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February 5, 2006 at 10:12 pm #592439
InactiveHi, some problem with your stat (Earning Report): The Net To Pay some time add with “Last month Balance” (Positive Earnings) and some time not, may I know why? Thanks.
February 6, 2006 at 9:28 am #682780Anonymous
InactiveHi Jment,
Right, the Earnings Report can be confusing and we are fixing it now, in order to make it clearer. Basically, this report needs to take into account negative earnings, chargebacks, aggregate earnings and display total affiliate earnings in a clear manner.
Regarding your specific problem, please email me your affiliate details and the problem months and I’ll check into what you have noticed – [email protected]
Best regards,
LloydFebruary 8, 2006 at 12:51 am #682916Anonymous
I made several attempts to receive an explanation for my statistics outside of this forum. May I request an answer to the questions I have raised? Thank You, Aff 1893February 8, 2006 at 7:03 am #682931Anonymous
InactiveHi Pacificsun1,
We have replied to your emails but I think you are not receiving our replies.
Please email me an alternative email address to [email protected]
Best regards,
LloydFebruary 9, 2006 at 6:54 pm #683081Anonymous
I have previously sent e-mail to the address given. I received no response. I have sent additional e-mail to your company address. I received no response. I have made phone calls to your company leaving my phone number. I received no response.It appears to be necessary to discuss my issues with your statistics in this forum as we have been unable to “touch base”.
In the past 3 days I have created 200 plus downloads for your company. Please explain your statistics as they are incorrect.
Thank You,
February 10, 2006 at 7:09 am #683117Anonymous
InactiveHi Pacificsun1,
Please PM me your personal details and I copy of what you emailed me.
Somehow we’re not receiving your emails.
Best regards,
LloydFebruary 10, 2006 at 9:11 pm #683166Anonymous
I have tried 6 separate times to reach you. You have ignored me 6 separate times.
Please be aware I did not appreciate your e-mail or insinuation that I am dishonest. I have a law enforcement background and my son is an active Police Detective in Henderson, Nevada. Anything said that would remotely suggest that I have acted improperly in this inquiry is not appreciated.
You write …. ” Now specifically regarding the downloads, which come to use separately from the casino download servers, we have had a problem receiving these specific stats the last week or so, since we have moved IP, from Telas to Peer1. “
If you have experienced any problem with your statistics …ANY PROBLEM….please fix your problem. I operate honestly. I have made 223 downloads available to your company in a 3 day period. Please report them, and the money generated from them, accurately….anything less is not acceptable.
Thank You,
February 12, 2006 at 2:41 pm #683252Anonymous
InactiveHi Pacificsun1,
I received your email and I read your post. As I explained in my last email (copy below) to you, if you have download redirect links on your website, clicks on this links is the not the equivalent of player downloads. That’s why I asked you where you got this information from: ‘I have 223 downloads in the past 3 days….’?, because it is highly unlikely that 234 clicks on download links on your website would translate to 223 downloads. Furthermore, you may be getting these downloads form other sources so in order for us to check ourselves it would be very helpful if you could tell me were you learned that you had received 223 downloads in 3 days.
Whatever downloads your players made they have been recorded. It is just that the download stats have not been available on Brightshare.
Please note that I’m only interesting in making sure that you get nothing less than what is owed to you.
I’ll email you later today.
Best regards,
Lloyd‘ May I please enquire: how do you know that 200 downloads were made in 3 days? Can you send me anything that shows this?
From my experience players like to click, but if they are surprised with a pop-up download file before they have reached the casino website they may in many cases decide to close the file and not proceed with a download off your website.
Regarding the number of players, all your players are automatically tagged with your affiliate ID which goes to Microgaming. Microgaming then update the casino PTS database (Player Tracking System) with the new player details that include your affiliate ID. We then produce all our affiliate reports as direct queries from the PTS database so that there is zero room (and may I please add desire – because we pride ourselves in running a very honest operation and also we need to have accurate accounting) to change player banner tags (affiliate IDs). Furthermore, the affiliate IDs (banner tags) are encrypted by Microgaming so that they can’t be changed, even if we wanted to, which we don’t.
Now specifically regarding the downloads, which come to us separately from the casino download servers, we have had a problem receiving these specific stats the last week or so, since we have moved IP, from Telas (sorry that’s Telus not Telas) to Peer1. However, this would not effect any of the other stats that are tracked and collected independently by Microgaming and then transferred to the casino. I apologize about the lack of download stats. I’m in touch with our IT department and I hope to have this up again in the next few days.
I’ll look into your stats again on Sunday when I’m at the office and get back to you again.’
February 12, 2006 at 3:14 pm #683253Anonymous
InactiveHi Pacificsun1,
I spoke to our IT Department Head and he updated me as follows regarding the download stats:
All download stats have been recorded into the download server database, i.e. there is no information missing. The problem has been with the query that exports the stats to our affiliate reporting system which hasn’t been working since our IP swift over (this month). IT will be fixing the query in the next 24 hours so that you will be able to see all your downloads for this month.
I’ll be checking up with our IT tomorrow morning and I’ll update you accordingly.
I apologize to you and all our affiliates for the inconvenience of not having this important data.
Thank you for bring this problem to our attention.
Best regards,
Lloyd -