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Key factors to gaming affiliate success (question)

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  • #595049

    Hi All, this is more of a question than a statement. To all those veterans out there… I would like to get an idea what the key factors are to making a success of this highly competetive market. Please add to the list where appropriate:

    1) Use of blue links to increase clickthrough rate
    2) Hide affiliate ID’s in URL’s
    3) Use “_blank” to open new windows to url’s
    4) Search Engine Optimization, Keyword Optimization
    5) Patience
    6) ???

    Let’s try to cover tips on email marketing, Pay Per Click, Backlinks, Pagerank etc. Any helpfull hints will make a different.

    Thanks all!


    Not an affiliate anymore, but one thing I always maintained – and I think all savvy affiliates will agree – is that you need to know your traffic.

    I’m not just talking about men – women ratio or other vague demographics, I mean things you can use like what banners pull clicks (by that you can see what interests your customers), where those banners are on your page and which sponsor converts your traffic.

    Success to me = money. once you have studied your site trends, you should know how much each link to a sponsor program is worth per click. Then you test new offers to see if you can increase it.

    Traffic tips are always good, but I think people tend to forget that more traffic does not always mean you will make more sales. Optimizing your outbound links does.

    Changing a link color to blue to increase clickthru’s :) man that’s old school! I think if you want to generate more clicks affiliates need to be using marketing text instead of generic “click here” – people know to click on something when the cursor changes.

    Join link exchanges. If you are just starting out, there is no better way to get a ton of back links (and even some traffic).

    Just my 2cents.


    I would like to get an idea what the key factors are to making a success of this highly competetive market.

    A chemical imbalance in the brain.

    lots0 wrote:
    A chemical imbalance in the brain.


    I object to that, my brain is perfectly balanced, my head never tilts to the side!

    When I get agitated my head may swivel and my tongue may stick out, but never is my brain imbalanced!




    Serious genuine topic request I know, so sorry for the following remark.

    lots0 wrote:
    A chemical imbalance in the brain.

    That’s one funny line :laugh:

    Thanks I needed a good chuckle.



    Hi , thanks for a great post DaveP.

    I will make sure I investigate your ideas further. I gues knowing your customers is the success to any business. Next step: SEO and statistical tracking.



    Oh I forgot to add… You also NEED A sense of Humor.:shhh:


    hehe, ok, I will look out for a sense of humour. Do you know of any affiliate programs for that?


    Just hang around here, this place is full of jokers! :laugh:

    SEO: Just learn the basics.

    Then build a site that visitors will love. What you would like to see yourself.
    Make it unique. All truly secure and successful sites are unique.

    If there was a cookie cutter answer to your question, we wouldn’t need CAP to hammer things out.

    It’s not that cut and dry, everyone arrives at their own secret sauce.

    You will find a lot of help with specific questions about most any aspect here though.


    I agree with all of the post thus far, but take the time to learn how things operate on the world wide web. If you capture and understand its complexity you will be miles ahead.

    Be unique with your site, don’t throw up another generic site, be different and think outside of the box.

    CAP provides all the tools you need to become a successful webmaster!! greek39

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