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How do you Protect Yourself Against Someone Stealing Your Content?

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    Hello everyone. I’m seeing a lot of posts about one website ripping another off, and I find myself wondering, what the heck I would do if that happened to me?

    How do you prove the content was originally yours? What are the basic steps you want to take to protect yourself from having your website copied? Thanks in advance!


    The simplest way to prove copyright on an peice of work is to mail it to yourself and keep it unopened (preferably, get your lawyer to hold it).

    I guess you could do the same with email, but it would not be as hard evidence as if it was a hardcopy with a federal stamp on it.

    There is a way to officialy copyright work, but it does mean paying for the process.


    Good question Noah. Heres what I posted in another thread on this topic:

    If someone steals your content or is intentionally trying to damage your business legal recourse is available. Additionally you as an individual can:

    * Report the offenders to the search engines they are targeting
    * Report the offender to their webhost and advise them you want the person to cease and desist immediately
    * Report the person to the affiliate program(s) you see them promoting
    * Publically embarrass the shit out of the offenders on every forum that will allow you to do so
    * Take whatever technical counter measures you have access to

    Collectively we are urging our partners to NOT reward these bad affiliates and to instead cut off their incentive to do these tricks by forfeiting their commissions.


    So I should print out my website and mail it to myself? That sounds easy enough. I’m very interested in hearing other people’s ideas on this as well so I hope this thread generates some more replies. Something I was wondering was whether my hosting service, or any hosting services for that matter, would have a record of what content I had on my site and when. Snailmailing a hard copy just seems somehow archaic. Shoudln’t there be something easy you can do on the net just to prove your website had such and such content on so and so date. Has anyone gone through the official route of copyrighting their site? Any and all feedback on this topic is sincerely appreciated. Oh and btw, thanks for such a great resource in these forums!


    This isn’t really an answer to your question, but one of the ways to quickly find stolen content is to work unique phrases into your work that can be searched for with “unique phrase here”. Both of the recommendations by croupier are sound, but the problem with much stolen content is the people who are stealing it are hard, if not impossible, to bring legal action against. On the other hand, especially where forums are involved, content is often posted and the forum owner doesn’t know it is stolen. I have had this happen to some of my writing and once the forum owners were contacted, they fixed it. There will always be people who would rather steal than do their own work. One area that you can use, as the Professor mentioned, is become actively involved on some forums. If you prove yourself to be trustworthy, you will have a few places to start bashing the thieves when it happens to you.


    I guess if (when?) your content gets ripped off its not really the legal system that is going to provide you any relief, its the affiliate programs themselves. So if you’re an affiliate manager and one of your affiliate complains that another affiliate is stealing his content, what would you be wanting to see to substantiate those claims? How do they actually know who had the content first?


    this link will show site history




    I have the same problem and this is way i have registered to

    the this is that my site is new…
    and someone is stealing my content every day from my news section

    I have tried to contact the host and the affiliate manager, but this thing is taking time, and as a SEO manager i don’t have time.

    Please advice what can I do…



    this is just about as layman’s answer as you’ll ever find since i know nothing about tech stuff …. but I have noticed many scrapers are so damn lazy that not only do they steal instead of making their own content …. but many are too lazy / stupid to take time to remove links that are built into the content.

    what i”m saying is …. ad some of your own aff link codes into your content and while this won’t work for every situation ….. it may actually work to your advantage when the thief is too lazy+stupid to take time out to change the aff link codes in the content itself.

    not an answer ……. I admit that. but I have seen times when content thieves actually published the aff codes belonging to the original writers. I’d also include as many times as possible a reference to your website.

    I’m guilty of not listening to my own advice and I’m glad you started this thread because it has served as a reminder to myself to do these things.

    I also recall someone that had their images stolen from their website and they replaced them with some of the ugliest, most sickening porn pictures with the added text below the pics saying ……. this is what happens when a website steals images from another ….. its too gross to go into detail but trust me …. as sick as it was … it was also too damn funny!

    wish I had more to offer because content thieves are the lowest forms of life. I mean …. how freakin’ hard is it to change a few words around and make it your own? I have no problem with that. I mean you can only say … hit an eleven in blackjack so many ways …… right? so in my eyes …. most of what is said about gambling has already been said …… probably a more than a hundred years ago if you want to get down to it. we all learned somehow right? its true some learned by experience but i would bet 90% of us that write about gambling …. learned in one way or another …. by reading how to play on some kind of format.

    so stealing? not if it is not word for word from my perspective. Gambling is about like sex. its been around so long that at best case scenario …. somebody has come up with a new or semi-different approach to the subject but lets face it …. when it gets down to the actual deed. ….. its either hit or stay ….. / lay ….. or get away ….. eh?

    *sorry ……couldn’t resist the pun. feel free to sue me at ….. or send dirty pictures via my PM :)

    onery tonight aren’t I?


    I found a website last week that copied 2 pages from my website word for word. They were hosting at so I contacted them and the content was taken down within a week. For my particular situation, it was easy to prove he ripped off my content because he was hot linking my images and he also (like bb1 said) was too lazy to remove my links. He still had links on the page pointing to my tracking script. It’s extremely frustrating when this type of thing happens.

    Keep an eye on copyscape, dustball, plagium, and the many other plagiarism checkers online.

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