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New Affiliate looking for a Mentor

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  • #613668

    Hi there,

    Not sure if this is in the right section, but if not then please move it.

    My name is Harry & i have tried my hand at casino affiliation for the last 2 years, with no success, i am now at a point that i would really love someone to Mentor me, i will register at sub-affiliate at all the brands you are at for your assistance.



    Hi there,

    Welcome to the boards.

    You have a nice looking site there, very clean and simple to use but there just isnt enough content there that will interest people enough to stay and possibly return.

    Give them more options, casino reviews, special offers, deal of the month that kind of thing. Start up a newsletter (if you dont already have one) and collect your users details, this way you can market directly to them once or twice a month with some specials that you have.

    I think here it is just a case of build on what you have and keep pluging away. Work towards your target keywords and dont get lost trying to offer too much too soon.

    Hope it helps.



    a few tips from me:

    keep your eye on the SEO forums, get ranked on the search engines for some well converting keywords..

    use tools like google trends to see what people are looking for and target those kw’s with optimised landing pages tailored to CONVERT players.

    get yourself some tasty rev share/CPA hybrid deals to keep yourself in the $$

    repeat and rinse!

    we’re all in the same boat.

    ps. stay away from my keywords ;)

    best of luck, you are in the right place to learn.. look at who’s succeeding and imitate! they say it’s the sincerest form of flattery after all :D



    install the right plugins for wordpress like the “all in one SEO”

    and look here:


    Take everyone’s advice here and that is all the mentoring you will need :) I cannot stress enough the importance of reading and learning all you can from the forums! If you can afford to attend CAP London I suggest you do that as well, then you can meet other affiliates face to face and get advice and sit in on the different panel sessions that are very educational.


    Harry, Feel free to pm me for whatever advice you need .
    I am also based in SA and have been in the industry for 8 years, so have learnt a thing or 2

    elgoog;189167 wrote:
    install the right plugins for wordpress like the “all in one SEO”

    and look here:

    Thank you for your help on this – but i only have 1 more question about WP -how do get my homepage to display the correct title, description and keywords for my homepage


    in WP go to settings—-.all in one seo pack—>
    en dan zit je op de goede plekkie :)

    elgoog;189457 wrote:
    in WP go to settings—-.all in one seo pack—>
    en dan zit je op de goede plekkie :)

    Thank you so much – i understood what you said – and got it to work


    Hi There,

    I am still struggling a bit with regards to gettting my page titles or headers to display and the keywords to actually work – how do i get my urls to look like this



    the url you posted does not work -404

    what i do is fill in the appropriate meta tags in the “ali in one seo” plugin
    not in the theme/design-editor


    To rewrite those urls from dynamic to static ..

    In wordpress is an option (under settings I think) called permalinks.. there you can change how your urls look..

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