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How do we get 888 to not target us?

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  • #586098

    Hi All,

    I was on my mum’s pc last night browsing our website when an AdWare company launched an pop up at me.

    We can see that they use When-U from looking at Ben’s report so it could well have been as a result of that.

    What would you do in our position to encourage them to stop targeting us with AdWare applications?

    Any ideas welcome.

    Many thanks



    I have been looking for an answer to that question for a long time.

    Haven’t found one yet.


    Lol – maybe I should write to them and politely ask them to stop.

    I am suprised that they want their brand associated with AdWare? I guess that they are just too big to care.


    They have been the most avid user of scum from the get go.

    If it was not for them jumping in with both feet, chances are it may not have become so popular. Everyone else jumped in to defend themselves.


    Well I didn’t know that. But I can see how that would have got the ball rolling.

    There were a couple of other UK Gaming merchants that were targeting us as well, and one of them shocked me as they are an “Anti AdWare” campaigner (on the forums).

    I won’t name them because the affiliate manager was unaware that their company was using AdWare. But she is going to get her company to stop using it now.

    Do you agree that if the marketing department from within a company don’t have a dedicated affiliate manager then they are more likely to be unaware of the negative PR using AdWare generates? (As it tends to be affiliates who make the most noise about this issue)


    well it may not stop them, but it ought to hurt their ROI if you put up a disclaimer but you’d then have to not use popups yourself, but this is what I’d say;

    warning! Any popups you are experiencing are not from this site and are a result of a spyware or scumware which was put on your PC without your knowledge. Clicking on these popups will only reward them for having done this to you.


    I like the idea of a disclaimer.

    I looked at one of my sites the other day on a friends machine and when I closed the window, 5 popups appeared and I don’t use them!

    I downloaded Adware and it found an amazing 792 pieces of scum! I thought I was doing well with my 120 the first time I ran it.

    No wonder he was complaining his machine was going slow.


    I like the idea of featuring a disclaimer on the homepage, however I can’t imagine our management team agreeing to integrating it, as although we won’t use AdWare I don’t think that the management realise how big a problem it really is.

    A newsletter to our audience would be a more realistic first step.


    IMHO , the adware staff is just like any other competitor and we should live with that


    It’s theft.

    It’s like you own a grocery store and do all the work and all the advertising, and someone plucks every customer off at the entrance.

    Agreed, it’s a reality we may be forced to live with. But it is the same as any other crime we are forced to coexist with. A crime.


    I don’t use popups and have disclaimers on some of my sites advising that if they get popups then they are not from my sites so don’t get upset with me.

    If you do use popups then perhaps you could modify the disclaimer to include something like, “unless you see my site name on the popup…” Means you can’t just use a banner as a popup and you will have to include your logo or name, but it might help.


    A Jackpotjoy Bingo affiliate apparently using eXact, according to Ben Edelman.


    Thank you, Joeyl!

    What did you do, ask Ben?


    No Dom, it is on his eXact gambling ads page linked to above.


    Lol!!! Not paying attention here!


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