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Goodnight Neteller

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  • #723129
    greek39 wrote:
    For every door that closes another will open

    You are correct, but unfortunately the trustworthy places will be the ones closing their doors and the crooks will be the ones opening up.


    Anyone remember the movie Untouchables? This online gambling ban is bull! Prohibition does not work.
    As if these government FAT HEADS weren’t getting unough of our money to waste. They can’t even handle thier own affairs. Politicians getting busted for Gay Kiddy Porn, fund raising violations, drug and or alchohol charges, fancy hotels, fancy dining, fancy housing, fancy cars, fraud, insider trading, and the list could go on and on. Wtf is up with the world we live in. What’s the big deal? They allow fast food which is truly damaging to people. Gasoline has been proven to hurt people. Beer and such has burdened many families. Rumor has it that cigarettes may also be harmfull. Hell even American Idol has ruined peoples lives. But as long as you get another freekin cut it’s OK? BULL****! I hate the way our so called freedom has to cost so much.

    What would we actually get if the GOV was getting a chunk? More politicians! More red tape! More Taxes! More BS!

    My kids in gradeschool get only 2 days of homework because the school can’t afford paper. They have to BRING a ball to school if they want any physical activity. But the taxes we pay every year are supposed to help our kids? Yeah right. My taxes paid could be put to better use I think.
    You know what we should do to give the finger to our GOV… we should all practice safe sex for 2 or 3 generations. Yeah thats right. Completely stop reproducing. We’ll dwindle in numbers as a country, so that we can lay off all the DONKEYS in office and start fresh. Then who would they get thier f***ing taxes from.

    Why couldn’t the casinos just sign up individual States as affiliates and allow US affiliates to join as sub affiliates to the State they live in. Would that be a big enough chunk of change? Just a thought, but as I hear, the government is only in business to sell WEAPONS, GASOLINE, and FDA APPROVED DRUGS.

    I learned that it is safer to smoke pot, than it is to gamble online. At least the punishment is less. So I’m sorta :Bong: :highflyer right now so forgive my :bullshit: :blahblah:


    ReDRulvl, you must not live in California since you forgot that we also spend money for illegals as well as others!


    Actually, I do live in Cali, Sac area in fact. However being raised by several types of households, black, white , hispanic, asian, Native American, short, fat…. and being in a casino environment, I’ve become immune to the burdens of border issues. Mexicans have been a major source of my income and provided me the ability to feed my family for a long time. These same people that look for a ‘better life’ in America have come a long way for a PIPE DREAM. All our idols are liars and druggies (stoners excluded), and our police are abusive, and the leaders are nearly all crooks+liars+druggies+little boy touchers. I would give my right pinky toe nail, just to have one term with honesty in our government.

    P.S. Bleuze- Rent ‘A Day Without A Mexican’ it’s very enlightening.


    maybe I should open a service just do neteller exchange…

    receive Paypal or Egold then transfer funds to their account.

    Or collecet Neteller funds at low rate from those US player…



    I can’t stop working since I live in LA county and the county needs my money to pay the illegals health care and education expenses (higher than most state budgets + we have an extra tax to pay for their expenses). Besides, when I want work done, I want it done correctly!

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