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Help me! Party Partners are screwing me!

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  • #604866

    Hello all.
    I have a very big problem. I ahve been screwed by Party Partners, in august month i refered about 80 players, wich gave me a lot of money. For me it is very much, now this has happend.
    First i got the money to my cashier and everything was like it should, but when i should withdraw my money, it said that my account is under investigation. I mailed them a couple of times, and they said it was a routine control bla bla bla. Today i got my cashier uplocked, but all the money was gone. And their answer to that is.

    [FONT=&quot]”I got your account checked, though the account is open now you would not be able to cashout your august accruals. As the player values have been very low and going negative in like 3 months time I would not be able to get the money released immediately.”
    [FONT=&quot]”We would only be able to release the money and increase the deal if the player values improve.”[/FONT][/FONT]

    I have done nothing wrong, i have been giving my players incentives and they have deposited it, and this is “legal” to do at party poker, that it says in their terms and conditions. Their only term to get a real money player is that they should earn 5 party points. All my players have done this, and after i ahve got them to register and deposit, i can’t d so the play more so that Party Partners will get their good valued players? AND i asked if this was ok to do, exactly what i did, and they told me yes it is ok, and you will get your CPA.

    Seriously, what should i do now? Anybody who is or have been in the same situation? Can they really do this?

    Please help me!
    Thank you!


    there’s a surprise. sleep with dogs …..expect fleas. no offense ….. but as I see it …. the truth.


    @bb1webs 138302 wrote:

    there’s a surprise. sleep with dogs …..expect fleas. no offense ….. but as I see it …. the truth.

    never liked them and dumped them a long time ago.


    Not exactly thrilled with them either, but here we have the typical CPA story again.

    No Casino, or Poker, or Bingo will pay you more for player than they are making.

    If they did they would go bankrupt. You can’t pay out more than you take in.

    I’ll say it again: CPA always has a loser. Either the casino loses because the CPA is higher than the yield per player, or the affiliate loses because the yield per player is higher than the CPA.

    It is a rare case where the two items match.


    While I agree with you Dom, and you know I think the same way … is there anything in PartyGaming’s terms that say that they can do this?

    They’re not saying player fraud – they’re just saying low value.
    Isn’t this simply predatory?

    I understand that they can cancel an affiliates CPA contract if they don’t find the players suitable – but that’s for future efforts.

    Do they have a coverall in their T&C’s that let them get away with this retrospective change “legally” – or is that a moot point because they know that no affiliate will ever sue ?

    (and yes – I know CPA is low pay for affiliates – but I wonder if affiliates realise just how dodgy their “quick cash” deals are?)


    All CPA deals include a player value clause. If they didnt the casino would get robbed blind and they know it and so do we.

    CPA is just plain bad for all parties involved. We have said this time and time again. If the players you send are valid then the CPA amount is much lower then their actual value to you as an affiliate. If the players are invalid and you are trying to scam the casino they wont pay you and again you lose.

    Unscrupulous scammers (I wont call them affiliates, they arent, they are thieves) try this shit all the time. They bargain for a what they consider a good CPA rate then get friends and family and accomplices to sign up and give them a portion of the CPA all the time thinking they are going to somehow beat the casino. More often then not they are caught as this is a very old scheme and they are left holding the bag and screaming THEY were the ones ripped off.

    Here is the first clue that something is terribley wrong in their cover story… They start out with “I sent the casino 100 players and now they are refusing to pay me”. They never go on to say where this mountain of players came from. They dont have a site that ranks well in search engines. They dont have proof of heavily advertising the offer. Come on now. WTF do you pull 100 depositing players from in a month in todays enviroment?

    The answer is you probably dont unless something is going on

    i have been giving my players incentives and they have deposited it

    This statement is the same thing as saying “I figured I found a loophole where I could rip off the casino by paying for “players” to pick up a minimum number of points” Once they do that they walk away and I pocket a fat CPA payment that is higher then my “investment”. You arent trying to bring players to the casino you are trying to take advantage a weakness you thought you discovered…… BRRRRR Wrong.

    The Casino was paying you a CPA amount to bring them real depositing players and clients. They werent looking for a way to fork over money to you. If you had sent real players and not incentivized crap they WOULD have paid you. You tried to scam them and now you lost your front money. Kind of ironic isnt it?

    I dont like scammers and you basically got what you deserved. What kills me is after the scam fails these jokers have the nerve to come to communities like CAP and try to extort the money from the casinos. It’s disgraceful to those of us who do work honestly in this business.

    I am not saying Party Partners are saints, but they have always been more then happy to pay honest affiliates for real players. It’s too hard to recruit good affiliates. The huge mistake they make is by offering CPA as its a lose lose proposition for everyone including them and leads to a lot of un-needed work and bad publicity.

    I wish casinos would wake up and DUMP CPA. Its just not worth the inherent problems it causes for everyone.


    @Professor 138320 wrote:

    I wish casinos would wake up and DUMP CPA. Its just not worth the inherent problems it causes for everyone.

    Best thing I’ve read all day.


    I am really angry with PartyGaming at the moment. I’m on the RevShare plan and have always been. I’ve never gone for the CPA deals. Last month I earned a little over $3,300 with them and was paid only $244. They short changed me by $3000!!! How disgusting is that? I have a good affiliate manager and have brought the matter to his attention. I’m sure he’ll fix this problem. What really pisses me off is that we work so damn hard to promote them and they really don’t give a damn about us and will try to rip us off if they can. Are these the sorts of sponsors that we want to promote?


    Sorry to hear that, LandofOz. :( Party has been screwing affiliates for years, though. Not just CPA affiliates, rev-share affiliates too.


    Oz please PM me with details of whats going on including your username and any correspondance related to the commission due. I will contact Party and get you some help. Assuming everything is in order I fell confident we can get you paid.


    Party rejects to pay me $1850 earned with Starluck and PlanetLuck casinos. And I’m pretty sure the same fate awaits my old PartyPoker account. I don’t care to ask already.
    And now I have problems with affclub (ex-IOG group affprogram)… OMG I’m sick from Party idiot system and their helpless stuff :(.


    I have worked with PartyPartners (poker/revenue share only) for many years and they always pay on time. Never had a problem with them. I really like their rake back policy…:cheers:


    @LandofOz 138368 wrote:

    I am really angry with PartyGaming at the moment. I’m on the RevShare plan and have always been. I’ve never gone for the CPA deals. Last month I earned a little over $3,300 with them and was paid only $244. They short changed me by $3000!!! How disgusting is that? I have a good affiliate manager and have brought the matter to his attention. I’m sure he’ll fix this problem. What really pisses me off is that we work so damn hard to promote them and they really don’t give a damn about us and will try to rip us off if they can. Are these the sorts of sponsors that we want to promote?

    I was short changed as well, by a larger amount. My account manager told me that they will review my account in October, and if the player value increases, I’ll get the remaining portion of the commissions.


    @NolanA 139070 wrote:

    I was short changed as well, by a larger amount. My account manager told me that they will review my account in October, and if the player value increases, I’ll get the remaining portion of the commissions.

    So they won’t pay you revenue share commission, unless the player value increases?


    they really don’t give a damn about us and will try to rip us off if they can

    you said it brother! take your own advice. I’ve tried for years …. off and on … to work with them. i’ve always come out on what i considered the smaller end.

    Ask Antoine ..and I’m suprised he’s not said anything already.

    the last thing you want to do is spend a while building up a player base with someplace that has proven to be scum. YOU WILL LOSE IN THE END!

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