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Marlo Finally Responds

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  • #641842

    I aint saying thats what’s happening, but it sure sounds interesting……

    I think it is true, I have held this theory for a long time. However I believe the aff managers are getting too greedy f@#$king with some of you.

    All I could do was scream and kick but in the end I realized I was helpless. What I did to capture a little money was diversify to every program and accept the scraps I got. Sad, but thats all you can do if you’re not a major player.

    Some of you can actually kick their nuts. Plus you have more weight when talking to other affiliates.

    The thing is if they see this happening, they will simply leave your stats alone *(so you think everything is cool) and start shaving someone else…. what can really be done? other than sending the horse head?



    …what can really be done? other than sending the horse head?


    Well I think we need to gather additional data first so that we can reinforce any experiences/evidence. If only a handful of webmasters approached them they would surely just laugh, lie, and carry on as usual.

    Hell were a dime a dozen in their eyes and thats unfortunate because its really not the case at all!


    I received Manuel’s email,

    Yesterday I emailed him and will wait to get a reply first. Then Iwill explain what I have to say to him. I got and auto response saying he was away till later tonight. I did not say what I was emailing him about just in case some one was answering for him. I will call him in the next few days so I know I am talking to Manuel for sure though. After I get in touch with him I will let everyone know the response as well he may want a few others to contact him also. I have a feeling when the cats away the rat will play. Maybe I am wrong but the guy honestly put a lot of time in trying to search out the larger affiliates so I would have thought he wanted long term rather then short term invetsment. He just seemed smarter then to pay all that cash to chase us affiliates then lose us because of a obvious pattern I have seen form with many. He also was on the road quite a lot and there is also backend management besides Marlo that seemed to wash there hands of the support etc … once Marlo was brought on board. For example Dannielle used to do a lot of affiliate administration but once they hired Marlo she all but dissapeared though she is still with them and takes care of other tasks. I could be just flat out wrong, other theories could be right here but it seems like a lot of effort to lose your larger earners. When ever you get a congregation some times the aff managers and others involved think we are whiners in some respects, especially with and organization style of forum. Like we all gang up to gie them grief. But in this respect this time we are just concerned webmasters that have noticed a definitive pattern forming. So that may help us as a whole. I do not promote them hardly at all on any site accept leftoer and filler links so why would I be concerned unless it was for Manuels business. That is the point I will make to him when I get ahold of him. I noticed that also they do not hunt me down and try to pull me back in also …. I would guess that is because Marlo would be responsable for that and and Manuel has much more important things to be doing. Marlo did not seem all that intelligent about the industry when I spoke with him the first time. He has always had the same damn excuse and always has since the begining. That excuse being other sites are doing well with us and some sites do better with us then others its a broken record with him.


    Excellent work Badabing!

    Please tell Manuel he is welcome to call me and I will be happy to discuss concerns. Also would be willing to work one on one with him to revive our sales with him or participate in any tests.



    GS has passed every test I ever gave them.

    And I tried to catch them. I probably sent 4 separate tests and they all showed up.

    Don’t get me wrong; I am not a fan of GS at all. I don’t like being bullshitted and Marlo slings it with a heavy hand.

    Furthermore I’d go out on a limb so to speak and say that I think they are more likely cheating than they are incompetent; and in fact; I think they watch things as closely as Focal Point watches theirs; (I’m pretty sure of that)

    and they must be taking the choice peaches as they roll in.

    the reason I say this is because I think they have some great offers sent out in their mailings; I know I’ve went and played before; stuff like $20 gets $40.

    if you’ve already did all the mumbo-jumbo going thru the sign up shit; then even if you’re nothing but a bonus hunter; you’re going to take them up on their $20 = $40 offer.

    its a time saver since there’s no signup BS stuff to go thru; simply log in and deposit. Even if you don’t have the download on your PC anymore; it’s not too far a leap to head over to the flash version and play-off that $40 bucks.

    that’s what I did.

    anyway, the point I’m making is that we should all see (at least) some residual players that with offers like the afore mentioned; should keep at least a small percentage of players coming back month after month.

    and yet; we don’t see that sort of pattern.

    also, I don’t find their marketing to be fantastic; but I don’t find it so horrible that is should run-off players either.

    They’re very fast at paying cashins; I know for a fact from personal experience.

    So it comes down to that saying that ought to tattooed onto every affiliate’s forehead

    if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck; …… you’re probably getting “ducked”. :bigsmile:


    Quack Quack


    Where’s that confounded bird dog ….


    anyway, the point I’m making is that we should all see (at least) some residual players that with offers like the afore mentioned; should keep at least a small percentage of players coming back month after month

    This is what has me up in arms. I don’t have a freaking player base anymore! They steal them all out of our caccounts after a month or two and I am hopping mad about it! As if we didn’t have enough troubles!


    I mentioned that in the email I sent Marlo last week – he told me well we have attempted to give your VIP players free bonus monies to get them playing again, but it isnt working. We could try again, and will, but it didnt get the desired results last time.


    Im still sitting at $24 after averaging around $$$$ for quite some time. I reckon I should just quit posting in public – it gets me nothing but a more severe shave! Damn F’n razor burn is irritating as hell!

