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How long

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  • #612188

    This question has been asked before on how long it takes before you begin seeing results, I guess I am looking for light at the end of the tunnel and I know nothing comes easy, but what other suggestions can someone offer a newbie, new to online casino promotion, I have had a site up now for over year and have done directory submissions, link exchanges , tons of articles, just recently added a blog , I have been promoting casinos from rewardsaffiliates and seem to get on a daily basis anywhere from 15 to 45 software downloads but no registrations or sign ups is this normal is it that I need more traffic to my site or is it just an overall time factor.

    thanks in advance with any feedback on improving what I am doing.



    45 downloads a day seems high with no paying players are you sure its 45 a day??


    get the links right in your signature would be a good start, ones a dead link.

    Is that a year of full time work or part time work?


    Yes sometimes max 45 downloads but no registrations , yes my signature was wrong on the second site thanks for pointing that out. As far as full time or part time , sometimes I spend 30 hours a week sometimes 4 my current Job is crazy I own small ISP and it just depends on how many cranky customer phone calls I get in a day if there aren’t to many i can spend hours doing link exchanges articles and the rest, but some days are limited, I would say if I averaged it out in a month I spend a good 50 hours a month.



    change to some other casinos give them a try you got nothing to lose rewards affiliates has never made me money why other programs do well whit the same traffic

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