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October 22, 2008 at 3:54 pm #612296
InactiveST. PAUL, Minn. – Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann says she regrets using the term “anti-American” while discussing Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s views, a remark that could threaten her re-election bid.
Bachmann told the St. Cloud Times on Tuesday that she “made a big mistake” by going on MSNBC’s “Hardball,” a show she said she’d never seen before her appearance last week. Her statement to host Chris Matthews that Obama “may have anti-American views” drew condemnation and helped her opponent, Democrat Elwyn Tinklenberg, raise more than $1 million in just a few days.
During an interview with the Times’ editorial board, Bachmann said she walked into a trap and did not bring up the term “anti-American.” Still, she said, “I should not have used that phrase.”
Earlier in the day, Bachmann told St. Cloud Rotary Club members she would like to “take back” the statement.
“I did not say that Barack Obama was anti-American, nor do I believe Barack Obama is anti-American. He loves his country, just as everyone in this room does,” she told the crowd. “Nor did I call for an investigation of members of Congress for their pro-American or anti-American views. That is not what I said.”
Bachmann said that while she didn’t question Obama’s patriotism, “I’m very concerned about Barack Obama’s views. I don’t believe that socialism is a good thing for America.”
The Rotary Club luncheon was her first formal public appearance since Friday’s interview, in which Matthews asked Bachmann if she believed Obama held anti-American views.
Her response was: “Absolutely. I’m very concerned that he may have anti-American views. That’s what the American people are concerned about. That’s why they want to know what his answers are.”
Bachmann said Tuesday she probably should have watched “Hardball” to see what it was like before she went on it.
Democratic state Sen. Tarryl Clark, who attended the luncheon, said she didn’t hear an apology from Bachmann.
“The facts are the facts about what she said and she can’t erase them,” Clark said. “She can apologize for them, but that’s about it. People don’t have the time for this. I thought she was denying what she said.”
Before Friday’s “Hardball” aired, Bachmann was favored to win a second term. National Democrats, sensing opportunity, announced Monday they would pour $1 million into TV ads in the district, which lies on a corridor from the Twin Cities northwest to St. Cloud.
October 22, 2008 at 4:56 pm #783555Anonymous
Inactiveyeah “GOD DAM AMERICA” is right in line with what we want I guess lol.. this politically correct crap is killing this country more than anything.
October 22, 2008 at 5:48 pm #783560Anonymous
InactiveI love the idea that if someone disagree’s with the republican view of the world it is “Anti-American”
It’s the republican belief that dissent is treason that is “Anti-American”
October 22, 2008 at 5:59 pm #783562Anonymous
InactiveIf i was president I would have a nightly cable talk show to tell the people exactly what crap goes on behind closed doors and tell them they need to get on their damn feet. I would have a top 20 list of congress people that go against the public idea’s and help the voters out a bit in showing what their wishes turn into when they are up against lobby cash.
All the bad things said about republicans really are not the republican way, take a look at Ron Paul’s veiws as a true republican. Saying the old 8 year tag is like saying all democrats will be having sexual affairs in the oval office lol..
little off topic but im sick of people not saying what needs to be said because they might hurt someone’s feelings. We used to be a tough ass country, now were a fat slob bending over for anyone with a handfull of cash.
October 22, 2008 at 6:01 pm #783563Anonymous
InactiveOf course Obama is anti-American – he’s got nothing going for him!
October 22, 2008 at 6:14 pm #783567Anonymous
InactiveOctober 22, 2008 at 6:49 pm #783572Anonymous
InactiveI’m not a big fan of Chris Matthews however he is correct about Phil Gram.
Not really sure why Bill O’Reilly called out Frank and Dodd so outrageously
but gave Phil Gram a pass even though he got significant amounts of money.Just Google
H.R. 10, The Financial Services Act of 1998 or Phil Gram
or read Greenspan’s testimony.
http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/testimony/1998/19980617.htmOctober 22, 2008 at 7:44 pm #783584Anonymous
InactiveI hear ya. I actually watch Chris, Bill and Keith. LOL
I’m happy to see that someone is asking some tough questions of these folks.
October 22, 2008 at 8:21 pm #783594Anonymous
GOP Pulling Its Ads From Bachmann’s Race, Media Buyers Say
Five days after Rep. Michele Bachmann went on a McCarthy-esque rant suggesting Barack Obama was unpatriotic and urging the major newspapers of the country to investigate anti-American sentiment in Congress, the national Republican political parties are running for cover.
Two sources aware of ad buys in Minnesota say that the National Republican Congressional Committee is pulling its media purchases from Bachmann’s race. If true, it is a remarkable fall for a congresswoman who, until recently, seemed relatively safe in her predominantly conservative district. The race had become closer in recent days — the NRCC had transferred funds from Rep. Erik Paulsen (MN-03) to Bachmann a little over a week ago.
In the days following her appearance on Hardball, however, Bachmann has watched as her challenger, El Tinklenberg raised more than a million dollars off her incendiary remarks. That surge in fundraising put Bachmann’s re-election in a far less certain position. Bachmann tried to stem the bleeding by telling the press she was sorry for her remarks. But with the national party now apparently pulling the plug, the situation has gone from bad to worse.
October 22, 2008 at 8:31 pm #783596Anonymous
Inactive@allfreechips 182238 wrote:
this politically correct crap is killing this country more than anything.
What is correct about challenging someones patriotism based on differing views on what is best for our country? This is just like the bullshit in the lead-up to the Iraq war. If you didn’t support it you were attacked & labeled anti-American & not patriotic. What a crock. I’m glad to see it isn’t working anymore.