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Islandmaans thread regarding DMOZ has been archived

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  • #587652

    Guys I archived Islandmaans thread regarding DMOZ. I did this because:

    1. Islandmaan asked that I do so, he started the thread orginally and has that right. He is one of the most well respected people in our community and I understand fully that his question was posted honestly for advice, not to be insulted or have his ethics called out. I consider Islandmaan a good friend and in “the real world” if someone insulted him in my presence I would deck them.

    2. The tone and level of discussion had degenerated beyond the level we tolerate in the general discussion areas of CAP. If you guys want to continue the thread I can move it to the Free For All area if you prefer that to the archives, but I strongly advise against this.

    3. It was causing an undue amount of aggravation to a lot of good members while bringing nothing positive to the table. It didnt start out that way and through the first page and a half of posts it was informative, unfortanately it went down hill quickly after there.

    Classics I am going to ask you one final time to address people in a professional manner in discussions up here in the general areas. I respect your right to voice your oppinion, but you have to work on expressing things in a way that is not condescending or insulting to the other members. Please respect others when posting and I am sure your points will be much better received.

    We had another long time member suspended this past week for anti social posting habits, I dont want to see that happen to others.

    Let’s all settle down and get back to business.


    If you have a problem with something I post, have the courtesy to point it out specifically, not make arm-waving, out of line comments.

    It constantly amazes me that some people can’t deal with these issues as adults and have civil posts where they agree or disagree, and instead degenrate into these arm-waving flames.

    It’s your message board though, and you can have it be a unconstructive whinefest if you want, but I obviously have no interest in posting where unsubstaniated, genuinely bizarre posts are made.

    The shame of it of course is instead of the original poster saying, “oh yeah, that was worded badly, and thanks for pointing out how it was dangerous to my own interests”, we spin off into this worthless territory.

    I know a lot of people would rather just whine about how mean old dmoz, or mean old Yahoo, or mean old Google are picking on their poor helpless group, but its a lot better to learn to not be helpless rather than endlessly, impotently complaining about how things are.

    I tried to help islandman by offering my opinion in a honest and, in my opinion, useful way. But, apparently I made a mistake. I didn’t flame or insult anyone, and as is obvious in the thread, so please don’t make comments strangely implying I did.


    I didn’t flame or insult anyone

    It has become quite apparent that you do not understand the meaning of these words.


    Please address anything I say specifically, rather than by waving your arms like this.

    I flamed no one. I insulted no one. If you don’t agree, please quote a specific, verbatim comment that you believe shows otherwise.

    Or be quiet please.


    Classics I am going to wave my arm one more time….

    Here we go :wavey:

    Thats me saying good bye

    You are suspended for 30 days…

    Personally I hope you dont come back. But if you appologize for your childesh rude and unprofessional behavior we will let you back in after your exile…

    Dont let the door hit you in the ass, you might get a headache.


    I flamed no one. I insulted no one. If you don’t agree, please quote a specific, verbatim comment that you believe shows otherwise.

    The thread is archived because you insulted too many people in it. While I can access it to procure the items you wish me to repost, I will not repost them. They have been moved for a good reason.

    OOps, posted at the same time as the professor. Sorry.


    Well, this is an unfortunate turn of events. Classics brought a lot of useful information to the table. Sure he was blunt and controversial at times, but I for one valued his Google and SEO insight. I don’t know, maybe I’m just more patient when it comes to things like this. I respectfully disagree with the decision to suspend his membership.

    Professor wrote:
    Classics I am going to ask you one final time to address people in a professional manner

    Professor wrote:
    Dont let the door hit you in the ass, you might get a headache.Hmmm.

    He had the warning and how did he respond engineer?

    It’s your message board though, and you can have it be a unconstructive whinefest if you want, but I obviously have no interest in posting where unsubstaniated, genuinely bizarre posts are made.
    If you have a problem with something I post, have the courtesy to point it out specifically, not make arm-waving, out of line comments.

    It constantly amazes me that some people can’t deal with these issues as adults and have civil posts where they agree or disagree, and instead degenrate into these arm-waving flames.

    I suppose you would have prefered I said “Oh please mr Classics, great god of SEO wisdom, please forgive me!” “You are welcome to insult and belittle everyone around you as long as we can bask in your glory and absorb the small crumbs of knowledge you so generously give us!”

    “We are not worthy oh great Classics, please please dont leave us, treat us anyway you wish. We are whores who will take any abuse just so that we can learn from you…”

    Maybe I made the wrong call Engineer… Maybe not…

    If the walls crumble down around us over the next 30 days we will just have to petition The Grand Sultan of SEO-Tania [edited by Professor] to come back and save us. He might be big enough to forgive us…


    Classics is Rumplestilskin (edited by Professor) and his website is [url]http://How to win friends and influence [/url]
    His website looks like a down filled pillow (edited by Professor) ! I totally agree with the Professor for banning this fine upstanding young man (edited by Professor). He has given no good advice to the hard working people of CAP. Classics trys to compare DMOZ to Yahoo and Google. There is no comparison. DMOZ sucks and is a useless link farm. It serves no purpose but to waste newbies as well as vetran webmasters time. Links from DMOZ is not worth the effort, when you can get good quality links from so many other great resourses. Again take a look at Classics numerous contributions to mankind (edited by Professor).

    :Pisser: Classics and DMOZ

    :cheers: Professor


    Hey Professor,
    I agree with your last post 100% and then some. Professor you rock!
    :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

    Professor wrote:
    1. Islandmaan asked that I do so, he started the thread orginally and has that right. He is one of the most well respected people in our community and I understand fully that his question was posted honestly for advice, not to be insulted or have his ethics called out. I consider Islandmaan a good friend and in “the real world” if someone insulted him in my presence I would deck them.

    Agree Islandman is a real decent person and the rudeness was not called for.


    I agree with Krystall agreeing with the Professor. :) Classics sucks and you heard it direct. I have decided not to approved DMOZ to my directory of websites due to duplicate content, link farming, and a totally shitty color scheme. DMOZ Sucks as well!.

    :cheers: Everyone!

    Professor wrote:
    I suppose you would have prefered I said “Oh please mr Classics, great god of SEO wisdom, please forgive me!” “You are welcome to insult and belittle everyone around you as long as we can bask in your glory and absorb the small crumbs of knowledge you so generously give us!”

    “We are not worthy oh great Classics, please please dont leave us, treat us anyway you wish. We are whores who will take any abuse just so that we can learn from you…” HAH! :rollover: :rollover: :rollover:

    Okay, I see where you’re coming from.

    Maybe I made the wrong call Engineer… Maybe not…

    Either way, it was your call to make. Running a large message board like this can’t be easy (I’ve never done it), and I suppose I would ban someone too if I became fed up with them.

    Again, I want to emphasize that by disagreeing with your decision, I meant no disrespect to you, or to anyone else here. This is a great message board, and of course there will be disagreements and heated discussions from time to time. I hope you understand, and I hope nobody will hold this against me in the future. :happy: I love you guys!


    Hey Engineer,
    Your alright! :) You can’t help but love the great people of CAP including my best friend the Professor. :)



    Damn straight, Captain! :colgate:

    Hey, guess what I’m doing right now? I’m having an ice cold BEER!!! LOL
    I recommend everyone follow my lead and “drink up!”
    :cheers: :cheers:

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