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July 14, 2006 at 11:59 pm #595542
InactiveCasino Pays Investigation
NOTE: This is not an official APCW audit, but an investigation of Casino Pays “Marketing Tools” interface and pop-up generation as it relates to affiliate tracking.
Investigation Intro
After much debate and concern over the “Marketing Tools” interface at Casino Pays, and the suspected misuse of affiliate traffic sent to Casino Pays properties, the APCW took a quick and thorough look at the processes involved.
Issue One: The Marketing ToolsWe have noted that within the Casino Pays affiliate interface, the “Banner Settings” have the correct affiliate links already embedded. However, when one navigates to the “Marketing Tools” section, the affiliate has to manually enter information in order to create the appropriate links.
Links not corrected by the affiliate are directing traffic to a “tsystem” default. It is our understanding that the affiliate will not get credit for players sent through that link. We cannot prove or disprove if any other party does gets credit for that player, or if Casino Pays would simply treat the traffic as if it were a direct “type in” or search generated visitor.
There is no debate that the “Marketing Tools” interface could be updated to be more affiliate friendly. And, we feel that it should be updated to automatically insert the affiliate code into links, just as the “Banner Settings” section does. That said, there is a noticeable disclaimer placed in a prominent page position warning the affiliates that they need to correct the code.
Also, it cannot be ignored that any reasonably experienced webmaster should know to check their links carefully before using them to promote any property.
Issue One: Conclusion
At this time, the APCW has no reason to believe that there was any malice involved on the part of Casino Pays. We base this opinion on the facts that, 1) the Banner Settings were not affected, 2) there was an adequate measures in place to inform affiliates of the flaw, and 3) that Casino Pays has promised to update this issue within 48 to 72 hours.
Issue Two: Pop Ups and TradalThere were concerns over the pop up served on the Casino Pays sites. We sent several players/auditors through affiliated and non-affiliate links and found the following:
We tested an affiliate link, activated the pop up, and tracked that link which maintained the affiliate code correctly. To double check the accuracy of the tracking we tried a second affiliated link and again activated the pop up. We downloaded the software, deposited $50 and played briefly at Prestige Casino. It also took an hour for the information to update on the stats, but when it did all stats tracked correctly.
When we tested a non-affiliated link and activated the pop up, the code generated was a generic “default” code.
Issue Two: Conclusion
The affiliated links appear to track correctly, and the pop up traffic appears to correctly maintain the affiliate information.
Investigation ConclusionIn regard to the issues listed above, APCW has not seen any activity on the part of Casino Pays that leads us to believe they are operating in a deceptive or unethical manner. However, we do feel that there is one unresolved issue to be accounted for: Why was there a pop up generated with a Tradal code in place when “Voo Voo” was on the Casino Pays site?
There may be a completely benign reason for this to have happened, but we would very much like to hear details from Casino Pays about what sort of activity would trigger a pop up of this sort, why Tradal needs a pop up, and what the relationship Casino Pays and Tradal share.
We thank Casino Pays for being proactive in their responses so far, and look forward to this issue being resolved shortly.
July 15, 2006 at 12:07 am #698707Anonymous
InactiveThanks again for your speedy actions. You guys rock. That’s good to know abut CPays.
July 15, 2006 at 2:55 am #698719Anonymous
InactiveI also thank you for investigating the matter
July 15, 2006 at 3:04 am #698720Anonymous
InactiveThank you Integrity for doing this audit, your username speaks volumes. greek39
July 15, 2006 at 9:21 pm #698774Anonymous
Inactivegreek39 wrote:Thank you Integrity for doing this audit, your username speaks volumes. greek39You are very welcome… and thank you.
As I have said before, the APCW could not function without the excellent work of Anthony… known on here as the Auditor. Big kudos to him as well, because he’s super aggressive and knows his stuff! =0)
September 4, 2006 at 3:10 pm #704505Anonymous
InactiveYeah, thanks for checking into this. I also agree that their Marketing tools section and complete affiliate admin section could use a major overhaul.