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How often do you submit sitemaps to google

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    im adding new pages to my sites everyday and google only crawls me about once a week, all my sites are new so everytime i add a new page i resubmit my sitemap to google, is this good practice?


    I assume you are signed up with Webmaster Tools so you can track your indexed pages.
    You can also track your indexed pages by googling site:yourdomain (no spaces)
    My hosting service automatically pings all 3 SEs and social media when I add a new page or make a major change. In your case, I would re-submit sitemap with new pages.
    If you are into social media, you should also ping each new blog post/page to all services, using / Update all of your social networks at once!
    Also, use feedburner for your rss feed(s) to announce new pages.


    In webmaster tools, you can tell google where your site map is located, and Google will periodically go in and grab your sitemap to process. It will also tell you when it last accessed your sitemap.

    The sitemap file on your website, is all you should be updating when adding new pages.


    @Rak 226047 wrote:

    In webmaster tools, you can tell google where your site map is located, and Google will periodically go in and grab your sitemap to process. It will also tell you when it last accessed your sitemap.

    The sitemap file on your website, is all you should be updating when adding new pages.

    Rak is correct, you only submit your sitemap to Google once. You are, in fact, just notifying Google of the address to your sitemap. Google then decides how often to crawl your site via your sitemap.

    Edit: I don’t really see the “content” you say you are adding often. Google likes fresh, original content. Try adding some 500 word articles that visitors would find interesting and the search engines will crawl your site more often.


    @ixian 226063 wrote:

    Google likes fresh, original content. Try adding some 500 word articles that visitors would find interesting and the search engines will crawl your site more often.

    Ixian is correct here.

    itsblitiz was it you who started using wordpress just recently? Hit me up on skype, I’ll show you how you can have your sitemap updated automatically when you add content to your wordpress site… and other fancy tools you should be aware of.


    hi rak, yes i was playing around with a blog on, and im going to getting into soon, i was going to start a new thread asking this but youve been so helpful to me so far il ask here, i understand that does not allow advertising and using their blogs to help push traffic to other sites (mine) well i have done a nice little blog with a few pages with a subdomain(it conatins links and affiliate codes), i want to pay the $17 dollars and register a custom domain but will the wordpress folks take my site down and ban me straight away? does anyone know how tough they are on this, im going to use very soon but i just wanted to see how a little blog with my own domain will get on
    thanks for your continued help and patience

    Adam W

    My site was done using wordpress.
    It is a very powerful platform, but does have a bit of a learning curve if you are doing your programming yourself.
    I love all the easy to install plugins that are available for wordpress as well.


    @wywkyle 226863 wrote:

    My site was done using wordpress.
    It is a very powerful platform, but does have a bit of a learning curve if you are doing your programming yourself.
    I love all the easy to install plugins that are available for wordpress as well.

    Why do you have to spam forums with your spammy replies? Trying to get the required posts so that you can put links in your signature. I hope you get banned.


    I usually submit them once and then check back to make sure that the green checkmark is indicated once in awhile, (this ensures that the search engines are reading my feeds properly).


    If you are creating/publishing content daily, there is no harm in submitting your sitemaps daily. We use XML Sitemaps (Create your Google Sitemap Online – XML Sitemaps Generator) and VBSEO sitemap generator for our forums and submit daily. Seems to be working fine as our content will usually be indexed and ranked highly within a day of publishing – sometimes same day.


    I know someone said that you only need to submit a Sitemap to Google once, this is correct. If you add a few new pages to the sitemap in Google you can use an option to re-submit a sitemap. I usually do this an content tends to get indexed quicker.


    I find once is ok, but then I do re-submit every 6 months.


    I don’t think it is essential to submit your sitemap to Google. If you have a sitemap uploaded in your root directory, Google would find it when it crawls your site automatically. I don’t even have a sitemap on any of my websites, and they are all done pretty well without one. The main thing is that your website structure is seo-friendly so robots can crawl and index all of your content :)


    I’ve had a sitemap for a very long time submitted via Google’s Webmaster Tools. However has anyone ever seen any difference with and without it? I know that it doesn’t hurt to have, but just curious if anyone has test it, and can vouch for it, that it indeed brings some benefits.


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