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March 6, 2004 at 4:35 pm #583810
GuestThe election is in full-swing. Republicans have taken out round-the-clock ads promoting George Bush. Don’t we already have that? It’s called Fox News. – Craig Kilborn
Kerry is well on his way to reaching his magic number of 2,162. That’s the total number of delegates he needs to win the Democratic nomination. See for President Bush it’s different – his magic number is 5. That’s the number of Supreme Court judges needed to win. – Jay Leno
There was a scare in Washington when a man climbed over the White House wall and arrested. This marks the first time a person has gotten into the White House unlawfully since President Bush.
– David LettermanA new poll says that if the election were held today, both John Kerry and John Edwards would beat President Bush by double digit margins. The White House is so worried about this, they’re now thinking of moving up the capture of Osama Bin Laden to next month. – Jay Leno
President Bush said he was ‘troubled’ by gay people getting married in San Francisco. He said on important issues like this the people should make the decision, not judges. Unless of course we’re choosing a president, then he prefers judges.”- Jay Leno
There was an embarrassing moment in the White House earlier today. They were looking around while searching for George Bush’s military records. They actually found some old Al Gore ballots. – David Letterman
March 6, 2004 at 6:30 pm #645903Anonymous
InactiveFunny one representing the same trick Hitler used to get more power … and followed by Bush with the fake terroism and 911 scam with the CIA and the Bin Laden family … btw it is historical fact that Bushes grandfather helped finance Hitler.
March 6, 2004 at 7:05 pm #645905Anonymous
InactiveHear what a U.S. congressman says it in the plans for the U.S.
New World Order … is really Old World Slavery
March 6, 2004 at 8:15 pm #645910vladcizsol
MemberOk, Ok, take it easy.
I am the first one to agree that George Bush is guilty of:
* Doing irreperable harm to our economy. Unemployment is the highest rate its been in thirty years. Bankrupticies are at an ALL time high. When he took ofiice we had a budget SURPLUS and now we have the highest DEFICIT in the history of our country.
* Allowing the business world to export hundreds of thousands of American jobs to third world sweat shops, while vigorusly opposing a raise in the minimum wage or ANY pro labor steps to correct this problem.
*He has done great damage to relationships with most of our european allies and lowered American prestige world wide.
*He spent tens of billions of dollars on a war in Iraq that wasnt justified. This continues to cost american lives and there is no real end in site.
* He is an advocate of Anti Gambling legislation and has stated his support for efforts to make what we do illegal.
But, lets please not make Nazi comparisons. It is insensitive to those that lost relatives in the halocaust.
Normally, I wouldnt step in and say anything, and trust me I am voting for Kerry, but I have received a complaint from a member that felt this thread in particular was getting too mean spirited and it hit a raw nerve.
Please bash Bush on the issues and his performance (You could write enough books to fill a library on just those topics.) And leave the Nazi references out.
March 6, 2004 at 9:25 pm #645911Anonymous
Guest“But, lets please not make Nazi comparisons. It is insensitive to those that lost relatives in the halocaust”
I strongy disagree with this statement. It is history that we need to learn from. If there are similarities – and many believe there are – between Bush and Hitler, then we need to be aware of it. Such attrocities cannot be prevented by burying our heads in the sand.
March 6, 2004 at 10:55 pm #645915vladcizsol
MemberLike I said another member felt the comparison was in poor taste and wrote to me. I passed this along.
I can understand both sides of the coin on this one.
I think George Bushes record speaks for itself. Focusing on the issues alone should lead any rational person to recognize the true impact this administration has had on both the American public and the world.
This does cause outrage in many of us and the desire to express this in no uncertain terms is fine. I will defend everyones right to do so and am with you on this.
But, on the other side of the coin, I can understand that to compare what Bush has done to the economy and to world peace to Hitlers actions is unfair.
The intentional murder of six million men, women and children is clearly in a league by itself. It should not be trivialized by comparing it to the actions of an imcompetant and greedy man. What Hitler did stands on its own merit and I wouldn’t want to minimalize it one iota.
The comparison to Hitler is not wrong because it’s unfair to Bush, it’s wrong because it is unfair to the victims of Hitler and their surviving family members.
As far as Bush goes you can tar and feather him on the issues, Hell I will pitch in on the tar and heat the pot, but leave the Nazi part out in honor of those that did lose loved ones.
