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Is it spam or something worse?

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  • #596277

    For the last month one of my sites has been repeatedly been receiving ‘visits’ in my stats from a large number of sites which are complete spam. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence but in this last month traffic has been significantly reduced too for this site, but I’m not sure if one has to do with the other.

    Most days I see referrals from the likes of

    xhttp://global. www. lrsfrtgravegoes .info/links.html
    xhttp://www.mountainthirdescape .info/
    xhttp://global. www. passseatweather .info/links.html
    xhttp://global. www. perfectnoonseveral .info/links.html
    xhttp://www.casesafesquare .info/

    Get rid of the x and the spaces

    All are spammy .info and they all seem to have very similar auto generated nonsense for content and the link to my site is nowhere to be found!

    The main sites of the ‘global’ subdomains seem to point to adult sites (that is the domain without the ‘global’ subdomain).
    The ones which are seen as just the domain name return a ‘Page Not Found’. The homepage of the urls that are / links.html as above all seem to redirect to a website called esweeps . com which i’m sure is a lead generation tool pretending to be a competition website.

    The frustrating thing is that I get littered with some 200 or more of these referrals most days and I don’t understand what it is…I’m not very tecchy in that respect. Is it a case of web log spamming, and if so why, what is the point in that? If not then is my site under deliberate attack? I’m not even a big affiliate compared to otheres on here, so I don’t why one of my sites would be targetted.

    Can someone please shed some light into this? I’m beginning to be worried and I know there are some very good brains here…



    Turn this in at google.

    Not sure which dirty trick it is, but looks like one of the ones that steal your ranking.

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