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    I was on pokeraffiliateprograms and pokermonger mentioned google analytics is not great for casino affiliates as you should not notify google too much about casino affiliates. Could anyone else give any comments about this I dont completely understand.


    I don’t see any reason not to use Google Analytics.


    Google analytics is very useful, and I don’t understand what you mean when you say that is not good for casino affiliates.

    It’s very good tool and I recommend to use it.


    i have been using analytics for all my sites for a long time, no problems

    rob3786 wrote:
    Could anyone else give any comments about this I dont completely understand.

    I assume that it’s a scare post … or a conspiracy theory …

    (A) Google has been known to be cooperating with the US Government
    (B) Google Analytics would capture all outgoing destination jumps

    You could add A and B together and get :

    (C) Google theoretically could identify which sites are sending affiliate links to offshore gambling site and provide detailed information to Uncle Sam.

    A nice detailed report once per month – also tieing in the data from a WHOIS search on the domain and there could be a lot of worried US based affiliates …

    Of course no-one knows whether this is happening or not – but theoretically it IS possible …


    hehe, yes TheGooner, nice theory. But are there any terms and conditions for Google analytics? I think Google can’t share statistics for anyone even for US Government.


    anyone scared with letting Google Analytics in probably has something to hide? or a “gray area” SEO/SEM tactic? hehe. GA is fantastic for a free metrics package.


    do not worry. Use tool. All right.


    The question is not if google will give out the information, has the US gov’t ever stopped at anything when they wanted it?


    I use GA and run AdSense.

    I’m worried, google has all the info about my site from their SE spider, their AdSense spider and their GA stats. They know where your traffic comes from, how much traffic you get, on which pages etc.

    I think that’s a big concern, but i need the ad money and i can’t waste money on stats or be without them

    The one thing that they know about my sites, that i don’t, is the exact pages and adsense ads that generated clicks and revenues. In theory they should use this to increase ad revenues for both of us.

    The problem with google, is that it is google. Any huge player/near monopoly, has so much power that people are right to be concerned. How real those concerns are or what you do with that concern is the important thing.


    hi Amcan, I too used to be worried on the omnipresence of GOO but I learned to relax and not be paranoid about it. Unless you are pulling in $500 per day in Adsense, you probably won’t even register in their radar. Especially if your traffic is organic and natural due to real content. My opinion is GOO will be alerted for massive movements of traffic, massive spikes of traffic – they would know something’s up.

    enjoy your Sunday!


    What’s that based on ?
    Personal experience? Hearsay?

    I got pinged on Adwords within a month – and my total was under $100 for the month.


    If you want good stats, then Google Analytics is the best it gets. I see no reason not to use it. Everything here so far is conspiracy theory. Google isn’t out to get you, they are out to make the web a more relevant place for their users and make bucket loads of cash in the process. If you have a black hat spammy site, then maybe you can worry, but still Analytics wouldn’t be the place to worry about it.

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