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How do you reach casino marketing department?

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  • #586874

    Hi everyone,

    I’m very curious, how do you reach the marketing dept at these
    online casinos? Do I need to contact their affiliate program staff?
    (example like income access?)

    I’m trying to market my site
    Yep, brand spanking new and currently giving out cash and t-shirt
    prizes. To get return customers we’ve got FREE casino games and
    offering informative online casino rankings.

    I’d like to pick some brains and advice from ya’ll wonderful veterans.
    How do you market in this gambling industry?

    You don’t have to spill out your secrets .. hehe … I’m also here to
    network, so feel free to say what’s on your mind in regards to this



    Welcom, Casinofatcat!

    Most affiliate programs will bend over backwards to help you market them as efficiently as possible if you contact them and ask for advice. If they don’t – they aren’t worth your trouble anyways.

    The most important way to market in this day and age is SEO – search engine optimisation.

    Learn as much about it as you can – the web is full of informational sites and message boards regarding this. Optimize your site as best you can. That will give you a good start.

    If you run into trouble or have questions, ask in the Seach engine section of this board. There are a number of people who will give you excellent advice.


    Hi Dominque,

    Thank you for your sincerely reply! You have no idea
    how helpful you are.

    I am going to take your advice in contact the affiliate
    programs directly because I’ve been calling these
    casinos and just not having any luck. I’ll also do more
    research on the SEO.

    Is there any way I can contact you about the casino
    affiliate programs you are already in? I’d like to ask
    you a few questions and maybe even join under you
    if it’s ok with you.

    I’m just here to get a better understanding of how
    to market online and I’m sorry if I seemed like I was
    spamming damiandunlap. Next time I will be more
    careful since it looks like this is a sensitive subject.

    Thanks again!

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