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Help! 100’s of Links Show my Description!

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  • #600684

    I just did a search in Google for my sites name “gamble4u” and Google returned hundreds of sites that include my gambling sites description and title but then redirects to a page on “Flooring” with Google Ads no less.

    I have submitted a complaint to Google.

    I am not a spammer, etc., so I really don’t understand what this person seeks from these hundreds of redirects for “gamble4u.” The links show various foreign languages, but they always include ‘casino’ or some other gambling term along with “gamble4u” and my site description.

    Here is a sample of just one:

    juegos-de-casino – Holland Casino- [ Translate this page ]Gamble4U Gamble and enjoy quality sports, poker and casino gambling that meets the needs of your professional mobile lifestyle. La disponibilidad del Casino … – Supplemental Result – Similar pages

    There are hundreds like these that ultimately redirect to xx

    I just don’t get it – what is the point??? Can someone please explain this?



    mmm … it seems commonplace these days.

    Blackhatters scrape ANY keyword that’s remotely popular …
    And seem to use it without context …

    Good luck with trying to get them removed – the sites pop up like “tribbles” though … you get rid on one and three more appear in it’s place …


    Thanks, Paul. Will these scrapers have an effect on my site?



    There are more qualified SEO people here that can probably quote chapter and verse on SE rules … but my take on it is …

    Google have ensured that you cannot be “Google bombed” or dragged down by Spammers that link to you … unless you’re silly enough to be linking back.

    So I believe current “expert thinking” is that you’ll be fine.

    Where they may affect you is if their sites come above you in the lists for the keyword or phrase you were targetting … but the quick check I did of Gamble4U showed you sitting proudly at #1.


    – Will these scrapers have an effect on my site?




    There is no point losing sleep over this because it is going to happen whether we like it or not and there’s no way to stop it really.

    The key is to not link back to any dodgy site or scraper because then you will be penalised.



    Wait to the next “Google Dance” (about 32-60 days), and tell me what happend after that.

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