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Help! Greek and all you scraper experts.

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  • #599354

    Hi guys and thanks so much for taking the time.

    MY site’s been scraped right down to my picture.

    Can anybody help?

    Please don’t go to extensive trouble, as the stupid prick hasn’t (I don’t think anyway) had the sense to fix the codes on it. but i do worry it may in some way hurt my reputation if someone goes there thinking its my site trying to contact me and can’t.

    here’s the url:

    thanks so much again for any suggestions.

    and happy holidays my Friends!


    Boy, is that script ever weird!

    Anything that sounds like “one” “won” is being replaced by “two”
    Anything that sounds like “two” “tu” etc. is being replaced by “three”
    even stuff like “ate” or “eight” is being replaced by “nine”

    This script adds one to any numeric sound it can find and replaces that sound… goodness knows what kind of use this script has at all.

    It does not appear that he is trying to scrape your site for profit. In fact, it looks more like one of those scripts that rewrites your sites (there’s a famous one which Biblicizes your site).

    Try this…

    notice that, except for graphics, Got2Bet becomes Got3Bet… LOL…


    Hi Spear,

    you’re a dear for stopping in.

    Sigh .. ya I know he’s not going to make any money on the site but if someone (Goodness Forbid!) should type in the name of my site and end up at that one … being identical …. they’re going to assume its either incompetent or worse, ……. I worry an existing player will have a problem and come there to use my live help link and not get the help they needed.

    I was just telling my GF that he’s not going to make any money but he sure could screw up my reputation … as the above is just one possible scenario where that could happen.

    … (insert sheepish smilie here) … and that’s about all I got in this world my Friend …… so I’d like to keep it in tact as much as possible … by of course always striving to do the right thing …. but if I don’t know of a problem … I can’t of course fix it



    This is too weird.

    Of course you have to report it to google and describe it – what it is doing etc. The more detail and examples the better.

    Good catch Spearmaster – lol – what a way to alter text.

    I think this site wants to steal your SERPS without being a complete duplicate.

    So it substitutes certain things.

    It may want to wait and see how it fares and monetize it if the positions warrant.

    Definitely report this crap. I am not good at tracking the origins down, hopefully someone else will help you with that.

    Geez, what will they come up with next!



    Thanks Dom for the link to google report.


    I just noticed … or at least I think this thread was moved. I apolgize if I posted in the wrong place and thank the powers that be for moving to correct pastures.


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