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Is a blog, a good idea for an affiliate site?

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  • #620878

    Hi to all.

    I am a new member here. I see a lot of your being affiliates and having a certain type of sites that usually promote the casino/sportbook services.

    I am running a blog @ The Football Sports Betting Blog! for about hmm around 6 months. I started recently advertising, by becoming an affiliate in certain programs, but without really any luck.

    Is my low traffic a problem for the affiliate programs or is it the programs or the site content in general?

    For other sites/blogs that I own, I usually rely on ad-sense, but since this one is gambling related I am not sure what’s the way to monetize it.

    Any help would be appreciated.


    A blog is a great way to have an affiliate site. You do need a decent amount of traffic however to get enough people to click through to the betting site and sign up. There are lots of ways to get more traffic, look around these forums or click on the link at the top of this page that says “Education”.

    One thing to keep in mind is that most people don’t like banners so sometimes it is easier to send people to the betting site if you include a link within your post.

    Perhaps you can make a prediction about a game outcome, show the odds and link to a site where they can place a bet, that would be logical and probably convert fairly well.


    Thanks for the reply.

    I think I am missing the more important part here which is probably “decent amount of traffic”.
    I got out of Google’s sandbox just recently and 40-50 visitors from Google per day are not what you would probably call decent traffic :).


    @xecutable 217041 wrote:

    Thanks for the reply.

    I think I am missing the more important part here which is probably “decent amount of traffic”.
    I got out of Google’s sandbox just recently and 40-50 visitors from Google per day are not what you would probably call decent traffic :).

    It depends on how your site is positioned, a tightly focused website that online gamblers are looking for to find specific gambling websites needs much less traffic to be profitable than a general sports related blog where users are coming for a different reason than to find a place to gamble.

    To answer your original question, blogs are great since the more content you have, the better change your website has at attracting visitors for all sorts of long-tail search terms.


    Thanks for the reply. I just wanted few external opinions to know whether I am on the right track here


    You are most definitely on the right track. Blogs are very important and can attract a lot of traffic if you update them often. If you are struggling to sign up to affiliate programs maybe contact them directly with your ideas and plans before filling out the application form and you could get into the door that way.


    Well I have been updating it, for the past 6 months almost twice daily. Currently I am getting around 60-100 visitors alone from Google per day, on keywords like football betting, predictions and etc.

    It’s all good, but seems like my traffic has already accounts everywhere :). Many impressions, many clicks, yet 0 sign ups


    @xecutable 217178 wrote:

    Well I have been updating it, for the past 6 months almost twice daily. Currently I am getting around 60-100 visitors alone from Google per day, on keywords like football betting, predictions and etc.

    It’s all good, but seems like my traffic has already accounts everywhere :). Many impressions, many clicks, yet 0 sign ups

    Its just my opinion but I just started a blog myself, and think it will do very well in the future. I do currently have two other sites, one of which I focus on the most, but I believe trust and authority of a site that has been around for a while is very important, its just like a physical business that has been selling widgets for 5 years versus one that has been selling widgets for 1 year. be patient update and I am sure it will do well in time, the important thing is not giving up.



    Blogs are great way to promote your site. Look for platform blogs that has a number of ways to broadcast. Squidoo one of today’s better blog sites with tremendous audience however does not anymore permit gambling as a topic for your blogs.

    There are a lot of platform blogs that can help you promote your site through their plug-ins or what have you. is one of those, also


    Thanks for the replies guys, I really appreciate it.

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