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  • #595829

    When you decide to start your gaming affiliate site, considder the work that you will be investing. This mistake that I made has punished me for over 3 months now, and I’m finally climbing out of the hole.
    My mistake was that my eyes were bigger than my appetite. I signed up at every gaming affiliate site that I was able to find within a 2 day range. When I was accepted into over 30 affiliate programs, I was completely lost in a world that I know very little about.
    My advise is to maintain a complete list of affiliate programs that you’ll be interested in. And then work on building pages for each program one at a time. Then add the pages to your directorty as they are finished. My directory is a complete mess, some pages have reviews, some have just banners, and some are just completely wasted. If I knew then what I know now, my site would be much prettier, and maybe more successful. lol
    You pros can correct me if I’m wrong, by all means. And if you have any advise for me and my site, I’m open minded.


    no offense,

    but start all over,
    seems better to me then organize this #$%

    cheers , and realy best wishes,

    nice post, rofl


    I just took a look at the front page, and it’s too busy. The eye can’t focus on any one thing….


    I must agree with the previous posters. Try and center the page, cut down on the banners, and have content being the first thing you see.

    But i am sorry but the best criticism is the honest one. Rethink you entire concept here, perhaps redo the site. greek39


    my friends and family are so full of crap! they all say that I’m doing a great job and it looks great but I know the truth. And finally got it confirmed lol. You guys are gonna have to babysit me for about 6 more months. I hope to figure it out by then. I’m in the process of creating a whole new “more organized” site that will hopefully uphold the highest standards in gaming affiliate programs. It’s a good feeling to have some sound advise that isn’t from a loved one. Keep me on my toes. CAP members are the best!


    Best advice I could give would be to take a look at a few sites and find one that you like the look of.

    It may be in a totally unrelated field – but it will be a poretal for information that you go back to time and time again.

    Take a look at it’s layout an components and see what it is that makes you like it – use it – revisit it.

    Work out how you can emulate that in your own site.

    good luck mate.


    the more banners you have, the more puzzled the visitor on your site will be :yinyang:


    I wasn’t sure about the ethics of that and was previously to embarrassed to ask, and obviously went the total opposite direction. I have a few sites in mind already. But first, is it ethical? I figured it would be unethical if I had to ask a question about ethics. lol Cheers


    Plan your work and work your plan. Most of the hard work I find is planning, but most of all do not give up. See your furture and be it, we are all here to help. greek39

    ReDRulvl wrote:
    I wasn’t sure about the ethics of that and was previously to embarrassed to ask, and obviously went the total opposite direction. I have a few sites in mind already. But first, is it ethical? I figured it would be unethical if I had to ask a question about ethics. lol Cheers

    I’m not sure – but is this question aimed at my advice of emulating a portal?
    If so – I would say yes – of course it’s ethical.

    Reverse engineering and emulation of products and services has happened since time began. McDonalds sells burgers – and now so does BurgerKing.

    And look at newspapers – at least the quality ones – they all have front page headlines and teasers, an editorial, a puzzle page, a TV page, a business section, and a sports section (etc). All these components are repeated in every good newspaper.

    So it is with good websites. You shouldn’t rip off content – but I see no problem in emulating the look and feel of a site that you like.

    There will be differences, you won’t be able to repeat everything you seeas most portals have quite complicated technology.

    Good luck !


    about your recomendation to “center my pages” What is the normal (average) window width?


    Sometimes the ugly pages work. Users are going to be in a hurry to click off that site :hehe:

    I think you should start a second site. I would look at the CAP polls that illustrate which programs are most effective and focus on those until you get a feel for what players are looking for.

    You can use that first site to experiment with different traffic sources and marketing methods since it is unlikely to get bookmarked or type ins.


    While everyone else seems to be focusing on the look, I have a different question: Where is your content? Do you turn on your TV to watch commercials? If not, then why will anyone go to your site just to click on the ads?


    Thank you Mike for the reply. The original post was a ‘ NOT TO DO ‘ like I did.
    I have never claimed to be a expert. If you have seen the site recently, it is completely new look and easy navigation I hope. It is a work in progress, that I uploaded way to early just as a favor to a friend that is new to the internet and wanted to join a poker site that still services the USA. The older version of my site has many reviews and info about gaming sites, but nothing really in the form of usefull content. I thought it was pretty, but CAP has taught me that pretty doesn’t pay the bills, so time to try something else. To be completely honest, I have 13 years experiance in gaming, and no experiance in marketing. So the extra $8000 that I made from has been a real treat. I figured that all the time and money I spend in casinos, why not gamble on my future and take a risk in this biz. I’m uncertain about the future of online gaming in the US, so I figure to have some fun with this while I can. Anyways, Mike, thanks again for your input. Best wishes to you and your family. And thanks to everyone here at CAP for the support and reassurance. I’m always willing to try and experiment with this site so any suggestions or critisism will be welcome.:wink-wink


    A suggestion i have would be do a search for Free CSS templates. It would give your site a more professional look and feel. But contrats to making 8g on a site such as yours


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