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March 11, 2005 at 7:59 pm #588069
InactiveThe APCW has released its First Quarter 2005 Audit Reports. These audits were conducted throughout Last Quarter 2004 and this year, and are available in the “Members Area” at the main site.
In addition, we will be releasing another auditing report early next week which we want to make certain all webmasters read. We feel this report contains information all casino webmasters need to be aware of.
Thanks so much…
March 11, 2005 at 8:32 pm #662806vladcizsol
MemberThanks for the update J. Todd
March 12, 2005 at 9:51 am #662816Anonymous
Can you resend me the stats sheet, Had to reformat my pc, lost your email addy and can’t fine Feb. Stat requests.Also, I Know i told you Thorsten (the old Global Player rep) from Kiss and Giant Vegas was cool, but now I can’t get into either of their sites, any insight on this?
March 12, 2005 at 7:54 pm #662818Anonymous
I will resend the Stats Request for February in just a bit. Once the new, automated Stats Interface is in place, it will automatically send Stats Requests on the 5th and 15th of each month.
While on the subject of Stats Requests, could I get feedback from you (and anyone else reading) about Stats Submissions?
You see, this automated Stats Interface will be much like the emails I send out, except all the numbers will be crunched by the program, of course. It will be accessible to members via a link after they login to the forum.
The feedback question is this: When I send out the Stats Requests, you will have two options up top:
CLICK HERE to enter your data on our Submissions Page…
PHONE IN your stats (with your username) manually…
…then the regular email submissions. Is providing these three options better for you? Initial reaction to these options?
Regarding Thornston/Giant Vegas/Kiss CasinoI have not been able to get him to answer emails. In fact, his personal email was returned “no such user” or something like that. I emailed the new “parent site” BetRev with Royal Dice & Giant Vegas… no reply.
With all that’s been going on, there are a few programs that may not be with APCW much longer. As early as next week, I will classify them into “involuntary resignation” status… which means they either no longer participate with APCW, no longer maintain their memberships, or have been removed for an administrative decision. Giant Vegas is one of these programs.
I try to maintain a very professional approach to business (and I do try to run APCW like a business), so I will not throw out speculations or reveal ‘dirty laundry’. However, I will make this official statement about Giant Vegas and Kiss Casino:
Giant Vegas and Kiss Casino joined APCW under the direction of Affiliate Manager Thornston in mid 2004. Over the past several months, Thornston has not been in communication with APCW, has not maintained his account properly, and his email address no longer works. Additionally, it is our understanding that other webmasters can not locate Thornston either.
What is even more concerning is the recent disappearance of Kiss Casino with no warning or explanation provided to APCW, even to this date. We now understand that Giant Vegas has been purchased by BetRev.com.
The facts above, when put together with the current account status of the Giant Vegas/Kiss Casino membership at APCW, have lead us to the conclusion that they are no longer participating with us… or even in business for that matter. Their membership has been involuntarily resigned effective this date.
In conclusion, we believe that every webmaster has the right to run their sites as they see fit. However, we cannot recommend any program that operates in this manner. We encourage all affiliates to strongly consider the actions of any group under the direction of the original management (Thornston) before doing business with them.
We hope that BetRev.com can re-establish Giant Vegas in the gaming community.
A copy of this statement will be emailed to members and posted on our board.
March 12, 2005 at 10:56 pm #662821Anonymous
Yep, my emails have bounced to him as well, I have been owed a little money but nothing compared to what some are probably owed. He was so attentive with Global Player I had no idea he wouldn’t at least warn me or us that this was happening. :omg:
As for the stats, sounds great, the phone in option would appeal to me if I wasn’t in Australia. I think it’s a graet idea though.