I have a basic PR3 Poker site that I am willing to sell.
I am about to graduate from college and I just want out of the industry. The site will have a HIGH PR rating during the next update due to an enormous ammout of high pr one way links. The url is
Again, the site is rather basic but the sell is for the work put in to the backlinks. Yahoo = Pages (69) | Inlinks (4,130)
MSN = 2,154 in links…
here is the url of the stats, nothing to brag about but decent hits. Some of the traffic is from search engines for niche terms. Here is a screen shot of the stats on the site
Alexa= Traffic Rank for 2,488,130
Created: 27-Feb-2006
Again nothing fancy but the work in the backlinks alone should be worth something. I have plenty of other domains also. Let me know if you are interested. I have a casino site that generates content pages from RSS feeds by using two to four sentences from them and creates unique related titles. The site is fully automated once you put it in a cron job and has a CMS for the backend, programmed in PHP and has a SQL database/ad management/stats and a lot more.
Anthony Johnson