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Linking, I’m confused…

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  • #601973

    Hi guys,

    Quick one. If I search on Google for a URL as I get let’s say 4000 results for, but if I do link:, it comes back with no results. Why? let’s say the signatures on this forum, they’re links or not? If they are why don’t they show when doing the link:…. example?
    If you kow please let me know as well as it’s confusing for me.

    Have a great weekend


    sorry no answer for you friend. but question: does come back first in the 4000 results?


    Google openly deceives webmasters and offers a lot of misinformation. If matt cutt says something do the complete opposite.

    That being said searching this in google will not give you the real link count

    Yahoo provides a real honest incoming link analysis search there.


    search link: on yahoo Google doesn’t reveal all back links.


    @bb1webs 166953 wrote:

    sorry no answer for you friend. but question: does come back first in the 4000 results?

    Yes it does. My website comes first and then about 4000 results, but for link:http://www... shows 0 results, not even the links on my signature here show. Any more ideas why this is? Which ones give you rank anyway?


    As antoine and ioc said, Google won’t reveal all backlinks with the Use Yahoo for this (with the same command).

    Google knows about your backlinks, in order to check them, sign up with Google Webmaster Tools, go to Links section and “Pages with external links” and there you can see the incoming links to your pages. (Click on the underlined numbers to see the exact websites that link to that given page).

    Oh, and forum signature links have very small impact when Google counts your backlinks’ weight.

    Hope this helps. :)


    @antoine 166957 wrote:

    Google openly deceives webmasters and offers a lot of misinformation. If matt cutt says something do the complete opposite.

    Haha, I wouldn’t go that far, but in principle I agree.


    Thanks for all your input. I do have webmaster tools from Google and again the number there is neither 0 or 4000, more like 200.
    I less confused now, I think:wink-wink


    You will really never have an exact count on how many links you really have. Just get as many as you can :wink-wink.


    Google actually offers alot of information if you know where to look. If you want to know ABSOLUTELY ALL the external links to certain page that google has on file, then go to

    Login -> Go Dashboard -> Links -> Pages with external links -> Click on External Links number for each page. This will list all the web addresses with links to your page.

    This is alot more interesting than the link: because when I do link: I get 2-3 external links. But from the Google Webmaster Tools I know that there are at least 478 links out there that google knows about. The more established sites would find links numbering in the thousands..

    I suspect the difference tells me that Google doesn’t think highly of many many of the web directories out there anymore…. :P goddamnit… I feel its getting harder and harder for total newbies to rank up…


    @LuckyLove 167776 wrote:

    goddamnit… I feel its getting harder and harder for total newbies to rank up…

    Lol, that is exactly what I was told when I started 7 years ago – that I was years too late and could never compete with the established sites.

    I assume when we revisit 5 years from now, you will be established and newbies will complain that they are too late and can never compete…

    The more things change, the more they stay the same. :hattip:

    Dominique;167782 wrote:
    Lol, that is exactly what I was told when I started 7 years ago – that I was years too late and could never compete with the established sites.

    I assume when we revisit 5 years from now, you will be established and newbies will complain that they are too late and can never compete…

    The more things change, the more they stay the same. :hattip:

    that quite inspiring actually :) thanks


    that is your offer Rocky?

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