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July 8, 2005 at 8:53 pm #589195
Inactivehello everybody.
It has been awhile since my last post here, as things have just been hectic to the extreme. Not complaining about it at all, it really is a good thing..
Firstly I’d like to say that I had a great time during the CAP Springbreak and enjoyed meeting the faces behind the posts here in these forums.
It was a great success and from what I can tell from other reactions, everybody agrees.
Looking forward to next years’ edition.As for VIP Profits, and many of you must have noticed; All our merchants are now a part of a publicly traded group listed on the London Stock Exchange.
A great and well deserved step towards the future, which will bring our books even more recognition and tools to expand.Following is a copy of our latest Newsletter sent to our affiliates.
Dear Affiliate,
It has been awhile since the last newsletter. A million things were (and are) going on at the same time within the company and VIP Profits. Let’s just say some serious steps have been made in paving the way towards a fantastic future.
VIP Management Services goes public
It is official! VIP Management Services, parent company of the VIP Profits merchants, made its debut on the London Stock Exchange earlier this week and is now a part of publicly traded company, Leisure and Gaming Plc (LNG).
This all came into being after the reversed acquisition of VMS by listed firm L&G last month. Although L&G took over VMS, it is still VMS that will hold the majority of the shares in L&G.
Please find more information about L&G at http://www.lngplc.com
There will be press releases available here as well.Celebration Bonus promo
To celebrate this great happening, our merchants BetGameDay and VIPsports started offering a one week only special 25% bonus for both new and existing customers.
Banners for this promo are available in the misc section for these two merchants.You can find the terms and conditions on http://www.vipsports.com and http://www.betgameday.com.
Will anything change for me as affiliate?
Basically there will be no fundamental changes except for the fact that all affiliates will now be promoting merchants that are all part of a publicly traded group listed on the London Stock Exchange.This fact will gain the trust of many (potential) bettors out there and existing customers. It is great for our level of security and credibility, as many will choose to sign up with one of our merchants instead of with a sports book or casino that is not listed or publicly traded.
New XML feed goes LIVE
Our developers have put in their all and more to get this ready and now the time has come! The new and enhanced xml feed will go live today. Since many affiliates just couldn’t wait for it to come out, I decided to make it available in advance, as we are still finalizing the tutorial to the new feed.
Feel free to test the new xml and find it at: http://www.vipprofits.com/vipsports.xml
As always your feedback is welcome, as it will only help us see if other changes need to be made.
End of the VIPpoker Slogan Contest
About two months ago, we started a slogan contest for our merchant VIPpoker, which was in search of a nice slogan or catch phrase. Unfortunately, they still are, as none of the ideas that were sent in really met the requirements.
On a brighter note, all participants received a free subscription to Revenue Magazine and will soon receive this year’s third issue. Also, to show how much we do appreciate your input on this one, VIP Profits will add an amount of $25 to your commission balance for June!
For affiliates that would still like to receive a copy of Revenue Magazine, please send me an email with your details.
New forum section for “Newbies”
Many of you may have noticed already. VIP Profits now has a section in the forum especially for “newbies”.
In this section new affiliates can introduce themselves to “the group” and share experiences or find answers to issues they are encountering.
So all you new (and not new!) to VIP Profits; speak up and let your voice be heard in our FORUMS! http://forum.vipprofits.com
No fear, the NFL is near!
It is July already and we are only a few weeks away from the start of yet another exciting season of NFL Football.
As most of you will know, this is the time of year where bettors go wild and many new players open an account to get in on the action that NFL wagering brings.
Now is the time to increase your optimizing efforts and work on relevant content for your site(s). The banners will be available soon for all the merchants.
Naturally our merchants will be setting up special promos so stay tuned for more…
Have a great weekend!