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October 24, 2008 at 4:16 am #783898
Inactive@Renee 182662 wrote:
I guess my question is, do people think this in the states too?
I personally don’t believe this, and I don’t know anyone who does. It’s an interesting theory, but it doesn’t really make a lot of sense.
October 24, 2008 at 4:17 am #783899Anonymous
Inactive@Renee 182662 wrote:
This is slightly off topic, but when I went to Canada in August I was walking aroudn some markets and came to a store selling T-shirts that said 9/11 was an inside job.. I asked someone and they said that was the general consensus there..
I guess my question is, do people think this in the states too?Well, only the nutcases think it was an inside job. A more sane portion think that maybe all the signs were there, that an attack was coming & ignored, for shady, political or war reasons. Personally I think Bush ignored all the signs, indications & warnings for no other reason than hubris. Just my opinon.
October 24, 2008 at 4:24 am #783900Anonymous
Inactivethere are always the extremists on both sides in the US that have some conspiracy storys. The various ones include
1. the Israelis did it
2. George Bush 1, friendship with saudi’s means Bush set up to get more power.
3. Saudi’s Told Bush, Bush let it happen to get more power
4. CIA did it to get more power for bush.I think most of the people who live in the US pretty much accept the explanation that there is a group of terrorist led by bin laden who flew planes into the world trade center, pentagon and were likely headed to hit Capitol.
At the time it was easy to pull off because the people on the planes thought it was a hijacking and reacted by assuming it was best to behave, let them land the plane and have the authorities save you. The “Hijacking Model”. As we saw with the one plane where they learned what had happened, they fought back and prevented the mission from succeeding.
People love conspiracy theories, but the one being presented as “what really happened” by the 9-11 commission is what seems most likely. These same people bombed the world trade center once before and car bombed US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in the 1990s. Who needs a better “Theory” than that?
Oh, i know a few who wonder if not fully believe that stuff. But most people i know in US and Canada believe the general narrative.
October 24, 2008 at 6:36 am #783911Anonymous
Inactive‘When your not #1 you want to bring #1 down is the point.. so of course the many other countries want to level the playing field and have a bend over type leadership.’
Maybe some people have this twisted view. But do you really think this is why 90% of every European, Australian, New Zealander, Canadian, Mexican, Bahamian, and Russian wants Obama in power?
I know USA patriotism is strong and its brainwashed from kindergarden that America is the land of the free and the best country in the world… but this is going a little over board.
I was actually considering relocating to the states in 20001as you have some very beautiful country side and warm weather depending on location. But the Bush politics is what drove me away. Had Clinton still been in power I most likely would have made the move.
October 24, 2008 at 8:29 am #783920voodooman
MemberIMO most people in South Africa support the USA as a country. The majority of people here probably support Obama not because they want to see the USA fail (Your bankers are currently doing that for you).They want to see a new government that is more open to ideas from the rest of the world and a goverment that does not try to enforce “it’s our way or the highway” type of attitude on it’s allies.
Remember, one mans “terrorist” is another mans “freedom fighter”. Nelson Mandela was regarded as a “terrorist” by most white South Africans before he was released from prison. This “terrorist” then became President of our country and is now loved and cherished by all South Africans.
We are all brain washed into believing certain ideas as we grow-up, but what I find a truly enlightening experience is discovering that your fears about a people or a religion or a country were unjustified.
Sure, there are bad evil individuals that live in our world but there are no bad countries, maybe just fearful, greedy leaders who rule unjustly over their people (North Korea, Zimbabwe).
If everybody just took off their blinkers they would see that we are not all that different from each other. One may drive a luxury SUV, the other ride a donkey with no saddle. :1Dialog:
October 24, 2008 at 10:10 am #783936Anonymous
Inactive@Renee 182662 wrote:
This is slightly off topic, but when I went to Canada in August I was walking aroudn some markets and came to a store selling T-shirts that said 9/11 was an inside job.. I asked someone and they said that was the general consensus there..
I guess my question is, do people think this in the states too?The only rational I can see for anyone to think that is the response by Bush of not going after Bin Laden and staying on his ass until he was dead.
I’m sure that it’s hard for some around the world to understand exactly how that guy is still alive and sending the US terrorising tapes at will. I’m wondering the same myself.
I’m one of those that can’t help but feel that the final and last stance that the GOP has of winning this election is for Osama to rear his evil head and scare enough folks into voting for McPalin.
I won’t even bother going over my thoughts on Iraq. :sarcasm:
BTW Renee, it’s so good to have another female down here. I appreciate your insight and questions. It’s always good to see what others around the world think and have to say.
October 24, 2008 at 12:30 pm #783951Anonymous
Inactive@GamTrak 182711 wrote:
The only rational I can see for anyone to think that is the response by Bush of not going after Bin Laden and staying on his ass until he was dead.
I’m sure that it’s hard for some around the world to understand exactly how that guy is still alive and sending the US terrorising tapes at will. I’m wondering the same myself.
We know why, Pakistan won’t allow any (US) forces to cross over into the tribal regions of their country where Bin Laden is rumored to be. Generally, when local Afghan tribes are used (since they know the mountain regions quite well) they play one side(US) against the other (Taliban/al-Qaeda).
Obama’s policy is to get bin Laden and kill or capture him. If Pakistan is unable or unwilling to do it he’ll get it done one way or another. He is quite clear on this policy which is why McCain called this policy “dangerous” in one of the debates sine Pakistan is a US ally.
9/11 was not an inside job. The timeline and events are well documented and in a nut shell go something like this. bin Laden helped the Mujahideen defeat the Soviets in Afghan and became a hero in the Arab world. Then Sadamm invaded Kuwait, bin Laden urged Saudia Arabia to use his fighters to help Kuwait and the Saudi’s refused and went with US aid, this pissed bin Laden off and he continued to bad mouth the Saudi Prince. The Saudi Prince then pressured the bin Laden family to cut of his money. This basically was the start of his fatwa against non-muslims.