    I got a pretty good idea that some affiliates believe ASS-kissing gives them a better chance – e.g. running to affiliate managers every time they find a post like the one from a few weeks ago – AND this one!


    Hey everyone,

    Manuel called me this morning. First off he said that Marlo would not have access to change things to and account of his own. Though about Marlo and his snippiness or what ever you want to call it he would like to hear from y’all … That did concern him. I was also enlightened about conversion differences in Microgaming casinos. Even when a company has a few casinos and they are all microgaming, for example golden riviera and river nile. Golden riviera the processing is done by goldenstar network river nile is done by microgaming .. also slots royale is done by gsn … the others from what I gathered are mg processors and that explains more why I never did well with river nile and I also do not do well with referback anymore as they are also mg processors. Then on the other hand I do well with casinorewards which again have been doing there own processing mainly. Except maybe one of there casinos … which is probably again mg. I removed many mg casinos and put up playtech and rtg and I am getting joins right and left as if nothing had ever changed. I would guess that many other mg casinos that use mg processing are just as bad … They are just having processor problems …. Major processor problems and that is basically the problem of our industry …. Besides the other little problems that come along etc … and the flat out shavers.

    I also noticed that Manuel totally denied Marlo could access and change stats to the point we have theorized though even if he could I would bet that Manuel would deny this. I would have a hard time admiting something of this nature myself, it would make me look stupid …

    I also think if Marlo could do this and manuel did not realize he could do things of this nature or had access to something that he was not supposed to, he will be watched closer now. I also would guess that he is not as quick to get so cocky. He also should have maybe been more educated about the processors etc and that may have helped though they would not have noticed this as much as we would. Also they probably could care less in that nature because they want traffic all the way around to all there casinos. But raising these points may help us down the road and refusing to carry the casinos with bad processors is also a way to teach them the hard way.

    If you want to get ahold of Manuel and do not have his personal email PM me and I will send it to you and he would like more of our feedback also. As well he wants to hear from those that had problems occur such as we discussed in this thread …. Do not send emails of this nature to the support, pm me and I will get Manuels personal email right out to you.


    I swear that it is a bit strange the difference in processors …
    I tested them again only emailing for gr and for the new sr …. low and behold they both converted half way decent … Marlo actually wrote me a nice email also. The reality is that maybe a big part of low conversions and lack of conversions honestly could be the MGC proc cyber system. Both of the casinos that I sent traffic to were not proc cyber merchant accounts.

    Ark you should email manuel and ask him if he could comp your old players make you a little extra new years money since you sent the traffic … might as well try and get all you can out of it …

    I also got a few decent players out of a small emailing …
    I just hate not having but a few decent converting MG casinos …

    you want to see a nice set of stats

    Summary to Date Number of Clickthroughs: 1049
    Number of Downloaders: 145
    Number of Players: 128
    Number of New Depositors: 5
    Total Initial Deposits: $2,080.00
    Total Deposits: $8,915.00
    Net Win: $35,346.98
    Coupon Amounts Awarded: $8,824.75
    Manager Credit Amounts Awarded: $19,316.00
    ChargeBacks: $0.00

    Net Profit: (Net Win – Coupons – Credits – Chargebacks) $6,177.04
    Amount Deducted: $0.00
    Amount Miscellaneous Adjustments: $0.00
    Amount Added For Reversed Bans: $0.00
    Amount Earned: $1,544.26
    Amount Earned From Tiers: $0.00

    I am at a higher payout rate those stats do not reflect it though…

    not bad for a little over a month one casino ; )

    That will help fuel the new years ad budget !


    those stats are a rtg casino



    I run kickbacks to some of my bigger players in order to know how much they are playing. It is an excellent way of keeping at least a loose eye on things and a good guestimate as to what to expect from a program.

    If the kickbacks totals don’t at least jive with what the casino shows; you know you’re getting screwed.

    It doesn’t take a lot of participants to get enough relevant results to give you an idea what is going on.

    as to not posting; I disagree totally. If a company is going to screw you; they are going to screw you. What’s best is to build ourselves a group like the gpwa once had; where there are some big players; medium sized players; and of course; all the smaller webmasters that want to join in.

    as a twig; we are weak. bundle those twigs together; and they are not easily broken.

    Make this offer clearly visible on your website where sponsors can see it. the combination of having someone to report your findings to; and that of the fear of being exposed; should help keep the more honest sponsors honest.

    the worthless fuks are always going to be worthless; sometimes you just gotta cut your losses and move on.

    It is truly a shame that these places don’t realize how much more money they’d make in the long run if they just gave us what we rightly earn.

    Toss the special contests and all that propeganda; AND JUST PAY US WHAT WE RIGHTFULLY HAVE EARNED EVERY SINGLE DAMN MONTH!

    it blows my mind how stupid (because of greed) some of these places can be.

    they seemingly can’t even learn from history. Sad bunch for certain.

    And to the honest sponsors; hang in there; word spreads and you will be rewarded for having simply done the right thing.


    how do you know who to give the kickback to ?


    BBS – your correct, unless we unite we will always be prone to getting screwed.

    I think a lot of the programs increased their crooked activities during / after the gpwa debacles this past year. Right now they dont see any strength in numbers / “say so” so they will continue to screw at will …

    Sad but true :(

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