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It’s not just Affiliates Sites being hit

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  • #589293

    32red Casino are having their content ripped off. In addition the site below is trying to pass off as as well . What makes this even funnier, the guy that has done this is a 32red affiliate, well a brandconversions affiliate to be precise – There is dumb and there is dumber!!

    Registered to :

    This guy is loading the 32red site within a frame on this domain and has included his own 32red affiliate tags – audacious or what!!

    Well I have spoken to my contacts at 32red and they are already aware of this site. Don’t expect it to be around for much longer as a result.


    This is a strange one, as several casinos allow you ( and have the templates in the affiliate program) to build mirror sites, not sure what 32 reds policy is on this tho…

    rooster wrote:
    This is a strange one, as several casinos allow you ( and have the templates in the affiliate program) to build mirror sites, not sure what 32 reds policy is on this tho…

    They view it as copyright infringement – passing off I do believe.


    aha well lets hope 32red go get um, if they are and they are affiliates of 32 red it wont take them long to track them down


    Some places don’t care about you doing this, 32red do – the aff is in trouble.


    Guys in my oppinion this is an honest marketing attempt by an affiliate. He has this set up as a mirror and is sending 100% of the sign ups to 32Red. If was an attempt to rip them off he would have links to OTHER casinos. 32Red gets ALL the benefit of this affiliates marketing efforts, they are losing NOTHING.

    If you were advertising this site either offline or thru online means it’s highly desirable to have a “straight” domain that does not scream “AFFILIATE LINK” to users.

    I see absoluetly nothing sinister about this as a marketing tool and actively promote casino and retail mirror sites myself.


    It is good policy to ask if they mind. Many will agree with the professor and allow this, even encourage it.

    Some others are dead set against it.

    I have done this myself in the past. Wasn’t too successful with it I must say.

    I have done this myself in the past. Wasn’t too successful with it I must say.

    That would have been an excellent indicator that the casino itself had very poor conversions.

    In essence you are sending traffic directly to the casino (if its a true mirror) and if that wasnt a successful campaign, just imagine how poor that casino would convert for you if you were sending them through a link first.


    Good point!


    32Red gets ALL the benefit of this affiliates marketing efforts, they are losing NOTHING.

    I disagree. The domain in question is a very similar domain to and also no permission was obtained to frame their site within the very similar domain name.

    This guy is trying therefore to pass his site off as indeed 32red and also is trying to profit from having a very similar domain name, hoping that some people putting the domain name into their browser, may make a typo and hit his site instead.


    I’ve done this before and see nothing wrong with it. I did it in an attempt to keep the traffic; those that didn’t choose to sign up.

    the site was an exact duplicate. I used their stuff to make it. provided a download link and IF the surfer then decided to NOT download the casino, … that way I was still able to keep the traffic that if I had sent it to the actual casino website; I’d not have been able to keep.

    I think its smart.

    Webzcas wrote:
    I disagree. The domain in question is a very similar domain to and also no permission was obtained to frame their site within the very similar domain name.

    You are saying 32red gave no permission and views it as copyright infringement, which it is. All they would have to do is ask Cam to remove the material, and I am sure he would. It is alway best to inform the casinos if you want to market this way, some will even provide special landing pages for you.


    Like everything else, it is a matter of whether the other party approves or not.

    Some programs actually provide mirror sites along with the banners etc.

    Others consider it theft.

    I used to do it, with permission, when I used to use a lot of PPC traffic. I would send the traffic to the mirror rather than directly to the casino to prevent them from seeing where the traffic came from, so they would not use my promotion methods and cut me out of the loop.

    Permission is the word of importance here. If considering any method of promotion that is not usually done and is not covered in T&Cs, always ask the program.



    We’ll get in touch with 32Red and our Affiliate partner to have a discussion about this matter.

    In this case would Webzcas or one of the Mods please edit this post to take out the affiliates details? If any one is interested they can always check the whois records. It would be greatly appreciated.

    We certainly have nothing to hide but I just don’t feel that leaving this information up will help any one at all and it could possible cast a negative light on the matter for any one who comes across this post.

    Hi Webzcas, I hope you understand. We’re just looking out for the interests of our Affiliate partners and we would certainly do the same for you. Please get in touch and we can talk it through with you. :)

    Other than this guys………. we’re looking forward to working with you and please sign up with us. We have some great programmes and we’ll have a couple of other hand selected “Big Name” Gaming clients going live in the next couple of weeks! Get in touch with Cat and she’ll be able to get you set up and give you as much support as you need. Top Affiliate Manager and more than capable of establishing the right commissions for you! or on UK + 44 (0) 1603 595 002

    All the Best!


    I am unable to edit the post.

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