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March 7, 2004 at 9:26 pm #645940
GuestWhen Bush starts pulling thousands of people out of their houses at night to send them to concentration camps, we can compare the two. So far I don’t see it happening and so the comparison is way, way out there.
Bush is an incompetent: put in power by Daddy. So many people IMHO don’t give enough consideration to the fact that daddy bush ran the CIA for years before becoming VP under Reagan.
It could even be argued that Reagan didn’t know half of what was going on while he was Prez and if that ‘s the case; it sure puts a spotlight on Daddy Bush in my mind.
I think there was certainly some funny things going on to decide the outcome of the election, and probably the biggest sham pulled on the US public since OJ was set free.
But neither Daddy Bush or Jr ever thought about trying to commit genocide.
That is an unfair comparison for so many reasons its silly to talk about.
March 7, 2004 at 9:49 pm #645941Anonymous
GuestThe comparisons aren’t regarding genocide. They are more to do with political corruption and installing a fascist state; using tricks and fear tactics to give the government more power and stripping citizens of their freedom.
That is where the Bush government bears comparison.
:bigsmile: No one said it was about genocide. hehe Neither alph nor myself. The references to that were only in response to the complaint about the topic.
I agree, the notion of Bush doing THAT is rediculous.
March 7, 2004 at 11:01 pm #645945Anonymous
InactiveThe comparisons aren’t regarding genocide. They are more to do with political corruption and installing a fascist state; using tricks and fear tactics to give the government more power and stripping citizens of their freedom
Well, there are quite a few folks out there who fit that description.
March 8, 2004 at 2:19 am #645946Anonymous
Guestthat’s all I think of when the name hitler is mentioned.
March 8, 2004 at 2:30 am #645947Anonymous
InactiveYou were not born and raised in post war Germany.
You think brother Grimm fairy tales are gross – you should hear the tales I heard as a child.
You didn’t have to be Jewish to be victimized by that brute.
All I can think of when I hear the name is death and severed body parts and all kinds of things that do not belong here. So I won’t mention them. But I wish I could get them out of my head now that the name has been thrown around all day. This does not make for good sleep with happy dreams.
Those that have any personal contact with that time and place, even if just through the tales of their parents, will always hear nothing but genocide when that name is mentioned. And I don’t mean the clean word, I mean the gross details.
March 8, 2004 at 2:45 am #645948Anonymous
GuestTime for a change of topic!
This elderly lady, recently widowed, decides to see if a pet will ease her loneliness and goes to the pet store. She decides against puppies, kitties, etc., and is about to leave the store when she hears a voice saying, “My, do you look lovely this afternoon, madam.”
She turns around quickly to see who has spoken, but there is no one. All she sees is a big green parrot, resting on his perch in his cage. “Did you say that?” she asks.
“Why, yes, I did!” he replies. “And may I add that dress is a very nice color for you.”
The lady suddenly realizes how nice it would be to not only have a talking parrot, but one that paid such nice compliments. So she pays for him and takes him home. On the way, she says, “You know, I am so proud of you that I believe I’ll take you out for dinner! Would you like that?”
The parrot says, “Why yes, that would be delightful. I know a charming place on 7th Street.”
So they arrive home and the lady progresses upstairs to her room to change for dinner, bringing the parrot along, of course. When the woman enters the building, the parrot begins complaining, swearing, and even bit her once.
Well, the woman is flabbergasted! She grabs the parrot by the throat, marches down the stairs into the basement, and stuffs the parrot in the freezer. She leaves him there in the freezer for five long minutes before taking him back out. The parrot is very cold.
She says, “Well? Have you learned your lesson? I will not tolerate such language in my house!”
The parrot says, “Okay, okay, I promise it won’t happen again. I am deeply sorry.”
Within five minutes, he is cursing again and bit her once on the arm and once on the finger.
The lady is absolutely stunned. She rips the parrot out of his cage, goes down the stairs, into the cellar, and, slam, into the freezer. This time, she leaves him in there for fifteen minutes.
When she finally takes him out, the parrot is one step away from death. He is shivering and has light frost on the beak. “I swear it will never ever happen again! I will never insult you again! I promise!” As he thaws, he looks up at the lady and says, “I do have one question though. That turkey in there, what’d he do, attack you?”
March 8, 2004 at 11:29 pm #645979Anonymous
InactiveLike Janet said the comparisons between Hitler and Bush were
concerning the similarities between 911 and the REICHSTAG Fire which was purposely done to take civil liberties away from the people and unleashed the worse evil ever seen by man.There are too many unanswered questions about 911 and too many links with Bush.