I respected the request from the member based on that, not a desire to excuse George Bush of any of his actions.
March 6, 2004 at 11:32 pm #645916Anonymous
GuestFair enough, Lou.
Just one more thing to get off my chest:
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
Martin Luther King Jr.Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love, 1963
History never looks like history when you are living through it. John W. Gardner (1912 – ), quoted by Bill Moyers
So, out of respect to Professor who runs a pretty tight ship on this forum – and thus we have a wonderful place to share ideas and forge friendships, I will shut up!Viva le censorship!
:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
March 6, 2004 at 11:49 pm #645917vladcizsol
MemberI never advocated censorship and don’t think I deserved that.
As a moderator I do my best to try to understand when some one finds something offensive and issues a complaint what would be the best way to approach the issue.
Sure, I could just tell the person I think you are wrong and have no right to that oppinion, people should say whatever they wish.
Its the free for all area and thats that. Anything goes. But would that be 100% fair to them?I decided to let you guys know what was being said hurt some one else and they asked for us not to do it.
I made a request, I didn’t delete or edit the thread. I didn’t even move it to the Attic. I could have censored it, but I didnt. I tried to respect another members request and make a balanced response.
If some one approached me and said “People have no right to throw stones at President Bush. It’s Un American to question the President and I want this to stop now!” Then I would have told them to pound sand. That wasn’t the case.
I do my best, I wish I was capable of more, but Im not. I am sorry if you think that I am opposed to free expression. Or prefer ignorance to enlightenment. If that’s the impression I made then I must be doing something terribly wrong.
March 7, 2004 at 12:04 am #645918Anonymous
InactiveFergie, The professor didn’t censor you, he said someone wrote and felt unhappy about the Hitler references.
It wasn’t me, but I am not happy about them either.
On the other hand, I laughed out loud with all the jokes about Bush and the judges. Good stuff!
Being asked to be considerate is not censorship.
So lets keep the fun coming.
March 7, 2004 at 1:03 am #645920Anonymous
Guest“Sure, I could just tell the person I think you are wrong and have no right to that opinion, people should say whatever they wish.”
It isn’t about anyone being wrong. Whoever said they were wrong?
I appologize if I made that impression.
Professor, my last post was not directed at you at all. To you I said that I appreciated respected the position you are in.
“Being asked to be considerate is not censorship. “
I guess I feel that the threat to the united states – and the world is very real. I feel that exposing the threat is being very considerate – considering the considerable shit one has to take when doing so. I’m sorry if the feelings of one person is hurt – of course – I am a very caring person. This issue – Bush and his agenda – supercede that, I’m afraid.
But, I don’t want to take this forum down on a debate. I’ll leave.
March 7, 2004 at 6:12 am #645923Anonymous
GuestOne more thought:
It is the vow of survivors of the holocaust for the world to Remember and that it should be allowed to happen Never Again! .
That was the point of the picture. A warning that it can happen again if we aren’t paying attention to events that are unfolding in the world today. I can certainly understand how, at first glance, it would be a shock and easily considered offensive.
I hope that makes the picture less offensive to whoever found it hurtful. It really is on the side of the holocause survivors.
I guess that’s why I argued the request to not talk along this vein. In honor of the victims and their families, we must remember. To keep it from happening again, we must remember.I really do care about people’s feelings, ya know.
I’m done.
If the subject is still taboo, then so be it.:bigsmile:
March 7, 2004 at 3:46 pm #645930Anonymous
InactiveWhen Bush starts pulling thousands of people out of their houses at night to send them to concentration camps, we can compare the two. So far I don’t see it happening and so the comparison is way, way out there.
Now if you want to call Bush a little Napoleon….
But, I don’t want to take this forum down on a debate. I’ll leave.
I wouldn’t worry about that. Not going to happen. :bigsmile:
And while we are on the subject Bush, I was very turned off by his use of the 9-11 footage in his ads. Very.
March 7, 2004 at 7:50 pm #645933Anonymous
I didn’t see those ads. That’s bad taste, for sure.
[BTW, I would have happily said nothing and agreed totally if not for it being the “anything goes” area. :p]
March 7, 2004 at 8:29 pm #645934Anonymous
InactiveYou worry too much!
March 7, 2004 at 8:45 pm #645936Anonymous
I need to not log on to when I have the flu bug and drugged up on nyquil.