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Incredibly bad performance from Key MGS casino groups this month

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  • #730900

    Well, it seems out of all of that the one thing everyone has common is that Roxy tanked.

    G&C sent some non US players last month and made a little, now it’s flat.

    The others seem to vary a bit from person to person.

    I think the industry WILL get a handle on the processing mess and then we will see a turnaround, but I think not a full recovery. Too many have put their tail between their legs and run.


    Hi again all,

    like I said earlier .. don’t give up on CR just yet. They have an new payment depsosit solution coming along and though its still out there whether it will work or not … it sounds very, very promising and will turn this all around to their favor if it works out.

    I’m not in a position to say more right now. but I’m very hopeful. Enough so …… that if it works ….. I’m actually going to start spending money on advertising again.

    Been riding on bookmark traffic quite a while now and because I’ve always had small numbers ….. which now are down to very small numbers ….. I have to give it up to CR for not doing me like I’ve seen some of the other major players do me … which is that as soon as my traffic fell off ….. their income fell off. No big leap for me to think that has more to do with my players already signed up there being taken than it does with the drop in traffic. You should be able to coast for quite a while when you’ve spent 7 years accumulating players.

    I won’t forget the places that dropped my income as soon as my traffic dropped off. They’ve proven to me what kind of partnership I can expect from them.


    Prof…. when I said dropped off about 50% … it was really more like 40%

    I’ve enough experience with CR to know it can and (I hope) will pick up to normal before the month’s end.

    also keep in mind its the month before taxes. I imagine those that pay are like myself ……..dealing with that fact this month instead of waiting till the last minute.

    April should be better towards the end ….. and May should be much better …… especially if this new payment/deposit solution works out (in the case of CR).

    IF/when it does work out ….. I think its a smart idea to rather than promote on our sites …. “hey this place has the answer!” .. rather to just suggest to everyone this is the best choice right now …. and let the players find out why once they get inside the casino. Now CR may say different when they go public …. but right now I think that its a wise move NOT to promote deposit/payment options on your sites even though that goes against my whole idea of advertsing …… it seems it might slow down the DOJ from finding out the new methods and buy them more time to be a working solution because right now its pretty obvious they’re onto things almost as fast as they are coming out.

    *thus the reason the Prof mentioned in another thread its better to talk about payment solutions in the private area. (please correct me if I’m wrong).


    Actually Lou to me it feels more like Charlton Heston in the Planet of the Apes at the end when he looks up and sees only the head of the Statue of Liberty. Welcome to the new world :rasta:


    I hope I dont end up in a net saying “Take your paws off me you damned dirty ape!” to the Feds!


    Hey Everyone,

    It’s tough right now and will be that way for a long time. I remember the Planet Of The Apes and Charlton Heston. My friends I have lost a lot of weight and have bulked up alot working on a house I am going to flip. I thank God for all of my friends here at CAP. The memories are awsome to say the least.



    I thank God for all of my friends here at CAP. The memories are awsome to say the least.

    Ditto Captain, what a ride this has been and I hope we can all eventually get off at the end safe and sound.:kisser:


    What end?

    I am not going anyplace until they drag me kicking and screaming.

    If the revenues here dry up, the internet is a big place with lots of opportunities.



    At the end of the ride of course…lol No pun was intended there, I am not going anywhere either, I still feel like things will get better soon for us all.:clapper:


    I will be the one to turn the lights out if it is the end of the game. I think that is many moons from now. I was in at the beginning and will be in to the end but I think my bones will be dust and gaming is still going on.


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