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google responds to spam report

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  • #605862

    For the first time ever google has responded to a spam report I filed. They did it via the webmaster tools message section. I about fell off my chair.

    The message is simple:

    We’ve received your spam report for xx

    The site in question is either a super scraper or a proxy thief, it is hard to pluck his system apart and see what he is up to.

    In any case, this is the first time I have received any actual acknowledgemet from google regarding a report, and I have filed hundreds. I have seen google act and remove them before, but this is a new one on me.

    It makes me feel better about google…



    the link shows a white page now, but has code on it….white text….lol

    don’t fall in love with google to much, rofl


    He is a major spammer, he probably has dozens of sites scraped that belong to CAP members.

    It will be good riddance when google wipes him off the earth.


    That’s great Dom, I’ve been trying to get a spammer out of my results for about a month now. I’ve also had help from greek, and aksana.. but so far the spammer is still there.

    I still think we should have a subforum for spam reports.. we should all pitch in to boot confirmed spammers.

    Your report on G taking action and actually giving you precious feedback brings hope..


    Thanks for sharing the information from google Dom! :)

    Atleast we know someone is doing some type of work there. hehe

    I have been targetted by spammers with bots and found multiple domains with duplicate content of my entire main site, but have not had any luck yet. I’m hoping that will change soon though.

    I like the subforum idea. We need to work together to fight the scumbag spammers.


    Report spammer to google use spam report in your google webmaster tool.


    google IMHO is now just finally addressing these matters because it has spilled over into the mainstream.

    gambling … is not a concern to them ….. again IMHO. even though we …. and porn ….. are leading edge in many points ….. because of our content …. they don’t give a damn until it starts effecting mainstream niches.

    but I”m glad to hear they’re starting to make an effort.


    I saw people used spam tool to build page rank. you may report to google about spam in your webmaster tool. It is not a good method to promote online casino


    Woha Dom, you’re one of a rare few to get a response to spam complaints.

    Keep up the good work :)


    Actually, when I click the basic message I get a longer version:

    November 2, 2007

    Thank you for submitting a spam report for this site:

    We take the quality of our results very seriously, and we thoroughly investigate every report of deceptive practices and take appropriate action when we uncover genuine abuse. In especially egregious cases, we will remove spammy websites from our index immediately, so they don’t show up in search results at all. At a minimum, we’ll use the data from each spam report to improve our site ranking and filtering algorithms, which, over time, should increase the quality of our results.

    We appreciate your taking the time to help us improve our service for your fellow users around the world. By helping us eliminate spam, you’re saving millions of people time, effort and energy.


    Canned response.

    Has anyone ever gotten an actual human response from Google with follow up and action taken?


    I can tell you no, because it isn’t done.

    Canned responses are actually a huge step forward for google. The normal thing is complete silence. Canned responses seem to be selective as of yet, too. Most receive nothing.

    Action taken – yes, many times the reported group of sites (never one but networks of blackhat sites) have disappeared within a week (sometimes two) of my reporting. None of these reports got even a canned response, but action was taken.

    Feedback – generally not happening. You can get feedback if you report through the google webmaster tools, but it is extremely rare.

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