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Incentivized sign ups – Possible Casino T&C Violations

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  • #588393

    A member sent me this to warn our casino partners about possible violations of their terms and conditions by this affiliate offering incentivized sign ups at the casinos:

    I came across a site that may be of concern to you and your fellow affiliates. There is a dishonest affiliate who is providing what must be un-authorized offers for online a large number of casinos and poker rooms (many well known such as Casino on Net, Party Poker and many more, and he is
    generating quite a bit of traffic as well as revenue and because of this honest sites will suffer. Please look at the offers given at — details are availiable upon login but the operator is giving large prizes for casino signups and referrals through his affiliate account well beyond other offers I have seen. I was wary of signing up, and soon realized that he probably is not authorized to do this by the casino sites. Please look into this matter, as I’m sure you have many contacts with casino groups that I do not, in order to protect online gamers like myself.

    Just for kickos I signed up and went to their forum and these are actual questions being posted by people:

    for the poker room offers that require $50 and 1 raked hand, how do you actually make money if thats all someone plays? it would be possible to play 1 raked hand, and then withdraw, essentially forgoing the bonus, and this is cool with the rooms?
    the poker place may say that you have to play X number of hands in order to withdraw your money.

    Casino On Net also seems to be a HUGE target for them and they are giving away iPods if you sign up there and make minimum deposit and play through before cashing out.

    The main objective being coached by the site appears to be do the minimum thats required by the “offer” then to cash out.


    Thanks for pointing our attention to this. we will look into this matter closely and take it up with the affiliate.
    This is actually a good chance to ask – we are getting more and more instances of affiliates running these incentives, without clearing it with us first, and obviously thus not conforming to our terms for running this type of campaigns.
    Do you have any suggestions how to better enforce our conditions?


    Shelly it’s probably best to do what you are currently doing and review these on a case by case basis.

    Where it’s obvious that the affiliate makes “satisfying the mimimum play through requirements” the primary focus of their campaign then I would suggest not paying them on a CPA basis and instead switching them to a net win arrangement.

    Once finding profitable players is their primary focus both partners will benefit and I suspect that prize “give aways” wont be as attractive.


    To add to this, I’ve seen somebody spamming other forums about this site “pretending to be a friend” of I saw it a couple of times yesterday. I’m starting to realize the hard work that goes into being a successful affiliate, and it bothers me when people take short cuts that hurt the rest of us.


    We did look at the affiliate’s offers, and at the terms we have with him. He is paid a CPA – BUT for Casino-on-Net only for players who make a minimum deposit of $100, and play at least for $200. For Pacific Poker he has a minimum deposit of $100 and min. 250 raked hands.
    I agree that it would be best to go with a revenue share commission base for these campaigns, but as I understand this is not always convenient for the affiliate. This is why we do only count players who meet the above criteria.


    I am a member of this site, and I assure you that the owner, who I know well, has personally contacted each and every casino/poker room, including, and received their approval for running such a program.

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