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  • #610135

    Hello all, is a website I constructed years ago, but it never brought me any cash. I’m thinking of giving it a 2nd go, but this time, get some advice from this forum.

    Though it’d be nice, I’m not interested in making huge cash right off the bat. If I could even generate $5 from the site, I’d feel very good that I earned money from the internet.

    Any constructive advice is welcomed.


    And one huge thing I’d really like to know… is how to go about advertising the site. It’d be nice to see the site generate like, say 100 visitors in a week. :)


    For the very first move I would remove the flash version, or would make that one optional, not the html, I needed to wait around 20 secs to see what is your website about. Visitors won’t wait that long, believe me. They come, read the headlines, if there is something they like then they click, if there is nothing, they just press the back button or close the window. From my experience animations, landing pages which requires clicks to get to the site content is not successful, internet users are impatient folks, you need to push your best content into their face at once when they land on your pages. (i.e. show them what you have when they arrive, don’t force them to wait/click/subscribe just to reach your content, otherwise they will leave very fast :)

    From the search engines point of view, flash is hard to index (though Google says he can spider it partially – but what if not?), SE spiders have much easier time with plain pure html to crawl. More content to crawl = more of your pages in their index = more visitors.

    Also on the html version of the page, the banners, pictures cannot be clicked. People love pictures, and they love clickable pictures more. I would make all those pictures clickable.

    These were my first impressions when i landed on your website, I hope it helps :hattip:

    weretys serf

    Hi TRF-Yu-Ki,

    Your site is in flash, you should change that into simple html with good and copyscaped content, do some seo you can get really good and free seo advice from
    have a look in their, you can make much more then 5bucks.
    i would suggest create an account there and make a thread asking people to review your website they will give you good advice as their are many SEO gurus.
    keep it up
    good luck


    I agree with the other comments, too much flash, too much waiting, too many clicks to get too little information.


    Welcome TRF.

    What I would say is keep it simple and dont do something just because you can do it (if that makes sense?)

    Totally agree on the flash front. Flash can make some websites very attractive when used to its full potential. I think for what you need it for I would stick to the html and work it from there.

    As already said the load time and intro animation takes too long and i would say 90-95% of your visitors with leave before its finished, if they dont and they hang around the content they see must be exactly what they want otherwise you’ll lose them.

    By taking this out of the mix you are more likely to show more info to more people and as a result convert more.

    Also, by saying that your html version is ‘plain’ puts a negative slant on it which will transfer into your users mindset when reading and if they decide to click it.

    There is a lot of information on the homepage, have you thought of maybe splitting this up and distributing it a little better? This way, you can have specific pages for specific topics and be able to expand on them without cluttering the page.

    I hope this help and I think the domain name is excellent. :hattip:


    Holy shit, that site took me back right into 1997. :tongue:

    What if you google a bit, find yourself a nice free wordpress theme (wordpress and its themes are usually seo friendly right off the bat) populate it with some quality content and read this forum a little? I`m sure your fiver shouldn`t take too long.



    Yeah, I agree. The flash lost me in about 5 seconds. I didn’t see a link to skip the flash intro either.


    I would agree that flash has got to go for sure:hattip:



    Great feedback! Thanks.

    I see that everyone has voted the Flash version to be played-down and throw the HTML version at visitors first. Done.

    I’ve also notices that some of my links don’t work anymore; I guess I need to find new affliliates and/or casinos to sign up with. I’m very happy to see is still up & running. That is a group of people I’ve always felt are trust-worthy. looks like a great site. Not to mention the first thread I saw when I went there ;)

    Thank you all so much. –^_^

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