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Hello, I’m new and I’m stupid!

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    How’s that for a catchy introduction? I’ve just recently started in this business, and have been reading this forum everyday trying to learn and glean. I’m not new to being an affiliate, just new to casinos. All of my experience has been in the equally shady area of online pharmacies (I recognize some avatars here, BTW). Needless to say, I’m totally overwhelmed, and the more I read, the more questions I have. I’ve purchased a few domain names, I’ve randomly and blindly signed up for some programs with good reviews here (or followed from a wise friend’s site as his 2nd tier), now I’m stuck.

    I’m clicking away at a bunch of your domains to look at layouts, etc. I’m absolutely terrible at designing sites. I use templates, or I hire someone to design for me. Get me past html, and I’m utterly and totally lost. I’ve got way too many questions to remember them all. So I’ll start with just some of the quick basics.

    I’m used to having several different sites, and dedictaing pretty much each site to each company I affiliate with. But it doesn’t look like it works the same way here since everything is just a banner/link/etc to one of your/our affiliate programs. So why does one need more than one site? Is it just for SEO, or does each site actually serve a different purpose?

    Am I best off having my index page be an overview with a couple of the best payouts/highest bonuses on that page, with links to pages by type of game? What tends to be most profitable for affiliates? Poker or Casinos, and why are each different affiliations? What about Bingo?

    Since I don’t want to screw up completely while I’m still waaaay down on the learning curve, I plan to focus only on one area until I know what the heck I’m doing – ie Casinos instead of Poker. Any recommendations of how best to start out?

    I should also mention that my SEO is always trial and error. Sometimes I get good rankings and have no clue how I got there, and other sites have low positioning no matter what I do. So, I’m going to have to be dependent on PPC for awhile. OMG! I though PPC in OP-land was expensive – this area truly sucks! :whoa: Are there better times of day or days of week to piss away this money with a better shot of seeing some return?

    shrug.gif 1zhelp.gif


    I have one very basic piece of advice to you:

    Be unique.

    Try to do it differently from others.

    Since you are new to the subject, how about a guide for newbies?


    The Idiot’s Guide to Gambling Sites? I’ll take it!

    NeedALife wrote:
    The Idiot’s Guide to Gambling Sites? I’ll take it!

    LoL, Classic


    What an introduction! If you write good content, like you write posts, you have started your way :) Just read here which programs you should use, what techniques to use, and you’re set. Read and learn.

    And good luck!!! :colgate:

    Webmaster7 wrote:
    What an introduction! If you write good content, like you write posts, you have started your way :) Just read here which programs you should use, what techniques to use, and you’re set. Read and learn.

    And good luck!!! :colgate::clapper: It sure was, and gawd I thought I would never be able to get approved to finally post sure took awhile but everything that NeedALife posted is generally what I wanted to ask about,my first post and NeedALife just about said all I wanted to say or ask about this new venture, many moons ago I had a few gambling sites but went off into other venues,and thought I would give the gambling another shot…love your forum all, good advice and will get busy reading through the threads…:woohoo:


    Good luck to you too, Midnight. And welcome! :thumbsup:

    Webmaster7 wrote:
    Good luck to you too, Midnight. And welcome! :thumbsup: Why thank you kindly,for the warm welcome!!! :satisfied

    The quick answers:

    Multiple sites are created for there SEO benefits, or at the very least to target a different niche, but I suspect it is more for SEO.

    PPC is pretty much a waste of money in this industry. Google, Yahoo and MSN won’t take your money if you have gambling affiliate links on your site, and the second tier providers are either fraught with click-fraud or simply taking your money for fake clicks.

    Personally, I don’t feel this industry is nearly as shady as the online pharmaceutical market. Not to get off on a rant or anything, but playing at online casinos almost never leads to hospitalization or death. The point is, I think you will find plenty of upstanding business people in this industry. There are certainly some shady characters, we mostly refer to them as black hatters, but most people that communicate often here seem to be going the legitimate route.


    :omg: PPC is pretty much a waste of money in this industry. Google, Yahoo and MSN won’t take your money if you have gambling affiliate links on your site, and the second tier providers are either fraught with click-fraud or simply taking your money for fake clicks. :( Yikes well me thinks I will have to get the SEO gurus I know to give me a hand …shocked to say the least never had that problem 8 yrs. ago with the PPC..hmmm…good post and I sincerely thank u for sharing this for us newbies…:kisser:


    Thanks for the answers Webber. I didn’t mean that the industry is shady; more that our dear government likes to watch these things… Hope you weren’t offended. It’s not like selling through Amazon though, either.

    PPC is a total waste? I’m screwed! Or maybe not. As I said, other sites of mine have managed to get decent rankings on Yahoo or MSN (Google hates me) in spite of me. No worries about fresh site content; I’m changing that thing every minute. Can’t wait for the day that I can go a couple of days WITHOUT tweaking it (well, right now, it’s still in the major surgery phase, LOL).

    Did I read somewhere that you’re looking at a YEAR before you start seeing some money? :Ohno:

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