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Happy Birthday to candleena, nanny, bigcasinos, PartnerNordica, HCN, JoePino_, JohnH, on March 27, 2007

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  • #601727

    Dear Community,

    Here are today’s birthdays!

    candleena was born on March 27, 1949 (Age: 58)
    nanny was born on March 27, 1958 (Age: 49)
    bigcasinos was born on March 27, 1965 (Age: 42)
    PartnerNordica was born on March 27, 1978 (Age: 29)
    HCN was born on March 27, 1979 (Age: 28)
    JoePino_ was born on March 27, 1979 (Age: 28)
    JohnH was born on March 27, 1986 (Age: 21)


    Happy Birthday guys!!!

    Be happy!!!:1Dopey:

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