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How would you spend £100

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  • #617057

    I’ve just started a new casino and poker site and have only £100 to spend on online marketing.
    What would be the best way to utilise such a small amount. Any ideas welcome.


    Coffee, snacks, and then get to work. There is loads you can do without any cash, £100 wont get you much further.


    Just realised that wasnt a huge amount of help! What I meant is…

    Search google for lists of seo friendly free directories and start submitting.

    Set up a blog and start churning out quality content day in day out.

    Some people do lots of article submission, link swopping which is also free of course.

    Richard (OLBG);203075 wrote:
    Coffee, snacks, and then get to work. There is loads you can do without any cash, £100 wont get you much further.

    Haha not much help but funny.

    But as Richard said in his second post, with that small budget I would also focus on the free ways of building up a player base.

    Talk to a operator to setup a value added tournament that you can push, maybe by printing flyers. I know I have worked with a few affiliates that have managed to get quite a lot of traffic from flyers. If you hit the right audience.

    Good luck


    Must have signed a couple of high rollers? I have upped my budget of £1000 now. Thinking I may invest in buying good quality unique articles and dabbling in PPC? Not getting enough visitors to set up a tournament though.
    I did buy coffee and cakes while writing more content and have decided to go down the online magazine route.


    Dofollow social bookmarking

    Easy question – concrete answer…


    I would suggest you to hire a graphic designer. Sorry but your main page looks boring.
    100% you need a Logo!
    p.s. £100-should be enough..

    LESMC1;203072 wrote:
    I’ve just started a new casino and poker site and have only £100 to spend on online marketing.
    What would be the best way to utilise such a small amount. Any ideas welcome.
    JokerT;204112 wrote:
    I would suggest you to hire a graphic designer. Sorry but your main page looks boring.
    100% you need a Logo!
    p.s. £100-should be enough..

    I don’t think spending my £100 on a logo would help because who is going to see it, I don’t have any visitors. If I had the money I would have the whole site designed by a graphics guy.
    It’s not £100’s bad anyway!


    Think the best thing to do is to be consistent, in other words don’t spend 100 now and then spend 1000 next month, try find an average that you can afford each month, and then slowly increase over time (if you are making money).

    As far as what you can do with a small budget, well, there is way to much you can do, but you are only going to be able to afford 1 or 2, so test each one out on a month to month basis.

    One thing you should NOT do, is buy traffic from those sleazy traffic merchants, you know the ones, 100000 visitors for $10.


    Food and coffee!


    give it to me and i will tell my friends about ur site lol



    100 euros is not alot … But this what I’ll do…

    1 ) Choosing some small niche.
    2 ) buying domain + cheap hosting (1 year ~= 30 euros)
    3 ) Go to freelancers sites like or – And ask some 1 to write content for me with the rest of the money … You can get something around 30 articles.
    4 ) Install WordPress.
    5 ) put the content into your site … 2 articles each week.
    6 ) Get free links :
    a ) free directories
    b ) Article directories
    c ) exchange links with other small sites like yours
    d ) feed directories
    e ) squidoo , hubpages kind of sites.
    f ) Yahoo answers

    Just my 2 cents :hattip:

    greekhand;205202 wrote:

    100 euros is not alot … But this what I’ll do…

    1 ) Choosing some small niche.
    2 ) buying domain + cheap hosting (1 year ~= 30 euros)
    3 ) Go to freelancers sites like or – And ask some 1 to write content for me with the rest of the money … You can get something around 30 articles.
    4 ) Install WordPress.
    5 ) put the content into your site … 2 articles each week.
    6 ) Get free links :
    a ) free directories
    b ) Article directories
    c ) exchange links with other small sites like yours
    d ) feed directories
    e ) squidoo , hubpages kind of sites.
    f ) Yahoo answers

    Just my 2 cents :hattip:

    30 articles? Wow, really?


    Yeah … You right 30 article is a lot for 70 euros … It’s possible tho.

    20 article will be easier to get for 70 euros.

    Good point :hattip:

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