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  • #591839

    I could use some advise if anyone is willing to do so …
    I advertise my site via PPC, I get quite a few clicks that brings visitors to my site (separate pages for each keyword), I try to be as precise as possible. When I check stats in my affiliate programs, I can see that visitor took the initial action I wanted them to, i.e. click on banner or link to casino, but not a single download, registration?
    I’m thinking something is wrong with my site … and need an honest, strait up advise, what is wrong with it? What could be done with it to be more interesting for the possible players? Why aren’t they buying into the casino’s they were already looking for when they arrived to my site?
    Thanks in advance.
    Casino Bosnus Gambling – is my site in question.


    Could depend on the type keyword you are using to attract people.

    Also, you didn’t say how many clicks you sent. The actual number depends on the casino and on the type traffic, but it always takes a certain number of clicks to produce a download, and a certain number of downloads to produce a player.


    some companies have hired people to click and so no wonder if you are not getting any results. Please tell me what PPC engine you are using?


    I have to question the PPC before I question your site also. Looks good. The only thing I would change, I’ll admit it is minor and some what anal of me, is that all your articles are submitted by admin. I would change that to Casino Bonus Gambling or Team CBG or something a little more personable.

    (Told you it was anal! :D )


    Is this a new relatively new site? If so it takes a while to make some cash. This is just my opinion I think driving traffic by ppc is crap, I don’t use it and never will.

    What you want to get is target traffic, people who are actually interested in online gambling I feel ppc fails at this.

    Be patient it will come, try something creative and most of all don’t be discouraged. Best of luck. greek39


    Ok … here’s the truth about your site …

    No actually I quite like it.

    But, here are my critiques ..

    1) The last update was posted a fortnight ago on Dec 17th. While datestamps are a great idea you need to find something to say every 2-3 days.

    Right now this information feels potentially out of date as you’re pushing a Christmas Charity tournament ????

    2) The “Best Online Rated Casinos” is a great idea
    – but the number of votes are too low (can you fake some more ?) …
    – and the top ones are generic ones ..

    I’m no big casino player … but there is no way that I’m joining “Windows Casino” or “United Casino” .. as the names are too blah and non-descript. I’ve never heard of them, and no matter what you write I’m unlikely to try them for REAL cash.

    Get some of the big names up there – or at least flashy sounding ones that might get a bit more interest. Is Kiwi Casino Poker REALLY a well known brand? Do you REALLY want them dominating your POKER page ?

    3) All the reviews are factual and accurate … but a bit bland. A bit of text about the casino being safe and a advertising banenr at the bottom.

    I realise that the blog software might be limited … but where is the kick, or the call to action?

    Eg. I went into Empire Poker Casino Review … where do you actually TELL people to CLICK HERE NOW.

    Ok … I might be wrong …
    But I generally like a bit of eye-candy or pizazz when I’m surfing.

    There is nothing wrong with the site per se … but … your pages and your site is just a bit unexciting and unmemorable ? 5 minutes after I visited it I couldn’t remember it’s name (while writing this review).


    Kiwi is a well known brand in general, their poker is new. I am planning to push it. United converts well and Windows is blacklisted many places.

    Just my two bits about the mentioned brands.


    I trully appreciate the replies and especialy the feedback!
    I’ll make sure to correct all the things noticed. Yes, I have fallen behind, since I got a little discouraged with the site as it wasn’t producing results.
    I had over 1000 clicks in Dec, with about 20 downloads and about 8 fun players total far all my casinos. I use FIndology and I use the click tracking software on my own server to make sure no fraud clicks were introduced. Everything looks good on this end. I agree that PPC is not best way to bring people (actually probably one of the worst in my opinion) but it is a very NEW site and the only visitors I get from search engine is from “misspelled searches” tactic. And very of them for that matter. I use PPC to hopefully bring the site to attention of people and make it visible while search engines still have me in sand box.

    Once again , thanks everyone for feedback! I’ll make sure to correct the few things noted.

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