I like 4 more for branding especially offline – no idea if no English speakers will get it but they it could make it more memorable for a non english speaker as they are likely to know the word casino and euro

    One other thing of interest is if you are targeting Asia (mainly China) don’t use the number 4 it can also mean death so never a good idea:Cry:


    Can you clarify that relationship between four and death??


    @james 169831 wrote:

    Can you clarify that relationship between four and death??

    Basically in Chinese and some other Asian languages words sound like other words when pronounced, which is why 8 is very lucky (it sounds like prosper and wealth) Again when you go to Macau you will Stanley Ho’s casino is in the shape of a pineapple because the word for pineapple also sounds like luck –

    Here is teh exerpt from wiki on 4 (

    Main article: Tetraphobia
    Number 4 (四; accounting 肆; pinyin sì) is considered an unlucky number in Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Japanese cultures because it sounds like the word “death” (死 pinyin sǐ). Due to that, many numbered product lines skip the “4”: e.g. Nokia cell phones (there is no series beginning with a 4), Palm PDAs, Canon PowerShot G’s series (after G3 goes G5), etc. In East Asia, some buildings do not have a 4th floor. (Compare with the American practice of some buildings not having a 13th floor because 13 is considered unlucky.) In Hong Kong, some high-rise residential buildings miss ALL floor numbers with “4”, e.g. 4, 14, 24, 34 and all 40-49 floors. As a result, a building with 50th as the highest floor may actually have 36.

    Number 14 is considered to be one of the unluckiest numbers in Chinese culture. Although 14 is usually said as “shi si,” which sounds like “ten die”, it can also be said as “yi si” or “yao si”, literally “one four”. Thus, 14 can also be said as “yao si,” literally “one four,” but it also means “want to die” (要死 pinyin yào sǐ). In Cantonese, 14 sounds like “sap6 sei3”, which sounds like “sat6 sei2” meaning “certainly die” (實死).

    53 – In Cantonese, “ng5 saam1” sounds like “m4 sang1 (唔生)” – “not live”.

    Ironically, in the Rich Text Format specification, language code 4 is for the Chinese language.”

    Sorry for changing the thread subject – Back to Europe


    I think the decision is simple now, I will just use hybrid between 4 and for and use both of them at the same time later I will see how many people enter the site from both addresses.

    Thanks for all ideas guys

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