Consider the fact that the Bush family fortune was made
PRECISELY because they FINANCED Hitler.Consider that Patriot Act I, II and maybe more others are designed to make the U.S. a POLICE state.
Consider that Billions were made short selling the shares of the airlines that were hit and Bush is BLOCKING the investigation to show us WHO made money on this event.
Consider the Billions that were made and are STILL being made by the Bush family and companies associated with him precisely because of 911.
Consider the fact that Skull and Bones has done WORSE than
911 many times over historically.Consider the fact that Bush is STILL in office, so we may not have seen the worse yet and it may be then be too late to say NEVER AGAIN.
Bush is not a Nazi so lets stop saying that.
March 9, 2004 at 5:07 am #645998Anonymous
GuestFull article here: http://www.haiti-progres.com/2003/sm030806/eng08-06.html
The U.S. mainstream media has used its power in recent years to assist in the destabilization campaign against the Haitian government. Charlie Hu looks at how the Bush administration is working now to increase that power.
Last June, the board of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to ease ownership restrictions on media giants, discarding laws which had been set in place to guard against media monopolies and homogenization.
“Most people in this country have no idea what’s about to happen to them even though their very democracy is at stake,” said dissenting FCC commissioner Jonathan Adelman prior to the vote. In his opinion, and that of media watchdog groups, the FCC’s move will crush press freedom and diversity while giving more power and profits to the huge media conglomerates which already dominate the airwaves.
The impact of the FCC vote, taken June 2, would not be as far-reaching as the Telecommunications Reform Act of 1996, which tore down laws limiting the size of media companies and fueled a series of colossal mergers. It would increase the portion of households one company can reach via television from 35 to 45 %, allow companies in markets with 18 stations or more to own three channels instead of two, and permit companies to own both television stations and newspapers in the same market.
Clearly, however, Powell is in lockstep with the Bush junta’s march towards dismantling the Constitution and social protections. Powell repeatedly refused to disclose to the public and Congress the actual changes on which the commission was voting. Just as the White House has sealed documents related to the Congressional 9-11 investigation and Vice President Dick Cheney’s secret meetings with energy executives, Powell has also tried to enforce secrecy and control information. He sabotaged debate and publicity on the rule changes, making it difficult for dissident FCC commissioners to organize public hearings prior to the vote.
The monopolized media has been key to the propaganda triumphs of the Bush gang, particularly in abetting its criminal invasion of Iraq. The U.S. government’s propaganda strategies seem lifted from the Third Reich, in particular from Hitler’s designated successor, Hermann Goering, who had a formula for selling war to the German people: “All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked.”
At the Bush clique’s request, the mainstream media fired a propaganda fusillade designed to transform Saddam Hussein into a nuclear menace and 9-11 partner in terror. The latter charge has never been supported by any fact and, three months after Bush declared the war over, no “weapons of mass destruction” (WMD) have been uncovered by special U.S. search teams scouring Iraq.
The Bush cabal used fraudulent intelligence reports to buttress its bellicose, exaggerated, and false statements selling the war, and the media cabal then helped craft U.S. public opinion. After months of broadcasting government lies, the same media monopolies claim that public support for the war rose to over 70%, supposedly because of the preposterous charges of Iraq’s lethal arsenal and links to 9-11.
The brain-washing appears to be more than effective. Although no WMDs have been found, the media’s polls (if we are to trust them) say that 34% of U.S. citizens believe that nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons have been discovered in Iraq. Furthermore, immediately following the 9-11 attacks, only 4% of the U.S. public felt Saddam Hussein was responsible. But on the eve of the Iraq invasion, over 50% of the U.S. public believed that Hussein was involved in the 9-11 plot, the media says. This monstrous shift in public perception was achieved with absolutely no evidence, truly one of the astounding achievements in the history of propaganda. It is safe to say that without a grossly compliant press, some of which is owned by corporations with a vested interest in military sales (e.g. General Electric, Westinghouse, AT&T), this shift would not have been possible.
If Bush and the FCC are successful in transferring control of our airwaves to an elite posse of information guardians, we will see more media white-outs of war protests, dissenting voices, and problems like poverty and homelessness in the richest country in the world. The airwaves are a national asset belonging to the public and requiring protection against monopolization by a handful of wealthy owners.
I believe that the U.S. people are a force more powerful than the U.S. corporate/government alliance. As long as people, drugged by the media, continue to act like cattle existing solely to consume and ignorantly go where herded, the establishment can continue its surreptitious hoarding of our airwaves, wealth, and natural resources. We must wake up and stop them.
Charlie Hu is a free-lance video editor based in New York City.