I’m the CEO of Alpha Innovation AS. We are developing the software PokerManager. A short description of the software can be viewed at http://www.pokermanager.com. The Beta version of the software will be posted on the web page shortly (days rather than weeks). We have spent ca $350.000 developing it and have developers trough out the world. On our stock holders list we have some high profiled norwegian investors, investment bankers and high profiled scandinavian poker playes.
In addition we are close to agreeing a close co-operation/purchase of http://www.cardplayernorge.com. This will also include the rights to start cardplayer sites in Denmark and Sweden.
If this is someone the poker rooms represented at the CAP Euro are interested in co-operate with, we are going to the EPT in London and the CAP Euro where we can meet up with you.
Please contact me if this sounds interesting. My contact details are:
Roy Tselentis
email [email protected]
skype tselent
phone +47 917 76 094